Surprisingly, the other Kobolds were more unique than I first thought.

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“Gaou, vurua guruo auruon.” (That’s why I told you to listen to me!)


“Vao, kuruau garuiruaaan!” (No, I’ll just end up getting convinced if I do!)


The huge, prick-eared Kobold covered both of his ears while arguing back. Well, I was talking to convince them, but… the other Kobolds from the Ancient Forest just nodded as they observed from the sidelines.


“U~, guaruou gaauaoru kyuoruaa~n.” (Hnn~, Lord Gavi always gets him to agree to things, so I don’t blame him.) 


“…Aruo, kuoru wogurua guoaruoon?” (…Shiro, stop badmouthing Lord Gavi like that.)


The white, fluffy-haired Shiro spoke in his usual laid-back tone while Hasta, the manly, black and white Kobold who was sitting nearby, reproached him. Also in attendance were Shiro’s pack and Hasta’s men who were in their care.


In terms of numbers, their forces were greater than the enemy’s. Sliva, who possessed silver fur like me, led 30 Kobold Warriors. Blau also had the same number on his side, while Hasta and Shiro’s combined forces equaled to around 40 more Warriors.


However, the Kobold Warriors who gathered to beat back the Goblins… lacked unity.


I sighed inwardly and thought, “…they’re such a disorderly bunch.” 

At first, we got along well after I got back from scouting the Goblin’s village and we shared a meal, but… things got complicated the moment I came up with a specific plan of attack.


Even now, I took a bite from the dried meat I received earlier as I watched Blau, Silva, and Shiro battle it out for control.


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(This smoked meat is pretty good… maybe I could have Smith study how this is made when we get back so everybody can have it for winter too.)


It was just salted meat smoked with some wood chips, but it would keep well. With a Kobold’s taste buds, it would be difficult to eat without removing the excess salt, but… unlike dogs, we could tolerate salt to some extent, so we could also prepare some rations just like the Kobolds of the Ancient forest does.


In addition to the smoked meat, each pack had gathered 3-4 days’ worth of food, including nuts, so there was no need for us to procure food in the Goblins’ territory. 


Well, if the 100 or so Kobolds tried to procure food within the territory, there was a high chance that we would encounter the Goblins before or after catching prey, and the smell of blood from the meat processing could expose our encampment. Moreover, if we approach their village, their scouts would probably spot us, so it was best that we delay engagement for as long as possible.


(But these parts are also under their control….)


I switched my attention and focused on what Blau and Silva were saying.


“Guu, gaaruoaau gaawa kuaruguo wafih!!” (But why didn’t Gavi come along when he was the one who proposed to fight together in the first place!?)


“Gaawagao vofa faruuoruau? Voruooonn!” (Have you forgotten that Lord Gavi had already passed his 60th spring? Don’t be absurd!)


Hnn? So Elder Kobolds had such long life spans…


“Kuh, gauah, kuoaruoon! Ruouuh guoruaaaaann!!” (Kuh, enough, this is getting us nowhere! Let’s just talk with our fists!!)




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Blau imbued some power into his thick arms as he thrust them out, and the prick-eared Kobolds behind him howled to show their support. Meanwhile, some of the black and white Kobolds also howled, but they quieted down immediately when Hasta glared at them.


“Va, guguugaau kuaaunn!” (No, I’m at a disadvantage no matter where you look at it!)


Unlike me, Silva is a proper High Kobold, which means she is classified as a Sorceress. In other words, even if she has a slim and toned figure, it was still going to be impossible for her to hit Blau.


It is a tacit understanding that fights among Kobolds should be in the form of fistfights to avoid fatal injuries. So in this sense, save for a few exceptions, magic-type Kobolds cannot become pack leaders even if they were useful to the pack.


“Gauh, kuaruoooun, vau gaua?” (Tsk, you’re such a weakling, what about you, Hasta?)


“Gauo, aruo?” (What do you wanna do, Shiro?)


The black and white Kobold glances at the pack leader who had been taking care of his group.


“Guruu kuruaru~n, vaa, vau guruoaou~” (Well, I’m also weak, so Hasta will be my representative~)




The Kobolds following him howled in support, but this time Hasta did not silence them and looked at Silva to confirm her participation.


“Guruoaoon? Guu gauoruaan guoruvaau…” (Are you guys sure about this? I won’t go easy on you even if you complain later…)


“Kuoh, guuh! Waoa, guruoaou garuuh!” (Geez, fine! Then, he will be my representative!)

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Silva suddenly pointed at me.


“Wo vorufaruo woaaouh, garuaaan?” (Your well-trained body isn’t just for decoration, isn’t it? You can do it, right?)


“Guruon… woooau guruaoou?” (I don’t mind, but… If I win, you guys have to do as I say, alright?)


I warned her. 


“Gaauaagao guruvaruuo… guruoan?” (He’s the same type as Lord Gavi… but is everyone okay with that?)


“Wauh.” (Sure.)


With the support of Silva and her pack, I joined the other two, and, like them, removed the leather armor that restricted my movement. In the meantime, the Kobolds surrounding us had moved away, creating some open in the middle of the sparse forest.


But even if it’s a sparse area, there are still some trees growing in it… 


“Kuuoaaan, ruaworu.” (I’m counting on you, young Sage Archer.)


“Vaau, woruua kyuoaan garuoon” (Hasta, I’ll heal you if you get hurt, so good luck~)

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The silver and white Kobolds, both shouted out carefree encouragements as they backed up and joined the outer circle.


“Waa, gaoaru woruauuoon.” (Then whoever remains standing wins.)


“…Waon.” (…Understood.)


Hasta nodded at Blau’s declaration. In the case of a three-way fight, the one who is left out of the fight is at a disadvantage, so it seems everyone will attack at the same time, but…


(Oh, that’s right, outsiders are usually taken out first…)


The large, light brown Kobold and the black and white Kobold turned their sharp gazes at me. As I nodded to show my agreement, I filled my whole body with earth-type magic and slowly breathed out.


“Fuuuu…..h, wooooonn!!”

【Activated:Adamantine Body (Earth-attribute type)】


In an instant, my body buffed up as I was clad in steel-like muscles.


Part of the reason I was easily persuaded by Silva is that I didn’t mind fighting.


(Hah, don’t underestimate the skills of a battle-hungry mercenary!!)


I’m not sure if it’s just because of my wild instincts, but ever since I’ve been in this body, I’ve always loved to fight.

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