The Capital of the Empire was relocated to the Former Von Hoga Duchy. The facilities, manpower, and architecture were far above the rest of the Empire and perfect for accommodating the Incoming Dragons.

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Dragons were divided into many different categories from Dragonling to Ancient Dragon in between were Young Dragon, Adult Dragon, and Elder Dragon. These are the only Classifications that Tatsuo would acknowledge as they truly determine the strength of a dragon.

Sitting on his Throne Tatsuo waited for his subjects to arrive, the race of the dragon also determined how strong the Dragon could get. As the Ancient Dragons could only come from Flame, Frost, Ice, Shadow, Sky, Void, Gold and Platinum Dragons. After the death of the last Dragon King, Dark Dragons, Void Dragons, Gold Dragons, and Sky Dragons no longer exist as the last of their kind died in the War.

Out of the Remaining \"Superior\" Dragon Races only the Platinum, Flame, and Ice Dragons have a 1 Ancient remaining all others have died. Following Superior races, there are Lessor races which are the Green Dragons, Earth Dragons, Sea Dragons, Dark Dragons, and Lightning Dragons.

While it is possible for a lessor Dragon race to spawn an Ancient Dragon it is extremely uncommon and happens once every 10,000 years. As only Adult Dragons and older can take human form the Sky of the Empires Capital was covered with dragons. From Far and Wide every Dragon came to see their King even the \"Dragon Lords\" that ruled over the lands must bow their head.

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Brightness Dragon Lord the King of the Dragon Kingdom, Heavenly Dragon Lord, Deep Darkness Dragon Lord, Platinum Dragon Lord, and many others were among the ones that turned into their human forms and walked into the Castle.

\"Do you all feel that?\"

\"Indeed, he's Stronger than the Eight Greed Kings from all those years ago.\"

\"His Majesty is Worthy.\"

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The Former Dragon Lords now free of their titles walked solemnly through the Castle towards the throne room and with every step, the pressure on their body and their Bloodline became more and more intense. These powerful beings that ruled over the lands unafraid of any for thousands of years now felt terror unlike any other. With each step they lost confidence in their ablity to take another, however, their bloodline did not allow them to disobey an order from the King.

When they finally reached the Throne room they glanced at the being on the throne, upon making eye contact they regretted it. While he was in his human form when they glanced into his eyes they saw the Dragon from that faithful day peer into their souls. Like puppets with cut strings, they all dropped to their Knees afraid that small action caused displeaser to the Progenitor.

\"Our Children, Our Kin, Our Subjects, you may raise your heads, WE wish to take a look at your faces.\"

When the heard the Draconic noble language their bodies obeyed instinctively, Only Royal Dragons could speak it as each word contained a massive amount of magic and laws of nature.

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\"You have all done well to live long enough to see US sit on the Dragon Throne. WE have called you here today to discuss what is to come. While the continent is your home and has been for Eons it is time for you to take the steps to greatness. OUR predecessor Dragon King Nix was slain by the Gods, now many of you may think of the Eight Greed Kings, Evil Deities, or the Six Great Gods but WE can tell you now that their power is just a candle in front of the sun when compared to a real God. The Day WE ascended to Godhood all of the Gods noticed because WE did not join a Pantheon like other gods yet decided to create one. As of now, WE are the only God in the Pantheon therefor WE will restructure the growth rate of all dragons to allow you all to have the opportunity to become gods as well.\"

Tatsuo looked out at the Dragons kneeling before him and noticed that despite the immense pressure being in his presence put on them not a single one showed fear anymore.

\"The Sentient beings of this continent are needed as well in order to provide Faith power to US and eventually you. Therefore, WE have started a takeover of all nations with the exception of two. This will allow US to strip the other pantheons of their faith power showing that the Dragons are not afraid. In the coming days, the formerly extinct races of Dragons will once again show themselves, so if your child is not the same Race as you, or the other parent do not be alarmed it was OUR doing. The Growth rate of all Races will be made Equal as WE will change the way Dragons gain power and Train.\"

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Some Dragons were excited while others felt threatened by the changes the king put in Place.

\"The First Dragon to become a God from each Race will receive something special from US as WE will need someone to oversee each race then give US a report like a Counsel of Dragons.\"

As Tatsuo listed off his Plans the disgruntled Dragons became more excited as the World was gonna change soon.

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