“I will stay here.”

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Ophelia replied with her sad face.

“Anyway, I am always a hindrance to sister.”


I swallowed dry saliva.

Ophelia’s words were not exactly wrong. If it were not for her, I would have abandoned the Countess earlier and ran away. After all, Evelyn’s parents were nothing but strangers to me.

But, I could never abandon Ophelia.

“Ophelia, wait a few more days and come with me. A delay of only a few days will not make much of a difference.”

“…Do you really think so?”
To be honest, I was really nervous.

Because it seemed like a madman like Cassius would kidnap me by giving me sleeping pills even tomorrow. However, that did not mean I could not abandon Ophelia.

“Well then, let’s see… We cannot use our family’s carriage this time. We will have to find one secretly.”

After all, if you give them the money, I am sure you will find as many skilled coaches as I can to take the two of us to the port right away.

The strategy was simple.

Take as much money as I can, and fly to the nearest port. Then, once I am out onto the sea, I will find a cruise ship that will sail for several months.

Since we have already tried Caruso as a destination, we will need to find another resort.
“Everything will be all right.”

I uttered to Ophelia to convince myself.

“Really… It is going to be fine.”


* * *


Of course, things were not that easy.

Especially, if you are dealing with a madman like Cassius Brudenell…!

“Evelyn, when you get back from tea time, prepare your engagement right away. It is tomorrow.”

As I was preparing for the Marquis’s tea time, I stumbled into my seat.


I looked straight at my mother, leaving the maids’ screams behind.

“What do you mean? Lord Cassius has not even sent me an engagement gift yet!”

Hearing that, mother’s eyebrows twitched.

“I have already got it.”

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“Did you get it? I did not even see it!”

“It was mines. If you want, I will show you the documents right now.”

It was so much like Evelyn’s parents that I could not even laugh. I just felt sorry for myself for being so attached to them.

I muttered hopelessly.

“Does it have to be tomorrow? I think I will be ready in a week or so…”

“It has to be tomorrow.”

Still, my mother answered firmly.

“Won’t a trouble maker like you change your mind after an engagement ceremony?”

I regretted that I should have followed Ophelia’s plan, but it was too late. It was almost impossible to run away on the way back from tea time because we had not prepared anything.

‘Somehow, to escape on the day of the engagement…’

I tore my hair out.


As is customary in this world, I will go to the Duke’s mansion and hold an engagement ceremony. On the way to the Duke’s residence or somehow escaping while leaving, there was still hope…

“…I understand.”

I bowed my head.
For the plan to succeed, I had to be seen as an obedient daughter right now.

At least, I am not running away before the engagement.

Fortunately, I had time to chat with Ophelia before going to tea time. And so, I informed Ophelia of all the necessary preparations.

A carriage for the two of us, a horseman to drive the carriage to the port of Lebert, and enough expenses for food and accommodation for a year…

“Get as many jewels as you can. I will hand them over to you at night.”

Even on the day of my engagement, I thought of adorning myself with as many jewels as possible.
Each and every one of them will become the foundation that will enable Ophelia and I to live in abundance.


* * *


The next morning.

I dressed up as glamorous as possible for my engagement ceremony.

Obviously, when I said that I would wear as many accessories as possible, the maids were delighted as expected.

Young Lady, you are welcome to pretend that you are shy, too! In fact, what woman would refuse a man like Lord Cassius?


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I stayed silent.

All I said was to ask for more expensive-looking accessories.

“But, Lady, too much is not good.”

The maid objected as if embarrassed. She then continued, “Usually, even wearing a necklace is cumbersome…”

“So what if I overdo it?”

I answered bluntly.
“The opponent is a lord. Count Garneid is being pushed back, so do we really need to dress casually and let them talk behind our backs?”

“Well, it is an engagement ceremony… Rather, it might as well be flashy?”

Fortunately, the maid obeyed my words.

A long time later.

After barely getting dressed, I got up from my seat with difficulty.

The uninvited guests arrived just in time.
“Lord Cassius Brudenell is here.”
He, who was no less than a formal fiancee, had already been treated as a member of the Countess’s family, so there was no need for him to wait for me in the drawing room.

Cassius hurried into the room where I had just finished dressing up.


In an instant, his eyes widened.

I frowned.

Apparently, Cassius did not like my outfit either.

Well, even in my opinion, the way I look now is too much. I wore three rings on each hand, three necklaces, and my head was covered with jewels.


He slowly opened his mouth.

“You are beautiful today as well.”

I stared openly at him.

He thinks this overdressed peacock looks beautiful now…? Even a child would not believe it. But, he could not say anything because I told him not to lie.

I will be running away with Ophelia soon, anyway.
So, I just need to ignore this man’s nonsense for a bit.

“Go and say hello to my parents. I’m sure you must have come for that.”

“If it is what you want, I will do anything.”

He is good at sweet-talking.

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I waited patiently for Cassius’ footsteps to disappear before I hurried to Ophelia’s room.

It has to be right now.
Cassius will greet my parents and sign various related documents. Perhaps, the most important document relates to his engagement gift.

The paperwork to sell me off would take quite some time, so I had plenty of time to run away.

“Ophelia, Lord Cassius went to our parents. We have to leave now.”

Ophelia, who was looking at the bag, turned her head to look at me.

“Come down, sister. The carriage will be waiting downstairs.”

“That is a relief.”

I breathed a sigh of relief. It was a carriage I was worried about. Of course, it was not that I did not trust Ophelia, but she does not know much about what is going on with people.

As I approached the heavy-looking bag, she stopped me.
“I will take it.”


I tilted my head. Ophelia was so thin that she might fly away on a windy day. In comparison, Evelyn…

…Well, let’s say she is strong.


At my words, she nodded her head.

“The clothes you are wearing now are uncomfortable.”
It turned out that that was the reason.
Even ordinary movements felt heavy because they are tightly tied. Besides, the clothes I am wearing are uncomfortable and even the accessories.

I was a little sorry, though I had no choice but to force Ophelia to carry the bag.

Because I did not lift anything, I took the lead first.

On the way to the carriage, we ran into some servants, but no one looked at us strangely. Ophelia said she wanted to be with me whenever she had time. Lately, the same was true for me.

After a while.

We passed through the Countess’s back door and arrived in front of the carriage that was waiting in the dark alley.

The quick-witted horseman loaded the luggage onto the carriage without asking anything. So, Ophelia and I hurriedly got into the carriage.
Ophelia seemed to have chosen her carriage carefully.

The interior was cozy enough to withstand a long journey, and the windows were covered with thick curtains. At this rate, no one will ever be able to recognize us.

However, the moment I’m about to shout out to leave.

“Hold on, sister.”


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I turned to Ophelia.

There was no time.

If there was something we did not bring, we have no choice but to give up now. Nonetheless, she seemed to be saying something more important than that.

Her beautiful, rosy lips quivered.

“Let’s… swap clothes.”


I doubted my ears for a moment.

‘What is she saying…?’

Let’s swap these cumbersome clothes?

The reason was obvious. She is pretending to be me, trying to buy some time.

It was a reasonable plan.

My clothes may be a little big for Ophelia, but they are so tight that they would not be too baggy. In addition, the accessories I brought with me will sort of cover up Ophelia’s appearance to some extent. And, if she wears a white veil, a symbol of engagement, her face will be covered entirely.

Even though her voice might be a problem, if she pretends to have nothing to say…

I shook my head vigorously.

It was impossible for Ophelia to be shaken for a moment like this.

“No way, Ophelia.”

“Why? This is the only way! You know what kind of person Cassius Brudenell is like…!”

I was stunned for a moment.

Ophelia’s words even revealed her hatred for Cassius.

Not long ago, she was still running around, thinking that I longed for him. Apparently, the day I slapped Ophelia, she must have heard the conversation between me and Cassius and realized the truth.
It was fortunate since I didn’t have time to come here and explain everything.

“We are so different. You will get caught in no time.”

“I will not get caught.”

Ophelia continued firmly, “I know how you walk. I know how you speak, sister. I can do it well enough.”
At that, she stared straight at me as she finished her words.

“So, believe me, will you?”

I opened my mouth in surprise.

Ophelia imitated exactly my voice, my tone. At first glance, even I was mistaken.

“Come on.”

She kept urging me.

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