Chapter 14. End of Story

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Somewhere in the Karaha Desert.

A dragon, now completely unrecognizable from before, crouched down on its face.

An ominous and gloomy black energy shimmered around the hard, glossy black leather.

A tender grass that had barely settled in the desert withered as soon as it touched the black aura.

The dragon’s eyelids trembled as the life around him was extinguished due to his aura.

At some point, the book was silent.

Lexion gasped for hot breath while hiding the book in his arms.

As if to protect himself, he created a large sphere of evil to protect the book.

It was strange to think that the book should be protected.

The bitter cold of the desert brushed through his skin as if it were cutting his skin, but his senses were dull and his emotions subsided.

Strangely enough, a human bracelet was shining on his claws.

The faintly sparkling black beads felt like Lexion’s own consciousness.

As the light faded, a sense of urgency overcame him that his consciousness would stop as well.

Lexion was barely holding on by relying on the light as his consciousness gradually faded and only his instincts were left.


Just when that name was left in his mind, he heard voices in the distance.

The dragon flinched and watched where the presences were.

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At that time, the book that seemed to be sleeping was activated and said.

– The main episode「End of the World」 will begin shortly.

At the same time, more black energy gathered around Lexion.

After a while, Lexion’s eyes flashed.

* * *

[Tiarozety’s POV]

After entering the Karaha desert, I walked for quite a long time.

From some point on, the desert was still.

The beasts, which had been appearing at any time, and the shady dark aura were no longer visible.

Only the endless fields greeted us.

It had been in this state ever since we came to the heart of the Karaha Desert.

Gregory, who had been walking for a while, murmured.

“Did you get it wrong? I don’t think there’s Lexion here…”

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Then Alois said,

“Life cannot live in the place where the evil dragon originally took root. Witchcraft is no exception.”

“Then, isn’t it even more unlikely that there is Lexion? He’s just a member of the evil dragon’s family…”

Alois, who was speechless at Gregory’s question, only licked her lips.

His gaze became persistent and he shrugged as I tried to step forward.

“Well, Lexion’s condition at that time was to the extent that it would be safe to say that he was an evil dragon. It might be different from other monsters.”

“… …”

“Anyway, as long as it’s going well, that’s fine.”

Gregory meekly acknowledged it, and Alois’ and my eyes met.

It was because his innocent attitude was unexpected.

After a while, Alois added an explanation.

“There are probably ‘spheres’ that are concentrated with malice hiding all over the place. The bigger it is, the more dangerous it is, so watch your step.”

“Is that what you’re saying?”

As soon as Alois finished speaking, Chris pointed to something.

Gregory’s, Alois’, and my gazes turned to Chris’s fingertips.

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I saw a huge black orb in the distance.

From this distance, it looked quite large, so it seemed terribly gigantic.

The sphere grew bigger and bigger, encroaching as if it were eating away the surroundings.

“Yes, that’s it.”

Alois sighed.

Then she met my gaze.

‘I think it’s over there, right?’

‘Yes. Maybe.’

I sneakily took out the compass from my bosom.

The direction it was pointing was exactly there.

Then Gregory and Chris, who knew nothing, had a serious discussion.

“Can’t we avoid it?”

“It’s not within range yet, so you’d better be careful from here.”

“Then we’ll wait here for now and look at the situation, then take a detour… …”

Gregory seemed to be wary of any danger.

It was only natural that we, the spies, had the top priority of shooting the Lexion.

Fearing that they might ask to go back from here, Alois intervened like a pro.

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“The presence of that means that we are closer to the evil dragon. There’s a good chance that the Duke is there…”


It was then.

Alois’s last words were buried in the screams.

A familiar, chilling cry resounded in my ears.


Everyone flinched at the cry of the evil dragon and prepared for battle.

After a while, the wings spread behind the black sphere, and then the evil dragon appeared.

A huge body was flying here at a terrifying speed.

“Oh, it’s the evil dragon! Avoid it!”

Gregory prepared to retreat as soon as the evil dragon appeared.

It was risky to encounter the main body of the evil dragon before even rescuing Lexion.

I stood motionless and faced the evil dragon.

It was because the fact that his outward appearance had already changed that much meant that Lexion was in a very bad condition.


At my signal, Alois nodded.

“It’s okay! Not yet…!”

Alois shouted as if comforting me.

The evil dragon approaching right in front of me flapped its wings and made a threatening gesture.

Chris and Gregory came out to cover Alois.

“Damn it! It’s already here… .”

Gregory mumbled as if he were gritting his teeth.

The look on Chris and Gregory’s faces was tense.

I blankly stared at the evil dragon.

Then I saw something shiny near the claw of the evil dragon.


It was the bracelet I gave to Lexion.

Bought from John.

‘That’s Lexion.’

After realizing that it was him, the tension was relieved.

It didn’t look like a threatening evil dragon anymore.

In fact, even though there was a moment of surprise, the evil dragon purposely sent a signal with a cry.

Seeing that it didn’t attack us even after coming here, it seemed that it had no intention of attacking us.

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A situation where it was only threatening.

‘Are you warning us to run away? Or are you trying to send a message?’

My eyes met with the evil dragon.

The golden eyes showed no emotion at all.

Strangely, though, it seemed like I knew what it wanted to say.

I bit my lower lip to hide my teary expression.

‘As expected, seeing that he’s still, it’s clear that he’s still conscious.’

He couldn’t communicate, but it was reported that he was holding out.

– You have to go directly into the evil dragon’s lair by yourself. Maybe the book is there.

‘You mean by myself? Aren’t I going with Alois?’

– She has work to do outside. After all, you’re the only one who can start and finish this job.

Sullivan’s request flashed through my mind.

I wondered if I could go to the evil dragon’s lair by myself now.

‘No way, did he come to meet me? For the ending?’

The moment I thought of it, I shouted to Gregory.

“Don’t attack!”

At my cry, Gregory and Chris stared at me.

Gregory frowned and said.

“Lady, now isn’t the time to be so relaxed….”

“I’m not just saying it. Look over there! That’s the bracelet I gave to the Duke a long time ago!”

As I pointed his finger at the evil dragon’s foot and explained it in frustration, Chris murmured.

“Certainly that……That’s what the duke always wore.”


“Think about it. Why didn’t the evil dragon attack us until now? It had plenty of time to attack.”

It was clear that everyone was shaken by my words.

“It has no intention of attacking us in the first place… … !”

It was the moment when I opened my mouth to persuade them more.

Suddenly the evil dragon rushed at me.


Gregory called me out in a scream.

The evil dragon that snatched me up in an instant began to fly like an arrow in the direction of the ‘sphere’.

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I saw Chris and Gregory come out with an aura wrapped around them and follow the evil dragon closely.

I had almost persuaded them, but I looked vainly at Lexion, who showed unexpected behavior.

But when I felt his feet tremble slightly, I felt choked up.

‘What the hell are you thinking, you.’

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In the air, two books were activated and each started its own guidance.

It was the first time that it was active because it was Lexion’s book, which was always in invisible mode.

The white faded book looked very old.

‘As expected, what Alois saw was Lexion’s book.’

Then a white book guided me.

– The penalty did not work because of the accepted relationship.

From the guide’s explanation, I understood why Lexion suddenly kidnapped me.

‘You thought you would lose consciousness if you received more penalties here.’

With numerous penalties already, he was almost assimilated with the evil dragon.

Now, the progress was so fast that he couldn’t speak or express his intentions.

But I wasn’t afraid of him.

Even though it tried to grab me and drag me somewhere, it was more affectionate than scary.

The sharp claws seemed to be gripping me loosely, to prevent me from being injured.

Such a trivial act was somehow reassuring and I was about to burst into tears.

‘Yes, I was going to move to the sphere anyway. Maybe this is better.’

Of course, Gregory and Chris, who were below, must have been surprised because they didn’t know anything.

Alois will take care of the situation and take the next step.

Then the flaming book said.

– The story changes. Use Asta to the Evil Dragon right now!

“… …”

– A penalty will be given for refusal! The countdown begins.

The guide started the countdown more urgently than usual.

It was as if it was taken aback by the sudden unexpected behavior on the other side.

But I didn’t do anything and was just taken away by the evil dragon.

Not yet.

After a while, when the countdown was all over, the guide muttered coolly.

– A penalty is awarded for Tiarozety Esol’s refusal to play the role.


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