Farlord el Nix, the Royal name of the Baharuth Empire's Royal family originates from the Dragon of Darkness Nix. This Dragon was the King of Dark Dragons with the title of Farlord of the Void, his domain stretched the entire Baharuth Empire and beyond encompassing the greater majority of the Continent. Dragons are extremely territorial creatures and their Pride knows no rival even more so for a King of Dragons.

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A war broke out between Dragons and Griffins, the Dragons had the power advantage however the Griffins were far more numerous at the time. The Battles between the two entities decimated the lands creating the landmasses that are present, Nix was the last remaining of the Darkness Dragons used his near inexhaustible power to wipe out the Griffin Species at the cost of his life placing upon them the \"Curse of Darkness\". On his deathbed, he said to all intelligent life forms as long as Farlord el Nix remains Griffins will never return.

Over the years the Royal Family of the Baharuth empire adopted the name Farlord el Nix and the Royal Standard became the Griffin.

Now the new Emperor, Tatsuo von Hoga Farlord el Nix, stands before the corpse of the King of Darkness Dragons in the catacombs of the Royal Palace. Despite being dead for Hundreds if not thousands of years the power radiating off his body is above the 11th Tier.

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As Tatsuo walked closer to the Corpse memories began to flood into his head along with what seems to be a message from the King of Dragons.

\"Kin of my Kin, I do not know how many years have passed yet I shall give you some insight on what lies beyond. The Griffin is an Agent of Nyx the Goddess of Night, as my domain of Darkness and hers of the night have similarities she felt threatened by the presence of a new god. Therefore, Zeus allowed her to use the Griffin army to eliminate me as I was too weak for a God to descend from their realms. With my Death, the Dragons have regressed back to the weak Dragonling forms as I was the only progenitor of Dragons that remained to strengthen the bloodline, therefore the Shackles which not only suppressed but strengthened the dragons disappeared and no Dragon has taken up the mantle to be the Dragon King. Kin of my Kin, I ask that you become the King of Dragons and lead a New Pantheon in a battle against the Ancients that killed me.\"

As the memories of Nix's life flowed through Tatsuo, his body was absorbed into Tatsuo. In the sky the Sun was blocked out as the galaxies aligned, the Spiraling energy of the universe flowed towards Tatsuo as a giant ray of light that made everything else seem insignificant. In the sky, the incorporeal form of a Dragon appeared in the Sky. It's size was so grand it made other dragons seem like children before it, it's Black Scales glistened with a golden hue as it's horns formed a crown atop its large head. At that moment across the continent, the Dragons regardless of element felt a tug at their very Bloodline if the focused upon that they could feel the connection to their new King as Strength began to flow into their bodies. Instinctively they wanted to meet the New King, The New Proginator of Dragons.

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In The Godly domain, Loki who was spinning his daggers playing with some spirits in his divine realm felt a horrible pressure exerted upon him. The Pressure was suffocating like being placed in a tube then thrown to the deepest point of the ocean.

\"A new God has been Born, he created a new pantheon. This power I don't even think Father could exert such force.\"

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Odin who was sitting upon his Throne was rudely Heimdallr who barged into the Throne room in a hurry.

\"AllFather A New god has been born! A New Patheon Head as Well!\"

Odin's Eye reflected the seriousness of this all as they have just reached equilibrium with Zeus and God decided to stay out of it all yet this new contender would make things far more difficult.

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Zeus felt the Horrid presence of this \"New\" god right away as he tossed away his sexual playthings and headed to the Throne of Olympus.

All the while Tatsuo felt more power flowing through him than ever before, he could distinctly feel that he was indeed on a leaf of the World tree before it's leaves were torn away. He could also feel the dragons now tied to his bloodline his life was tied to theirs, if he died they would lose the chance to become gods, they would lose their power and once again fall into hibernation. While he was used to being powerful this was something different, he could alter their bloodlines at will and create new ones as the GodKing of Dragons he was in complete control of their life and death as a species.

\"All of you come to me, Your King wishes to see your faces.\"

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