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Ichizo, Tachi, and Shisui Move swiftly from Tree to tree traversing the Land of Fire closing in on the Border with the Land of Grass.

'Siri show my Stats.'


[Name: Ichizo Uchiha Age:4 Bloodline: Uchiha(Modified)

STR: 33(100) AGL:77(100) DEX:87(100) INT: 96(100) WIS:43(100) CHA: 276 (100)

Chakra Natures: Fire(Ancient), Lightning, Water, Wind, Yin

Skills: Chakra Control(Advanced: 30% Reduction in Jutsu Cost), Hand signs(Advanced:40% Increase in Signing speed), Taijutsu(Master), Genjutsu(Intermediate: Eye contact is currently the only method to inflict genjutsu on a target), Sharingan (Matured, 3 Tomoe), Mankekyo Sharingan( Basic understanding of ocular prowess. Grants the use of Space and Time Jutsu), Chakra Recovery( Advanced: Using this Technique Recovers 30 Chakra every 30 Seconds)

Divine Gates: 1st Gate of Youth(Sealed), 2nd Gate of Physique(Sealed), 3rd Gate of Wisdom(Sealed), 4th Gate of Power(Sealed), 5th Gate of Rebirth(Sealed), 6th Gate of View(Sealed), 7th Gate of Wonder (Sealed), 8th Gate of Limit(sealed), 9th Gate of Insight(Sealed), 10th Gate of Ascension(Sealed)

Siri Points:1892

Siri's Comments: You have improved, Slighty. Still just Trash.]

I have come a long way. I don't think I can upgrade my stats with Siri Points just yet because I am still growing. But I can use them to upgrade skills and buy new Jutsu, This is War I need every advantage I can get.

'Siri, My Sharingan can copy Kekkei Genki at the Cost of Double the chakra, but Can I create my Own?'

[Yes. A new Bloodline will be added to your status that will be able to be passed to your decedents. If you can successfully create a new Bloodline and Kekkei Genkai or Kekkei Tota you will be rewarded depending on the Rank, Nature combinations, And Abilities of the New Creation.]

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Great, we have about 6 or Seven more hours of travel to reach the Land of Grass and 1 day left until the Invasion begins. Lets see what I can do in this time.

"Itachi, Shisui lets take A break I want to try something." The duo Nod there heads and we find a secluded area to stop and take a rest.

Lets Start with what I know. 'Siri list all Kekkei Genkai and Kekkei Tota with their corresponding chakra combinations, Exclude all Dojutsu and body enhancement or Manipulation Kekkei Genkai.'


[Vapour Style(Fire and Water), Crystal Style(Earth and Wind), Shade Style( Wind and Yin), Explosion Style( Earth and Lightning), Ice Style(Water and Wind), Corrosion Style( Fire and Earth), Magnet Style (Wind and Earth), Mud Style( Water and Earth), Scorch Style (Fire and Wind), Steel Style(Earth and Yang), Storm(Lightning and Water), Wood( Earth and Water)]

So even with the same Chakra natures the Form of the Jutsu can be different huh. Good to know.

Well lets think about this, My Fire Chakra has advanced to Ancient which explains the High heat and color change of it. Wind Amplifies The Fire and That is how scorch style that evaporates the moisture of the body came to be. If You add Lightning to that you get the Solar Style Kekkei Tota that has Flames hot enough to cause Nuclear Fusion.

'Siri Is it Possible to combine 4 Chakra Natures?' Kekkei Genkai, Kekkei Tota , and Kekkei Mora. A kekkei Mora combines all Chakra types which only the Kaguya and the Sage of Six paths have ever had.

[A Combination of Four Chakra natures has never been seen before in this world. However it is possible.]

'Good.' The Yin Nature is formless and leaves things up to imagination, If I combine that into the mix I can Create Something that allows me complete control over the Jutsu. I Could make something that could cause atomic Fission which would basically be a nuke without the Radiation. I could freely control the temperature making it either Hot as the Sun or Colder than Space. It will be an all around versatile jutsu that could change the tide of a battle.

'Siri Combine Fire,Wind,Lightning,and Yin natures'


{Congratulations on Creating the First Kekkei Ijo!

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Rewards: Chakra Control( Master: 40% Reduction in jutsu cost), Hand Signing( Master: 50% Increase in signing speed), One-Handed Signing, Siri Points:1000}

[Please Name your Kekkei Ijo.]

'How About Somatic Style'


[Somatic Style: Create Jutsu of any Shape or Form (Solid,Liquid,Gas), As well as Any temperature on the spectrum. Jutsu is limited only by the imagination. Rank: SS]

I Feel the changes that Siri is making to my Body. At Sometimes its Hot and relaxing at others it feels like my body has been plunged into the Bottom of the Arctic sea. The Knowledge of My Kekkei Ijo is implanted into my head. I feel different, I feel Powerful.

"Somatic Style: Frigid Mist!" As I spray the Mist out of my mouth the Temperature Rapidly drops, Ice forms on the trees, The Grass becomes hard yet brittle to the touch, The Sun in the sky failed to shine through the thick mist and radiate its rays.

Itachi and Shisui Were puzzled by the change and quickly attempted to warm themselves.

"Somatic Style: Suns Rays!" My Body turns into a fiery hot beacon, The mist clears the Ice melts, and the temperature rises.

'The Chakra drain per use is actually pretty low at 20 Points per use, But Maybe that just depends on the scale and The effect of each use.' As I think about this to myself Itachi and Shisui look at me extremely confused.

"Nii-Chan what was that?"

"Yeah I have never heard of this 'Somatic Style'."

"Its My Kekkei Ijo."

Both of them were even more confused. What the hell is a Kekkei Ijo? How does he Have it? Why have I never heard of it Before? These questions were swirling around their heads and it was shown on their faces. As Anbu they have access to all the Forbidden Jutsu and the Libray that contains all the known Kekkei Genkai, and Kekkei Tota. But a Kekkei Ijo? Where did this term come From? How does Ichizo have it? The more they let themselves think about it, the more questions appeared in their head.

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" It's A combination of Fire,Wind, Lightning, and Yin Chakra natures. After we had the conversation with father about the Gates I wanted to try to make something completely new, and Unique to me. So I thought and Thought about the way to do that and This is what I came up with. Anyway lets keep moving." Turned and resumed my Journey toward the Land Of Grass I didn't want them to ask me anymore questions.


*In the Land of Grass*

Thousands of Hidden Rock Shinobi were moving about.

"Separate into 6 Groups and Move to different Locations through out the Country. Destroy everything along the way to the Land of Fire." A member of the Hidden Rock's Explosion corps said as he issued Orders.

The Rock Shinobi quickly dispersed to carry out the Assignment.

'Why did Lord Tsuchikage send Us to start this War? What could warrant Our expertise?'

The Shinobi moved quickly along with Members of the Hidden Rock, they were headed in the Direction of the eastern most border area of the Land of Grass were it connects with the Land of Fire.

'Whatever the reason I do not think Lord Tsuchikage would allow us to operate without reason.'

"Somatic Style: Heavenly Tribunal."

'What?' The temperature in the area rose sharply, It got so hot the Items on their bodies started to melt and burn. The Air become thin, making it hard to breathe, The moisture in our bodies began to leave us making us look Pale.

"The Human Body is at least 60% water." A childish voice rang in my ear.

"So if I Were to increase the temperature of the surrounding areas to a point where that water starts to evaporate what do you think would happen?" That Same voice said it was Calm, soothing voice that made me want to continue hearing it.

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"First Your Bodies' core temperature will Raise to a toasty 104 degrees." Like a teacher Instructing his students the Voice was full of confidence and Wisdom.

"Next Your breathing will become Rapid and Shallow, Your Will become confused and Disoriented, and your Heart will beat Rapidly yet weakly." As The Voice spoke some of the member with me began experiencing what he was talking about.

"This Is Called Heat Stroke. Now what would happen if a Heat Stroke Victim was suddenly exposed to Sub-zero Temperatures?" Finally The Owner of the Voice came into View. He was small about 3 feet tall maybe more, He was Wearing a Dark Blue Skin tight Short sleeve with a Grey vest over it. He had long Black hair that Came down to his shoulders, A Smiling Money Mask was covering his face with a Leaf Insignia upon the forehead. The Eye slots had Blue Eyes With three marks moving around the Pupil in the middle.

"Im quite interested on the answer to this question." He walked leisurely toward us That were now sprawled all over the ground in various levels of agony. He Stopped Directly in front of me and squatted down to look into my eyes and said "You guys will help me with that."

He then stood up and walked a few meters away, once he reached a spot he was satisfied with he stopped and turned back around. "They Say on the battlefield never allow your enemy to have your back."

'What is he rambling about?' I don't understand what that had to do with anything.

"I think that should be changed. I just had my back but you were unable to do anything right?" When he said this he sounded like he was mocking me, Like my battle prowess meant absolutely nothing to him.

"All of you are stronger than me and that is a Fact. However, your bodies are still fundamentally Human." He looked up at they Sky. and then said "So I guess the more things Change, The more they stay the same huh."

He Paused for a long wile a looked at the sky. I looked up too just to see what was so interesting that he would ignore his opponents but, It was just the a bright blue sky devoid of any clouds.

"Nii-Chan Could you hurry up please the Other groups are get further away." Another Figure appeared similar to the First except he was wearing a Smiling Panda Mask.

"Damn Its hot, Could you hurry this up please?" Another Figure appeared that had a Smiling Rabbit Mask.

The Shinobi looking at the Sky Turned his head and looked back at me. "Now, Lets cool you all off."

"Somatic Style: Ice Age"

The Trees Froze, Expanded and Exploded due to the Cold.

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