[Tiarozety’s POV]

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Lexion belatedly noticed my intentions and let out a shallow exclamation.

His voice was a mixture of fluster and embarrassment.

His ears seemed to burn slightly with joy.

He was so lovable that I burst out laughing like a deflated balloon.

I naturally took a step back to let him go, but he grabbed my arm.

His dark eyes were deeply sunken.

The endless darkness always made me feel relieved and helped me to calm down.

As I stared with a big smile, but Lexion hesitantly bit his lower lip.

I touched his lips with my finger and said.

“You said something embarrassing earlier. Did you suddenly become shy, Your Majesty?”

“Because you said something so unexpected.”

“It’s not unexpected. I was just thinking about it.”

It wasn’t that I didn’t want to have children.

I was just hesitating because I wasn’t sure if I could be a mother or if I could do well.

However, when I think about it, the criteria for ‘ready’ was not clear.

A vague fear.

Maybe I was just worried about the unknown territory without even walking down the road.

Eventually, the process of having a child may be a process of being prepared.

I thought I would be happy if a lovely child like Lexion was born.

A child grows up on its own.

I just raise my child with love.

I looked at Lexion and said.

“I want to have a child who looks like Zion.”

“I wish it could look like Titi.”

“Then shall we pray for the birth of a child who looks like both of us?”

When I playfully suggested a second alternative, Lexion smiled.

He said, kissing me briefly on the forehead.

“As much as you like, Titi.”

* * *

The capital was bustling with the birthday of the prince.

The grandiose party had an effect on the outside, making it noisy everywhere.

Lexion and I escaped from the palace at night in disguise.

It was to see the fireworks at night.

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‘Come to think of it, there’s going to be fireworks today, Zion.’

‘I was just going to say it.’

‘Since we couldn’t go before, should we go for a short time this time?’


It was a night market that emerged spontaneously, but the atmosphere remained.

With the evil dragon gone, the streets with no more worries about being attacked seemed as lively as before.

Thanks to this, it was so full that I couldn’t tell whether it was a person or a path.

TL/N: Can’t see the road in front of them

I looked around for a place to sit, holding an armful of street food to eat while watching the fireworks.

Then Zion took the carrier bag from me, put it in one arm, and held out his hand.

“I know a quiet place.”

“A quiet place?”

“Yeah. It’s a great place that no one else can go to.”

Lexion led me somewhere without explanation.

As I went through the crowd, there were fewer and fewer people.

And what I saw is the spire in the middle of the capital city.

There was a gatekeeper in front to see that no one could enter the place.

As Lexion approached, the knight saluted, and he obediently opened the door.

When I looked at it in bewilderment, Lexion said.

“It’s a spire built for capital security. I got permission from Greg in advance.”


When festivals and other events are held, numerous incidents and accidents occur in the capital city.

So, in order to observe the boundaries of the surroundings, they used to build tall spires like this.

“There are a total of eight spires besides this one.”

“I think it’s an abuse of public power.”

“Then shall we go down the road?”

“Who asked to go down?”

I laughed and climbed the stairs.

When I went up three spaces, I turned around and said.

“We still have time. Shall we play a game?”

“What game?”

“Play rock-paper-scissors and the winner goes up two spaces.”

“Is the starting line different?”

“Let’s say it’s Zion’s penalty.”

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As I smiled and stretched my arms out in front of me, Lexion shook his head as if he couldn’t stop me.

“If you don’t play, you lose. Rock, paper, scissors!”

I shouted rock-paper-scissors out of the blue.

I and Lexion continued the game until we reached the top.

After tossing and turning, when the last space is left.

I looked at Lexion with a nervous face.

This was because the match was decided by this one round.

Lexion just grinned as if it didn’t matter whether he lost or won.


“I won!”

I hopped through the last space and hurrahed.

And it was when I turned around to show off.

Lexion, who was two spaces down, put down the bag on one side and raised his big hand to cover my cheek.

Oops, the upper body tilted without a moment’s notice.

His dark eyes seemed to come closer in front of my eyes, and something soft touched my lips.


It wasn’t a kiss that attached for a moment and fell.

A new moan escaped my suddenly swallowed lips, but Lexion did not let me go.

It was when I was colored with the sweetness of winning rather than the feeling of victory.

He said, parting his lips loudly.

“It’s a reward for beating me.”

“Didn’t you just want to kiss?”

“Yes, it’s an excuse.”

With those words, Lexion climbed to my position in one step.

Then he took my hand and led me to one side of the wall at the top of the spire.

I leaned my back against the wall, guided by him obediently.

I climbed a fairly long flight of stairs, and thanks to the kiss, my chest moved up and down greatly.

Lexion carefully lifted my chin.

His black eyes caught the moonlight and the light of the torch, giving off a mysterious color.

In it, my reddened cheeks were reflected.

He carefully put his lips on my forehead and kissed my eyes, cheeks, earlobes, and chin in turn.

I accepted his kiss obediently, feeling ticklish and the familiar tingle.

It wasn’t until the very end that his lips landed on mine.

Naturally, my eyelashes trembled, and the hand holding his chest tightened.

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He opened his mouth in a flirtatious action.

Between them, something hot and soft slowly invaded.

The throat swayed by itself, and the breaths mingled with each other.

My breathing became rough and his legs gradually gave out.

Lexion tilted my body towards him and fixed my back firmly.

His big hand, which touched my back as much as his hot lips, was also hot.

A firm hand deliberately traced the curve of my back.

As I flinched involuntarily, I felt the corners of his lips rise.

I felt like only Lexion and I were left in the world.

After a long kiss, Lexion put our foreheads together and put some distance between them.

But we were still close, his breath tickling the tip of my nose.

“You know, Titi.”


I stared at him in a daze, replying sluggishly.

He also had a disheveled look on his face just like me.

His expression after the kiss was unbearably sexy.

Looking at that face, it was hard to bear it as if I had turned into a beast.

Lexion cupped my chin with one hand and pressed down on my lips with his thumb.

“Do you know how beautiful you look with your back against the moonlight?”


“It’s hard to hold it in when I see you. So I keep wanting to kiss your shiny silver hair.”

With those words, Lexion grabbed a handful of my hair and bit it.

His eyes were still on me as he spoke.

“I want to keep swallowing your small lips.”


Lexion bit my lip and fell off.

“I want your eyes, as clear as a lake to be filled with me.”

After saying that, Lexion leaned his forehead again.

As he said, my eyes will be full of him.

As if he only sees me in his eyes.

“When I look at the night sky, I think of Zion, too. Zion has always been like night to me.”

“You hated nights in the past, but it’s a set value.”

“Well, I loved Zion’s dark night-like black eyes even then. It was the only dark color that wasn’t scary.”


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“Because the existence of Zion itself gave me a sense of security, enough to make me forget the fear of being trapped inside a book.”

I smiled softly at those words.

As if trying to let you know that you were as big and generous as the night sky to me.

Lexion’s eyes drew a soft arc.

“Titi puts me in trouble by saying embarrassing things casually.”

“Are you in trouble?”

“Yes, I’m in a lot of trouble. It’s all the more difficult because this place is outside.”


I burst out laughing at Lexion’s fretful expression.

And then.

It’s time. Piyung-! 

With a sound, lights began to bloom in the night sky.


An exclamation broke out automatically.

Zion and I sat in a suitable spot and watched the fireworks.

Colorful firecrackers scattered in the sky, creating a spectacular view.

The fireworks that I finally saw after turning around were more beautiful than I could have imagined.

I leaned my head on his shoulder and murmured.

“I found out when I met Zion that I could love someone this hard.”

“……Me too. If it weren’t for you, I’d still be floundering because I couldn’t escape the books’ restrictions.”

“I will continue to love you, Zion.”

“Me, too, gladly.”

Lexion’s lips touched the top of my head and fell off.

After a while, he put his head on top of mine.

We silently leaned on each other and watched the fireworks.

In the future, we will always be next to each other and do everything together.

We will love and cherish each other with all our might.

I smiled faintly as I reflected on that unchanging fact.

<「Side Story. Meaning Of Each Other」 Finished >

TL/N: It’s finally completed!!!!! I can’t believe I finished this! This was my first real project and it was a fun ride! I felt this story had some unexpected twists and turns which made for a very interesting read. I hope you guys enjoyed the story as much as I did! Apart from our main OTP getting their happy ending,  I’m glad that Gregory, Lexion and Tiarozety are still friends with one another and that Gregory, who finally has his own family, is growing to love Elencia.

Thank you Jassie for sharing the raws and showing me the ropes! I’m super happy and proud to finish translating this!

Sometimes it felt like a lonely journey and that no one was that interested in this story but I’m thankful to all those who liked and commented! I truly appreciate every single one of them.

I’ll see you all at my next/current projects on Pink Muffin! PS. [The Reason I Have To Be A Villain] & [A Maid Was More of My Calling Than a Princess.] !!

With Love,

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