Obviously, massive sculptures that did not exist until a few days ago boasted their greatness all over the garden.

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The tulip petals, which must have been carefully picked one by one, descended from the air and fluttered in the breeze. Meanwhile, the soft music of the orchestra could be heard from somewhere as well.

Seeing that they could not be seen, it seems that they have built a special device just for them.

It was an unrealistic sight where anyone would have no choice but to be mesmerized by it for a while…

Yes, just like me.


“I know…”

Even that kind Ophelia shook her head in agreement. Cassius’s wastefulness has already exceeded the level that ordinary people could imagine.


From a little distance away, Cassius called me.

“Come here, please.”

Seeing so, I then took my steps slowly.

Even though I pretended to be calm on the outside, my heart was pounding non-stop.

In fact, there was nothing to worry about if it was only to the extent of being extravagant. The reason why I was nervous is because I did not know what else this madman would do!

Perhaps, I failed to hide my nervousness as Cassius gently stroked my shoulder.

“You look so nervous. There is nothing to worry about.”

“I am not used to such a big event.”

“Oh. Did I push too much pressure on you?”


That is right. This is such a huge burden…!

Still, I swallowed the answers that immediately came to my mind and just laughed.

“Please be patient. If you do not let me know, I do not know what kind of useless people would stick to you, so I planned the wedding proposal.”

“I heard that the Empress is a simple person, so there would not be many visitors, anyway.”

“I will say so. However, fruit flies* are everywhere for a beautiful woman like you.”
T/N: It’s an idiom which basically means, ‘when you don’t want or need something to happen.’ ]

“If it gets complicated, the Lord will take care of it for me, right?”

“You know well, Evelyn.”

Saying so, he curled the corners of her eyes and smiled alluringly. The golden eyes in the sunlight shimmered like a high-quality amber.

If it were not for the spirit hidden inside that outer shell, people would have been bewitched by that beautiful appearance of his.

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“Lord Cassius.”

I looked straight up at him.

“Since the wedding proposal ceremony was held like this, please promise me that you will not interfere in any case, since I will become the servant of Her Highness the Empress soon.”

“Of course.”

He nodded his head.

“Please do not take it lightly. Are you taking my words seriously?”

“Now, don’t you think I am being serious?”


I answered right away and added, “In fact, it sounds like you are going to break your promise right away if you actually come across such a situation.”

…Just like he had always been.


Suddenly, Cassius’s voice took on a sad tone.

“I always put your intentions first. I want you to understand that I would only break my promise if there is an urgent situation.”

Since I cannot openly swear at a person who seemed to really be sorry, I had no choice but to sigh inwardly.

“Okay, but please try. Can you please do that?”

“I will try my best.”

Eventually, he whispered earnestly and took my hand.

“Can I do anything to please you?”

…What is this?

I narrowed my eyes.

Of course, he has always been strange, though he seemed to be particularly overdoing it today as if he wanted to show it to someone…

‘What is his plan?’

As I was opening my mouth to reply to Cassius…

“Lord Cassius, I do not know what you are thinking—”


At that moment, a familiar voice was heard. I pulled my hand away from him and turned back slowly.

“Mother, Father.”

The Count Garneid couple, dressed in their best outfits, caught my eye.

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‘This was why.’

I barely suppressed the urge to shake my head.

Cassius put on a play that was not even funny, lest my parents worry about the only successor.

It was useless.

The two fell for the favor that he had promised them, so even if Cassius uses violence against me, they would not break the engagement regardless.

My mother took one step closer to me.

“Evelyn, it has been a while. How have you been?”


I replied sullenly.

After fleeing and returning to the Duke’s residence, I never visited the Count’s residence. Partly because of my anger at my parents, who almost sold me, and partly because I had no reason to go there.

If the two really wanted to see me, they would have come to the Duke’s residence or sent a message.

Still, I sent invitations to the engagement and the ball, though both of them did not show up.

However, now they are here…

‘They must be wanting something.’

When I saw my father shed tears at the right time, my suspicion grew stronger.

“My daughter is already this grown-up… I am so proud.”

Fortunately, no matter whatever they want, I will soon become the Empress’s handmaiden, anyhow. It meant that for the time being, I could distance myself from the Duchy and County.

As if Cassius sensed my discomfort, he opened his mouth quickly.

“I would love for you three to spend more time together, though the ceremony will begin soon. Please wait at your seat for now.”

“Oh, I got it.”

At that, my mother and father hurriedly avoided their seats. As soon as they disappeared from view, I turned towards him again.

“Thank you.”

“Didn’t I say that, Evelyn? I will put your wants first.

“The Lord does not always do that, so I am just saying thank you.”

“I will always try to do that.”

As he grabbed my hand and dragged me along with him, Cassius was lying too shamelessly.

“Come here, Evelyn.”

Following his lead, after a while, I reached the back of the sculpture that I thought was just a giant sculpture.

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The mouth abruptly opened on its own. And, on the back of a colossal sculpture that resembled a modern art piece…

‘It is a stage…!’

Cassius opened his mouth in a satisfied voice.

“The ceremony will be held here. In front of everyone.”


As if to prove his words, there was a huge table in front of the stage. The number of chairs alone seemed to exceed a hundred. It was a space that could only be filled by gathering all the nobles of the Capital.

“Do we need to do this…?”

My voice trembled on its own.

If I had known in advance that it would be this much, I would never have allowed it.

Of course, there was no guarantee that he would not proceed just because I am against it, but I’m sure he would try to resist somewhat.


He then replied firmly.

“There might be many people in the Imperial Palace who would ignore you, who became the maidservant of the Empress.”

I tilted my head.

Who the hell would ignore the Duke of Brudenell’s prospective daughter-in-law…?

If they were not crazy, I doubt that there would be anyone who would treat me carelessly, even more so if it was a space for educated high-ranking nobles like the Imperial Palace.

“I want to show them all who you are to me. And, if they raise even one wrong finger to you, what will happen.”

“I don’t think that is going to happen.”

I refuted Cassius’s words.

As usual, he was… Usually, I would have thought it was normal and passed it lightly, though now it is different.

It was because even when he was saying something like that, Cassius was now showing a paranoid appearance.

It felt as though if I did something wrong, he might seriously cause a sword fight in the imperial palace. As a result, if he were to be detained for the rest of his life, I would be quite grateful.

However, the problem was that even the Imperial Family would be reluctant to detain the only son of Duke Brudenell.

“You would not know.”

He still replied grimly.

“Anyway, I cannot give up on this. Today, you are accepting my proposal in front of all these people who have filled all this space.”

“I have already accepted it.”

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Uttering his next words, his mouth drew an arc, “Good things cannot be overlooked no matter how many times you repeat them.”

“…Do you plan to hold a wedding proposal ceremony every year?”

“If necessary, I will. But, rather than a proposal, I want to hold a wedding anniversary.”

Goosebumps rose.

It was clear that what he said was no exaggeration, let alone a joke, and the 100% pure truth.

I hurriedly changed the subject.

“Lord, when does the ceremony begin?”

“It will start when all invited guests are seated.”

“All these seats…? However, some people may not come—”

“Everyone will come.”

“Still, you do not know what other people would do.”

At my words, Cassius laughed out loud.

“They will have no choice but to come.”


“Do not look at me with those eyes. It is not because of my coercion.”

“How do I believe that?”

“You will find out soon.”

As if not wanting to answer any more questions, he then added softly, “Until then, enjoy watching all this I have prepared for you.”

Despite Cassius’s words, I had a very anxious and anxious time.

How long has it been….?

Finally, guests began to gather one after another.

Most of them were familiar faces, but there were also faces that I had seen for the first time as well.

There were also people who I only knew their names but did not know their faces. All of them were heads of at least one family, or heirs who acted on behalf of the heads of households when they would grow older.

After dozens of minutes had passed, there were only four chairs left.

To be precise, the four honored seats in the front row were empty…

As I was wondering what kind of people would sit there, the servant of the Duchy shouted loudly at the same time.

“Everyone, stand up and pay respect. Crown Prince Ludwig, Prince Renard, Prince Illion, and Princess Hermia have arrived”

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