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"What will I have to do?" Orochimaru realized this brat in front of him had the knowledge and the means to kill him anytime he wished. So he just had to grit his teeth and hope the conditions he gets are worth the trouble.

"Simple, I would like you to continue your experiments. Not now but after the war I will create a Village of my own. You will gather Shinobi of any clan willing to join the village after I confirm we can create it. In return I will allow you to use wanted shinobi, Criminals, and captives of war as subjects of your experimentation." Even if you hold all the cards no one would work without anything in return. the Ol' Carrot and the Stick method. (A/N: I hate using this analogy but if it ain't broke don't fix it.)

Orochimaru was slightly confused but then understood. 'Starting a village from nothing is not an easy feat, he wants to not only attract attention but use that attention to attract the bad eggs then send them to me. Once they get sent to me they will contribute to the village by furthering the results of my research.' Orochimaru found his conditions acceptable and he actually appreciated the mind of the Child.

"Also...." as Ichizo said that he jumped into the Pit and begain whispering in Orochimaru's ear "It I ever find out about you taking anymore eyes or children from my clan. I Promise you that father isn't the scariest person within this estate, I will make your life a living hell until you breathe your last." Orochimaru hasn't been put in a position like this in his entire life. He felt naked before this boy like even his thoughts could not be hidden and nothing was able to escape his prying eyes.

"Tell Danzo that you will no longer extend your services to him. In the Land of Rice where you are creating the Hidden Sound, all of those Shinobi will be used to help me establish my plans." At this point any final thoughts Orochimaru had of rebelling were extinguished, he was mentally destroyed. All his years of Hard work and careful planning were uprooted in moments, His labs, His experiments, and even his Village. Exposed all of it was exposed.

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"I Look forward too Our future cooperation." I say this then jump out of the pit, pick up my bowl of apples then sit down on at the Courtyard entrance and watched the pit intently.

A series of thoughts were running though Orochimaru's head but alas Ichizo covered all bases and sealed all paths of retreat. Trying to escape was impossible he would be hunted down and slaughtered like cattle with no way to defend himself. So he accepted his fate, he shed his skin and walked out of the pit.

"Thank you for your benevolent gesture Master!" Orochimaru bowed a 90 degree bow and said this in the most sincere tone he has ever used in his adult life. It was weird and made my skin crawl but I was able to respond to his kind jester of submission.

"Collect as many Shinobi of the other villages that you can. Once everything is over and I create my Village, I will reward you with the key that will grant what you are looking for after you complete my tasks. Do not disappoint my trust Orochimaru, now go resume your normal duties." He bowed and left.

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That should get me some manpower and it should slate the thirst of Orochimaru for the time being. When everything is over on this side it will be slightly easier to start the village.

I then got up to go into the house, a carrier bird flew overhead to deliver a message which stopped me in my tracks. The message stated:

'Full authority to carry out any task during the war that will hinder the enemies path, That will save lives, time, and resources. Anbu members Hitotsu, Futatsu, and Mittsu are hereby granted full War time authority to move within and outside of the Land of Fire.'

-The Third Hokage

Ichizo burned the message and walked inside. 'The Hokage just gave us Free Reign.' He called a maid and informed her to collect His brother and Shisui to meet him in the Family room.

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'Full Wartime Authority, The Level of Trust in that statement is unfathomable. We only completed one mission, what would cause the Hokage to view our deeds with that much Faith?' As I ponder on that Itachi, and Shisui arrive and sit down in the area surrounding me. I inform them on the Hokage's message and we begin making our war plans.

"The Land of Grass will likely be the main focal point of the battles." Itachi says first taking a sip of the tea the maids brought in as refreshments.

"Yes, I agree. Do you think this war will involve just the Land of Fire and Land of Earth?" Shisui adds as he mimics Itachi's actions.

"The other Three Great Nations would not stand-by due to the fact that the surrounding nations think the power of the Great Nations has declined due to constant conflict." I say as I eat a Grape like fruit. "Also because the Hidden Leaf has the Largest Shinobi Village it is highly likely we will be targeted from all fronts." I then add.

"Hmm, I think that is True we haven't had amicable relations with the other Nations in the Past. They may all take this opportunity to weaken us to elevate their standing among the 5 Great Nations." Shisui Says After asking for another cup of tea.

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"So why don't we move from battlefield to battlefield to decrease the strain on our Shinobi while increasing the Pressure on the other Nations that will eventually join in on the war." Itachi surprisingly suggested what i was going to suggest.

"Yes, I agree Itachi will allow us to make a name for ourselves in all the Nations while also keeping the Village safe. Fame is an important aspect that will help when we are laying down the foundations for the new Village."

"How many days do we have left until the Invasion begins?"


"So we have to head out now." I sigh and go get my Mask, Shisui has his already and so does Itachi. Once that is done we set off to the Land of Grass, The War is About to begin.

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