[Gregory’s POV]

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Gregory shook Ruden’s head lightly, grumbling because he couldn’t remember his name.

Yes, it’s been a long time since the feverish love cooled down.

It is a heart that has become dull enough that it will no longer tremble even when we face each other.

Of course, there are times when she still makes my heart pound like faded memories.

Gregory shook off his thoughts and said to Ruden.

“Are you talking about Queen Tiarozety Sparrow, son?”

“Ah! That’s right, Tiarozety Sparrow!”

“You have to call her Queen.”

“Uungg, queen! So pretty, ah! Of course, my mom is the prettiest.”

Ruden wondered as if he remembered his mother belatedly.

The woman Ruden loved most was Elencia.

“I invited her to our Ruden’s birthday party, so she’ll come, right?”

“Exciting! I wish she’d bring many many many marshmallows!”

“If you eat too many sweets, your teeth will rot.”

“Tch, it’s my birthday…”

Ruden puffed up his cheeks and made a sulky face.

Gregory got up and changed the subject.

“Now, Dad is the tagger. I’ll give you 10 seconds.”


Ruden dashed off at the words 10 seconds.

It was his will to get as far away from his father as possible.

It was a face that had completely forgotten about talking about marshmallows just now.

Gregory smiled with his eyes closed.

“10, 9, 8, 7….

Ruden ran as far away from Gregory as possible.

Gregory gazed with satisfaction at the sight of his son waddling and running.

* * *

[Tiarozety’s POV]

The delegation to the Arden Empire arrived in the capital a day before the birthday banquet.

“You worked hard to come.”

Chris, who was waiting at the Arden Imperial Palace, was the first to greet Tiarozety and Lexion.

As an ally, when they came to the Empire, they would stay in the VIP room of the detached palace.

Chris was here in advance because he was the consulate connecting Arden and Bael.

“Long time no see, Sir Chris. You look better.”

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“I guess it’s because I was only hit by cold winds in the north and then by warm winds here.”

Chris scratched his cheek and laughed awkwardly.

“Good work, Chris.”

“Thank you for trusting me, Your Majesty.”

Chris responded with a grin at Lexion’s encouragement.

At that time, Alois, who was behind Tiarozety, peeped at Chris.

Judging by the look on her face, she had a lot to say.

However, since it is in front of the king and his wife, she just endured it.

Tiariozety opened her mouth cautiously.

“It’s been a while since you’ve seen Alois, so come and talk. Zion and I are going to rest at the accommodation anyway.”

“Ah, can I do that?”

Alois responded warmly.

Tiarozety smiled knowingly and winked at Daisy.

“Yes, because Daisy is there.”

“I’ll take care of you, my queen.”

Tiarozety nodded lightly at Daisy’s reply.

As Tiarozety and Lexion’s party disappeared, Alois moved closer to Chris.

“It’s so hard to see your face”

“You must have missed me a lot.”

“You couldn’t come the last vacation because of the heavy snow.”

“It was an unusually heavy snowfall in the Empire.”

“Isn’t there anything inconvenient?”

“I’m getting along just fine. Don’t worry.”

Chris smiled and answered lightly.

“Any good news?”

“As expected, that was the main point.”

Chris shook his head as if he knew.

Although they were siblings who were close to marriageable ages, they had no lovers, so they had to worry about each other.

“I don’t care if she is an imperial citizen. Because the days when we were enemies are over.”

“There should be, there should be.”

Chris let out a deep sigh as if he was tired.

Then, in the distance, golden hair popped out from among the bushes.

“Your Highness the Crown Prince.”

Chris recognized him and saluted him.

As Alois also bowed, Ruden and Dodo also came running.

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“Are you from the kingdom of Bael, sister?”


“Then the pretty queen must have come too?”

“She just went to the accommodation, and you probably won’t see her at the dinner….”

“Wahh! Marshmallow!”

Ruden didn’t even listen to Alois’ answer and ran away.

Chris said as Alois stood in an awkward posture.

“You don’t have to feel awkward because he just says what he wants to say and disappears.”

“I can’t get used to it. This is why children are trouble.”

Alois straightened her back and let out a deep sigh.

* * *

[Tiarozety’s POV]

It was just when Lexion and I were unpacking and resting.

“Your Highness! You can’t run like that!”

“If you go in without knocking…!”

I wondered if there was a commotion outside, but Ruden stormed in proudly.

“Hello, queen!”

“Your Highness Ruden.”

Ruden ran quickly as I greeted him with a faint smile.

“I’m here to get a present!”

“I was going to give you a present tomorrow?”

“Give it to me now! If I get it later, it’ll be taken away.”

Ruden pressed the hem of my skirt and urged me.

When I looked at Lexion with a troubled look, he hugged Ruden. 

“I wonder what gift did you expect me to give to be so excited?”


“You’re brilliant. But you should only eat three marshmallows a day.”

“It’s my birthday. Can I have 10?”

“If you get permission from the Emperor.”


Ruden whined and slapped Lexion on the shoulder.

Of course, the three-year-old’s punch was less than a cotton bat*.

TL/N: Very light punishment/hit

When Lexion put him down, Ruden flopped into a chair.

“If you don’t give me the marshmallow, I won’t go out.”

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“That’s troubling.”

I smiled because Ruden was cute.

I knew this would happen, so I had a secret weapon prepared.

“Actually, I brought another gift this time. If you promise to wait until tomorrow for the marshmallow, I’ll give it to you.”

“What is it?”

Ruden looked at me with his ears pricked up.

The amber eyes were very round.

I gave Ruden the toy that Daisy had brought.

Ruden cheered as soon as he opened the box.

“Wahh! It’s a music box!”

Ruden’s eyes shone brightly as he saw the music box containing the scenery of the River Tier in the north.

I’ve felt this from before, but Ruden was quick to switch topics.

If I were in trouble, I could roughly distract his attention.

“Your Majesty, for a moment…….”

When Aiden whispered in his ear as if he had some business, Lexion apologized and went with him to the balcony.

It was the time when I was in the middle of playing with Ruden while waiting for Lexion.

A familiar face appeared through the open door.

It was Elencia.


Elencia, who hesitated outside the door, gave a shallow exclamation when our eyes met.

She was probably caught while gauging the timing to come in.

As a result, Ruden, who was preoccupied with the music box, found Elencia.


Then he carefully set down the music box and ran to Elencia.

Elencia hugged him and entered the room reluctantly.

“I heard that you were here. Ruden has been rude again.”

“No, don’t worry about it.”

“Thank you, queen. Ruden, I told you not to act rashly when the royal delegation came, but did you trouble the queen again?”

“I’m sorry…”

Ruden’s spirits were dashed.

He snuggled into his mother’s arms and whined.

Elencia sighed and exhaled and patted him on the back as he was about to cry.

“Was there any inconvenience in coming?”

“Thanks to your consideration, I came safely.”

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“Ruden waited a long time for the queen to come.”

“For the marshmallows?”

When I asked with a smile, Elencia laughed in unison.

“Yes, I guess it was delicious then. He often looks for it.”

“I actually heard from Chris, so I brought plenty this time.”

“Thank you.”

Elencia smiled softly.

Thanks to her approaching me first every time I came to the empire, I had a lot of conversations with her.

“If you don’t mind, would you like a cup of tea before dinner, queen?”

“That’s good. Daisy, when His Majesty returns later, tell him that I have gone to see the Empress.”

“Yes, I will.”

When Daisy answered tactfully, Elencia led me to her spot.

By the time we got to the glass garden.

Ruden was asleep in his mother’s embrace.

Elencia couldn’t put Ruden down and was restless.

“Maybe because it’s his mom’s arms, he falls asleep easily.”

“He’s a big baby. Queen, if you don’t mind, can I just lay Ruden in the bedroom for a while? I think he’d wake up if I left it to the maid.”

“Yes. See you.”

“Take care of the queen.”

“Yes. Empress.”

Elencia entrusted me to an attendant and disappeared with Ruden.

While waiting for Elencia, sweet desserts were served one after another.

It was a light dessert that would be okay to eat before dinner.

It was when I picked up the fruit skewer and munched.

Rattle, I could hear the sound in the background.

Thinking she came sooner than expected, I turned around to see Gregory standing there.



We recognized each other at the same time and our eyes widened.

Gregory approached me after touching the back of his hair awkwardly.

“I heard that Elencia went to the glass garden.”

“Ah, she’s away for a while to put Ruden to sleep.”

“I see.”

Gregory seemed to be smiling faintly, but then stood there.

I offered him a seat as he seemed to be contemplating whether he should stay or not.

“I haven’t seen you in a long time. Please sit down.”

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