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I stared at the teacup.

Even though Cassius was obsessed with Ophelia. But, anyway, she followed me so much that I became a target, too. So, there was no harm with being careful.

“I have no appetite.”

“That is too bad.”

Cassius, who uttered a short reply, savored the tea gracefully.

His long, knotted hands like a pianist moved slowly, holding the teacup.

He looked like the mythical god of beauty, but I did not fall for it easily. Because I was reading every detail of what he was doing with that beautiful face.

With my own eyes.



Startled, I looked up at Cassius. Every word he said made me incredibly nervous.

“I would like to hear more. What misunderstanding are you making…”

I bit my lip.

“No matter what I say, you would just make an excuse for it, wouldn’t you?”

“What do you mean by excuse? I am hurt.”
Cassius continued softly. “I am sure I have only told the truth.”

“I will ask you again. Evelyn.”

He then leaned towards me. I could now smell the musk, which was like his body odor again.

“The reason you did not drink the tea… Is it because you really do not have an appetite?”

I licked my lips.
I wanted to get out of this position right away, but the pressure from Cassius weighed on me.


Hearing my answer, his eyes narrowed slightly before opening his mouth again.

“Isn’t the reason why you did not even put it in your mouth is because you are afraid the teacup is poisoned?”

My body was naturally stiff. I was shocked and just stared at him blankly.

Because of that, Cassius let out a small laugh.

“Well, I will prove that it was just a false guess. Then…”

Saying that, he slowly took my teacup with a graceful hand.

“If I prove that it is not poisonous, please drink this tea.”

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There was no more room to escape.

So, I nodded.

At that, he took the teacup and took a sip. The sculpture-like turmeric moved with a small sound of water flowing.

Moments after, he put down his teacup and looked straight at me.

“What do you think? Do I look like someone who was poisoned?”


I replied reluctantly.

“That’s a good thing, then.”

Cassius then poured the tea into a new teacup from the teapot that the maid had left behind, before handing it to me.

I did not take the cup. Instead, I pointed to the teacup, which Cassius had taken a sip a moment ago.

“I would like to drink that.”
Cassius frowned and opened his mouth.

“Are you sure?”


Of course, there is no way I would want to drink tea that someone else drank before. It was only because of a fear that something had been tampered with in the teapot.

So, I got up and brought my cup before Cassius could touch it, and drank the tea that had already cooled, which had no scent at all.

“Is this fine?”

Fortunately, I did not feel anything wrong.


As he uttered a few short words, Cassius seemed somehow happy. He seemed to think he had won the battle.


How the hell am I supposed to deal with this madman?

Suddenly, someone knocked on the door again.

“Sister, it is me. Excuse me, but can I come in? I have something to tell you.”


I jumped up from my seat. Ophelia has always been welcome, but not right now.

At that, he spoke in a strange voice.

“Miss Ophelia is… bold.”

I clenched my teeth.

It was understandable why Ophelia was trying to meet me with such a ridiculous excuse. Since I made a fuss to her that I never wanted to marry Cassius. So, this would otherwise be Ophelia’s attempt to save me.

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I stared at Cassius and opened my mouth.

“Don’t touch that kid.”


Although he had a look on his face that I could not even guess what was on his mind.

“She is a child who cannot be happy by your side. So…”


My words were cut off by Cassius’ cynicism.

“Sisterhood is a good thing.”


Like a beast, the golden yellow eyes shone dangerously.

“But Evelynn, it’s time for you to know.”

Saying that, Cassius stood up and slowly approached me. ​​When he finally reached a distance where I could feel his breath, he whispered in my ear.

“I wanted only you from the beginning.”

Cassius whispered that one word and stepped back with a satisfied look on his face.

At that, I lost strength in my legs and fell to the floor.


There was only one question that came to mind.

…Why? Why?

As I was lost in my thoughts, Cassius bent his knees and came down eye level with me.

Word came from his mouth softly.

“You seem very surprised.”
His voice woke me up, and I hurriedly got up and stepped back. My hair turned white and I could not even say anything.
It was then.

“Sister! I am coming in!”

Ophelia, like a savior, slammed the door and entered the room.

I ran towards her immediately.
Now that I found out that Cassius’ purpose was not Ophelia, she was now the only person who could save my life.


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Looking at me, Ophelia seemed bewildered.

“Let’s get out.”

Without even breathing, I grabbed Ophelia’s hand and left.

It was none of my business now about Cassius Brudenell, who would have been left alone inside.

What kind of man in the world falls for me, and leaves the nice and pretty Ophelia?

Though, of course, considering that the opponent was Cassius Brudenell, it was not very surprising. It would not even be strange if he fell in love with Evelyn’s great-great-grandmother, not me.
If it were someone else’s business, I would have watched while chewing popcorn.

If only I were not the one involved!
I briefly explained the situation to the maids, who came running in surprise.

“I have a headache all of a sudden, so I need to rest.”

I made up roughly the reason for suddenly running out like this. Fortunately, the maids seemed to believe what I said.

At that, ​​I took Ophelia’s hand and went up to my room.


Ophelia looked at me with her moist eyes as she asked that.

“What happened?”

I slowly opened my mouth, staring at Ophelia’s purple eyes that seemed to be sucking me in. “…Lord Cassius proposed to me.”

“But sister, that was a fact everyone knows because he sent you a proposal.”


I swallowed dry saliva.

…How can I say this?

Cassius Brudenell was originally supposed to be the man who fell in love with you, but now, he said he was obsessed with me because I interfered with it.
And, his obsession is almost like a death sentence.

‘No, it is worse than the death penalty.’

It is kind of like torture…

I tried to ignore the passages in the book that kept coming to mind.

When Ophelia woke up after taking the sleeping pill, losing her consciousness… What do I care if Cassius Brudenell’s naked torso was visible or not?


When I came to my senses, Ophelia was gazing at me with a worried face.

I collected myself together and spoke.

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“It is a lot more serious than I thought. I thought I was going to get bitten…”

Saying that, I flopped down onto the armchair.

What happened next was obvious. I am forced to marry Cassius, and I am going to have to do this and that with him…

“Sister, your face is red. You must be really sick. I will tell the maids to bring you some medicine.”

“Oh, no,”

I hurriedly shook my head. Hearing her words, my face grew even hotter.

“I do not have time for this…”


There was no answer from Ophelia.

I touched my forehead.

Yes, even Ophelia can have a sharp eye.

“…Run away, sister,” Ophelia said softly.

I blinked my eyes.

Not anyone else, but Ophelia, was telling me to run away.

“Now I get it. Weren’t you trying to run away from Lord Cassius Brudenell then?”

At her question, I quietly nodded my head.

“Run away. This time, really, you are going to a place where Lord Cassius cannot go. Let me help you.”
Ophelia was not the usual weak and naive child.

This frail-looking little sister, holding my hand tightly and trying to soothe me in a firm tone…

Indeed, she was the heroine.

Not being snubbed by any threats from Cassius Brudenell.

“I have an idea. It seems that Lord Cassius really wants to marry sister quickly… Tomorrow, run away.”

“Not tomorrow.”

I shook my head at her suggestion.

“I have to go to Marquis Dave’s tea time. There is no time to get out.”

However, Ophelia shook her head.

“I will prepare everything you need to run away with. And, when you come back from tea time, if I pretend to be you and get in the carriage, no one will know until we arrive.”

Ophelia’s plan seemed reasonable at first glance.


The distance between the Marquis and the Countess was one hour by carriage. So, it was enough time for me to run away.

It was a perfect plan, except for the big problem that Ophelia had to take all the consequences of my escape.

“But, Ophelia, then you…!”

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