As Tatsuo looked at the departing back of the Dragons his wife and the other senior members of the Night Empire appeared in the Throne room.

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\"The Dragons are interesting creatures, however, the idea of a \"Pantheon\" is quite vague to me, Your Eminence. Could you explain it to us all please?\"

Gin Said this as the other members present nodded their heads in agreement with his claims.

\"If you all haven't noticed the power we have here is much more potent and destructive than the other places we have been. However, upon reaching the 12th tier you step into the realm of a god where you no longer have to follow the basic structures of composing a vivid magical formation, your imagination becomes the limits to your magic. Now as a god your specific \"Domain\" will bring forth far more powerful magics for example if you are the God of the Sun then your Solar magic will be far more powerful than other magics. Now the idea of a Pantheon originates from that adulterer Zeus, he created the concept of a 12 Great God Counsel which demanded worship from all their subjects. Beneath these Great Gods were Lessor gods that they were in charge of to collect the Faith from the Mortals. So all in all a Pantheon is a set of rules that I as the Head of the Pantheon impose upon all the Gods under me in order to gain power collectively.\"

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\"So Zeus who is the head of the Greek gods is the head of one Pantheon, Odin the Allfather of the Norse Gods then there is God, The mysterious head of the Earth Pantheon. Also, will the Pantheon be limited to just Humans and Dragons?\" Hitsugaya asked this as he looked at the floor apparently deep in thought trying to wrap his head around the idea.

\"In the future, many races will fall under our banner some of whom have been classified as monsters by the inhabitants of this world. Like is said before I am currently the only god in the entire pantheon so why would I turn down more powerful allies? Racism is one thing that we haven't seem within the Night Empire but is quite prevalent here in this primitive world. In addition to racism, there is also speciesism which is a whole new idea that we will have to deal with together.\"

Everyone nodded their heads as Dugu Bo spoke up. \"Tier 1 to tier 11 is the Moral Tiers however, what are the godly tiers?\"

\"Tier 12-14 is Lessor God, Tier 15-17 is GodKing, then Tier 18-20 is Supreme. Odin is Tier 16, Zeus is Tier 16, I am Tier 16, and God is Tier 16. The Realms above are known to all however it seems as if a massive amount of faith and training is needed to reach the tiers above 16. However, even if a Pantheon head reaches Tier 17 the others could still work together to kill them. Only at the 18th Teir is the Gap far too wide as you are essentially on a different level of existence.\"

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Noticing that everyone clearly understood Tatsuo spoke no more about that and moved on to what was happening around the world.

\"Ains is still moving at the expected rate, I already informed him that I am now the Emperor of the Empire. The Yearly skirmish is approaching and I will use this opportunity to propel Ains into the Spotlight. The Night Empire is still a mystery to him however let's just see what he does then take it from there. The Nations around us have all sent envoys to show their support of me taking over the Throne, however, I didn't ask nor do I need their support so send all the gifts back. My Empire and my subjects do not need the approval of others in order to operate. A Wise man once said \"Speak softly and carry a big stick; you will go far.\" I have lived by that, so we will continue to make subtle movements and continue the overall plan.\"

Everyone kneeled to the Emperor and started to take their leave when Tatsuo suddenly exclaimed.

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\"Your Eminence, is there something else?\"

\"Start rebuilding the infrastructure of the Nation, Public Baths, Sewer system, water treatment, Education reform, increase the quality of life that the peasants lead which will increase the overall productivity of the nation. Start with the lowest dregs of society then work your way up. The better the nation is the more Migrants we will have. Also, make the immigration policy lucrative but also design it to keep out spies, the Land we have is Large make the population as large as possible.\"

\"Yes, Your Eminence!\"

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\"Jealousy will lead to the other nations doing exactly what I want them to, Invade.\"

At those words, everyone went wide-eyed.

\"Humans are simple creatures that will want what they cannot have, and if a nation that wasn't even considered a strong contender for continental domination suddenly started to show gains in every field far beyond the norms, nations will feel threatened, jealous, or greedy. I want these feelings to grow to the point that they grow weary of us and find an excuse to drag us into a war. As I already have agents in most nations around the continent War brings merits which will allow them to rank up. Then once these agents are in positions of power we take over the nation step by step. This will allow faith power to skyrocket giving me leverage over the other gods.\"

Tatsuo looked at his subordinates and laughed his joy spread through the Bloodline links of the Dragons and they too began to feel festive and bloodthirsty.

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