Only then did I understand what Cassius’s words earlier meant.

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Both the Imperial Princes and Princesses were attending the wedding proposal, including the Crown Prince…

What noble would dare to not attend such an event?

At best, it would have been the second-in-command of the Empire, Duchess of Brudenell. However, since they were the planners of today’s event, the seats were to be filled unconditionally.

“Lord, there was no need to do this…”

I whispered softly into Cassius’s ear.

“There was.”

Though he replied with a frown on his face and added, “Because you do not know how they will bother you.”

“Even if this was a threat—”

“Do I look that foolish?”

Cassius snorted.

“I just gave them a reason why they had no choice but to come here. So, they all came.”

For a moment, I thought that I might be resentful for having just summoned them to a place like this, but I did not say anything else. It was because it was too difficult to accept the current situation.

The Imperial members of the Imperial Family were notorious for their high self-esteem and strong character. Especially among them…

‘Princess Hermia.’

Just thinking about her name made my mouth dry.

…That was because she was the main villain in the original novel.

Princess Hermia was raised as the youngest daughter with plenty of cuteness, though in her power hierarchy, she was far behind her older brothers. It was difficult to seize power within the Imperial Family, which has already been occupied by all her older brothers.

So, The solution that Princess Hermia found was Cassius Brudenell.

At the right age for marriage, and as cruel as herself, she would do anything for success.

Of course, she thought she could be the perfect match for him.

The problem was that in the original novel, Cassius was passionately obsessed with the Count’s illegitimate daughter.

Angry at the fact that she has been pushed away because of the illegitimate child, who was not even a noble lady, Hermia used all her means to harm Ophelia. And, because she had no power or ability, Ophelia had no choice but to be swayed to and fro by her bullying.

And the result was…

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‘Obviously, it was a downfall.’

When Cassius learned what the evil Hermia had done to Ophelia, he literally went crazy. To be honest, from the reader’s point of view, I thought about what she did to Ophelia, but I could not think of much. Still, there was no reason to correct the main character.

In the end, Hermia was stripped of her princess status and exiled to the barren northern lands.

The last line about her in the novel was that Cassius cut off all her Imperial support and that she was living a life that was not as good as that of a commoner.

‘I hope she will not harm me like she did to Ophelia…’

Ophelia was an illegitimate child, but I am the heir to Count Garneid.

It meant that no matter how much she was a princess, I could not just be treated rudely.

Nevertheless, Hermia’s evil deeds in the original story continued to flash in front of my eyes. The original story did not change easily, so now, Hermia must also be aiming for Cassius.


I took a breath.

It reminded me of something I had not realized until a while ago.

‘Perhaps, Hermia and Cassius can end up together here!’’

If he was still in love with Ophelia, it would have been a futile hope because Ophelia and Hermia were polar opposites, although what about Evelyn and Hermia?

Evelyn and Hermia were selfish people who could only think of themselves.

To be honest, ‘I’ was like that, too.

To survive, I even used the beloved Ophelia with a little guilt before…

In addition, there were some advantages that Hermia was clearly ahead of Evelyn. She was beautiful, dignified and smart—those were the strengths I did not have.

Immediately, my head started spinning in an instant.

‘Cassius said he hates stupid people.’

Even if I do not even pay attention to Hermia now, if I just act foolishly, he would have no choice but to turn to the intelligent beauty who approaches him by himself.


‘I have to look stupid somehow.’

If I were to be greatly humiliated in front of the nobles and the Imperial Family, who had been raking in from all over the Capital, he would have a different opinion of me.

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Cassius opened his mouth with a pleasant voice.

“The ceremony will begin soon.”

And so, I grabbed his right hand and gently climbed onto the stage.

Just in time, the band started playing.

He then explained calmly as if he was a commentator, rather than the main character of this wedding proposal ceremony.

“This song was written for you by Gabian DeViro.”


I was speechless for a moment.

Gabian DeViro…?

Even I, who was not very interested in music, knew the name.

Isn’t he the rare genius who announced his retirement at the age of forty and went on a world tour? He was famous for not accepting any more commissions no matter how much money he was given, though he wrote a song for me within this short period of time…

I did not even dare to think about what Cassius had done.

“You seem to like it. I am glad, Evelyn.”

“…That is pretty nice.”

Even though I wanted to lie, I could not deny that the music was delicate and beautiful when I heard it.

It was when the music sped towards its climax.


Colorful and long-tailed birds like peacocks flew into the sky. Needless to say, obtaining each one of those birds costs a tremendous price.

Well, what is the value of the bird itself, you asked?

It would cost a vast amount of money just to take care of those precious birds.

Cassius’s grand proposal was just the beginning.

He took me to the center of the stage and then got down on his knee before holding out a small box that was in his hand.

“…It does not contain anything strange, right?”

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It was fortunate that the distance between the stage and the audience was quite far away. So, if I speak in a low voice, they will not be able to hear us.

“Of course not.”

Cassius replied softly.

“Open it, come on.”

At his urge, I opened the box with trembling hands, suppressing the desire to close my eyes tightly.


A trembling voice came out of my mouth.

Inside the box was a ring.

At first glance, it was just an ordinary platinum ring that was neither flashy nor expensive. It was a very simple ring without even the usual diamonds.

However, I knew the identity of this ring.

“This… It is your ring. Only the heirs of the Duke’s family can wear it from generation to generation—”

Cassius raised his body instead of answering. In an instant, an overbearing height covered my entire body.

He began to speak in a loud voice that could even be heard in the audience.

“I have been taught from a young age to cherish this ring like it is my life. And, I was fortunate enough to have met a precious woman to whom I would entrust my life. Evelyn Garneid, will you take my life?”

I swallowed dry saliva.

The moment I received this ring, I truly became a member of the Duke of Brudenell.

Of course, I wanted to escape from here immediately!

But… What options do I have?

In the end, I just have to nod my head.

Cassius slowly placed the ring directly on my hand, before kissing me lightly on the forehead. At that moment, petals fell like a shower over us. This time, it was rose petals, although it smelled like jasmine.

That is right…

This madman was not content to use the expensive rose petals as they were, so he ordered them to be immersed in the precious perfume of jasmine.

He then lifted me up and spun around three laps. It seemed like he was genuinely happy as his smile was in full bloom.

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I didn’t even know that I wanted to die.

Fortunately, I did not have to stay on stage for long as several meaningless rituals flowed. Eventually, he took my hand and led me down the stage.

“Is it over?”

I gasped for breath.

It was not the first time that I had received the attention of people, though it was the first time I had received the gazes of the princes and the princess.

In particular, Hermia, who stared at me with an extremely cold face, made me even more nervous. Even if I declared that I would hand over Cassius gracefully at this rate, it was unlikely that she would believe me.

“You should enjoy the reception.”

Saying so, Cassius’s mouth drew an arc.

‘Ah, it is kind of strange to send the Royal Family back just like that.’

Soon convinced, I followed the guests to the banquet hall. Thankfully, the banquet hall was divided into tables that could seat up to four or five people.

‘I am so glad…’

If I had sat down with the princes and princesses, I would not have been able to breathe. Apart from what I am not particularly afraid of, I am also reluctant to join with someone who was hostile towards me.

Sitting at the table with the Duke and Duchess of Brudenell and Karthus, I noticed something a little surprising.

The abundance of artificial flowers adorning the splendid and huge table looked harmonious. Of course, fresh flowers are more expensive than artificial flowers.

‘There is no way Cassius would allow this kind of frugality. What is with the artificial flowers…?’

It was when I tilted my head slightly in curiosity—

“Evelyn, try it.”

…Isn’t he offering me a daisy?


My eyes narrowed unknowingly.

In addition, it is not a fresh flower, but an artificial one. If this is a joke, it is quite a boring joke. Though if this is serious, it would be the first type of bullying I have ever heard of…

Of course, Cassius, who is obsessed with me, would not bully me like that. So, it must be the former.

Seeing my hesitation, he grinned and threw a daisy in his mouth.

What is this madman—?

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