[Tiarozety’s POV]

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It was that moment.


I thought I heard a sound like an aura exploding, and then the evil dragon stumbled.

Someone had attacked the evil dragon.


“Let go of Tiarozety!”

Gregory’s sword, which approached before I knew it, cut the wing of the evil dragon.

Following that, Chris also cut his sword into the remaining wing of the evil dragon.

It seemed like an attempt to stop the flying.

I shrieked as if screaming.

“No! Don’t!”


But my cry was hidden by the evil dragon’s cry.

Gregory, without hesitation, raised his sword and tried to tear off the dragon’s wings.

– The penalty effect has accelerated Gregory and Chris’ pursuit.

‘This is how it’s going to come out, this!’

My eyes widened at the tyranny of the book.

Somehow, it didn’t make sense to catch up on this distance in such a short time.

– Keu, keuleu… …

Lexion moaned in pain but did not stop flying.

“Don’t, don’t! Don’t do that!”

I cried and cried out, but it did not reach Gregory.

When the wings were broken, the evil dragon eventually lowered its flight.

I shouted at the evil dragon without hesitation.


As expected, Less than half of Ejis’s power was transmitted to Lexion.

Last time, I felt dizzy when I used my powers because I was overdoing it last time.

But it wasn’t to the point of fainting.

After that day, I didn’t use Asta because I was afraid that Lexion would be harmed.

If I had used it, I would have used Ejis comfortably, but if I did, Lexion would have been in danger.

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At that time, the evil dragon roared loudly as if Ejis had worked.

– Kieeeg!

Then, with all his might, he flapped his wings vigorously.

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In the aftermath, Chris and Gregory, who were clinging to the wing, slipped and fell.

“Why the hell…?!”

Gregory, who met my eyes, shouted something at me.

He thought he saw me healing the evil dragon.

I laughed awkwardly.

After a while, I was sucked into the sphere with the evil dragon.

* * *

[Third Person POV]

“Damn it!”

Gregory slammed his fist on the floor and vented his anger.

The desert sand clung to his knuckles and made them rough.

Alois, who followed him before he knew it, gasped and said.

“Ha, ha, listen to me… !”

“Miss Tiarozety was dragged into the sphere. Is there any way to get in?”

Chris asked urgently.

Several attempts have already been made to enter the sphere, but due to the enormous barrier, he couldn’t invade even a single fingertip.

Obviously, it seemed to have prevented him from chasing the evil dragon after it entered.

Alois calmly explained the situation.

“First of all, we have to trust Miss Tiarozety and do what we can here.”

“What do you mean? You knew this would happen?”

“No! I didn’t know! Don’t hold me responsible because I’m also very flustered!”

Alois blocked Chris’ rebuttal and drew something on the floor.

This was unexpected.

Not only did she not know the state of the duke was at that point, but she was also stunned by the sudden kidnapping of Tiarozety.

‘Well, there’s no way things will go smoothly like this!’

Alois continued to take a deep breath to relieve her nervous mind and body.

It was done without time to explain the situation.

Of course, it was something she couldn’t explain, so she only discussed it with Tiarozety.

Alois’ spells drawn in the sand easily disappeared in a single blow from the wind.

“This won’t work either.”

Alois calmly took a large piece of parchment out of her bag.

On top of that, there was a spell that had already been drawn.

Alois, who spread the parchment in order, said.

“Help me with this!”

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It was necessary to secure it so that it would not blow away in the wind.

Chris tried to help Alois in a daze but flinched at the handkerchief that fell next to Alois.

Then Gregory said.

“What the hell are you hiding?”


Alois looked up blankly, and Gregory snatched her by the wrist and growled.

“I’m asking if this happened because of the book or something.”


“Explain, why on earth did Lexion become an evil dragon, and why did Tiarozety follow him on her own two feet?“ 

Shocked, Alois slumped into her spot.

* * *

[Tiarozety’s POV]

It was hard to move my body as soon as I entered the sphere with concentrated malice.

My body felt heavy, as if a heavy stone had been placed on it as if gravity had doubled.

As soon as the evil dragon entered the sphere, it fell head-first to the ground as if fainting.

He looked limp as if he had used up all his strength.

In the meantime, the soles of his feet held in concave so as not to injure me from the impact of my landing, were still cool and cold.

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I crawled to the side where his head was.

He breathed heavily and his golden eyes blinked.

I put my hand to his face and whispered.

“Zion… Can you hear me?”

– … … 

“Sorry, I made you like this.”

Tears welled up and dropped on his cheeks.

He purred, closing his golden eyes slowly.

It’s like you’re telling me it’s not my fault.

I guess he doesn’t know that makes me cry even more.

“Where is the book?”

At my question, Lexion nodded with difficulty.

A white book was lying where his gaze landed.

Seeing that the activated book was still floating, it seemed to be the main body.

I crawled again and put my hand on the white book.

Synchronization was not done.

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If I did, Kun would try to erode Sullivan’s consciousness again.

Instead, I opened the book and opened the reward page.

There, the terms and conditions of Lexion’s compensation were written.

[Reward content: Tiarozety Esol is with you without returning.

Reward condition: Ruining Tiarozeety’s world.]

Then I took my book out of my bag and opened the reward page.

[Reward content: Return to the original world.

Reward condition: Complete the ending.]

I stared blankly at the contents of the two rewards.

As Sullivan said, it seemed that there was a way to reverse the situation.

After a while, the red book said.

– You have entered the Lair of the Evil Dragon. To get out of here, you must kill the evil dragon.

“… …”

– Currently, the evil dragon is fatally injured. Take your chance and get rid of the evil dragon! The ending buff makes movement easier for a while.

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I slowly stood up holding the book at the cheerful voice of the book.

As the ending is approaching, you’re giving me such a precious buff with a lot of kindness.

I was rather grateful.

It meant that the book had no doubts at all.

‘He’s trying to kill Lexion’s body and turn him into a real evil dragon. To make it belong to him.’*

TL/N: ‘He’ refers to Kun.

I approached Lexion slowly.

He blinked repeatedly to reassure me.

I knelt down in front of him and whispered so that only he could hear.

“Don’t worry, Zion. I won’t let you be alone.”

– Keuleu… …

“I’m sorry, it might hurt a little right now. Still, I have to do it.”


“If I fail, I will follow you. So wait with peace of mind.”

― !!

At my request, Lexion’s eyes widened.

I kissed him lightly.

The pressed lips that swore a noble oath trembled.

Lexion groaned as if trying to stand up.

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But in the end, he couldn’t get up and sat down.

“Shhh, it’s all right.”

After lightly comforting him, I mustered up the courage to open my mouth.


As soon as the word Asta came out of my mouth, a blue light appeared.

The blue light that exploded enveloped both the evil dragon and me.

– Keu, keuleu……!

The evil dragon gritted his teeth and endured a groan.

I shed tears as I hugged him tightly.

My heart was broken beyond comparison to what I imagined.

With my hands, with this power.

It became difficult to breathe as the situation in which I had to kill him came to life in front of me.

“Heueug, I’m sorry. I’m sorry, Lexion.”

His body trembled.

The stronger the blue light, the more full I became.

My life was filled in exchange for killing him.

I hated the feeling horribly, but I endured it.

After a while.

Just like that


Lexion drooped.


I stared blankly at the golden eyes that had lost their light.

No more blinking or growling.

The eyes that lost focus just stared at me.


I killed Lexion.

When the fact was etched in my bones, I was about to loathe myself.

But there was no time to criticize myself.

‘It’s okay, from now on is what’s important.’

I struggled to suppress the disgust that was creeping up on me.

When the evil dragon died, the sphere was about to collapse.

The book spoke cheerfully as the black orb was about to fade.


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