The surrounding Kobolds flinched as I turned muscular due to the effects of Adamantine Body…

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“Vo, voruu…” (Yet another strange skill…)

“Wau, guruuwaonn, gurua!” (It’s fine, Hasta!)


We kept an eye on each other as we backed away until each of us took our positions in the triangular formation… After a while, I went into a fighting stance with both my right foot and right arm positioned in front.


I then looked at Hasta who was in a similar stance as me and then at Blau who had both his fists in front of him.


“Garuu woafu kuruaou?” (Can I start anytime?)


I asked the two while coursing power through my limbs.


“Garuo kuruaon.” (I don’t mind either way.)


“Wau, waruo… gauh!!” (Then here… I come!!)


While the Kobolds around us were busy cheering for them, I charged as soon as Hasta answered!




I wasted no time and instantly closed the distance to Blau and unleashed a right punch with a roar.


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“Garuh, uruah!!” (What the heck, uraah!!)


However, Blau took a step back and deflected my punch with his left fist, followed by a body blow counter-attack with his right.


“Fuh!” (Fuh!)


I blocked the blow aimed at my solar plexus by immediately launching a knee strike as fast as I could. I then intertwined my right arm around Blau’s left arm to pull him in and hit his lower jaw with a left palm strike!


“G-gaah!?” (G-gaah!?)

“Guruu faonn!!” (Sweet dreams!!)


In one fluid motion, I turned my body to the right and delivered a speedy backhand blow to the back of Blau’s head!!


“Gah, ha, ugaaaaaaaah!!”


Despite being somewhat dazed after receiving the “Lightning Wizard” attack which was written in the grimoire “Herculean Crushing”, Blau remained standing and swung one of his strong arms with a shout.


“G-guuh.” (G-guuh)


His defense was slightly delayed as he pulled back his left arm, so the impact of the blow to the side of his head and his raised arm was heavy. He unconsciously let out a groan on contact, but… that was it.



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And so, with a short exhalation, I drove my left fist into Blau’s face, my whole body spinning inwardly at the moment of contact. The corkscrew attack added more force to my punch and it immediately rendered Blau unconscious.




The prick-eared Kobolds shouted in dismay as Blau collapsed just minutes after the duel started, while the other Kobold breeds cheered.


(Mustn’t get distracted!)


I blocked out the distracting sounds around me and immediately turned around to look for Hasta who had disappeared.


“Garuoah!!” (ORAAA!!)

【Activated:Leg Strengthening(Intermediate / Instantaneous)】


“Guh!” (Tsk!)


While I was exchanging blows with Blau, Hasta had used the opportunity to hide around the trees and launched an attack that caught me off guard! 


“Guuuh!?” (Guuh!?)

“Gauh, garuoaaah!!” (Hah, I got you now!!)


I crossed my arms and defended against the fast-approaching flying kick that was aimed at my face, but the weight of the kick pushed me back.


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But Hasta’s attack didn’t stop there. He used my arms as a springboard to lightly leap then launched another kick to the side of my head while he was mid-air.


And because my arms were crossed in front of me, there was no way I could defend the side of my head.


When I first met him in the river, I should have been wary of the fact that this iron spear user could have the same leg-strengthening skill that my comrade, Lancer, possessed, but it’s no use crying over spilled milk now.


“Guh, uuh…”


The taste of blood permeated inside my mouth after I took a direct hit from his roundhouse kick. During the moment that I was off-balance, Hasta was already poised to make another upper kick as soon as he landed. He was probably planning to kick me in the chin and knock me unconscious.


“V-vuruoaaaah!” (Don’t fuck with me!)

“Wauh!?” (Tsk!)


Just as he was going to raise his knee to launch the kick, I used my left foot and lightly kicked his knee to spoil the momentum.


“Garuruh!” (You’re not beating me yet!)

“Waonn!!” (Yeah right!!)


With his kick stopped halfway, Hasta moved backward and placed his weight on his right fist to balance himself as he ducked and defended against the cross-counter attack. 


Hasta, who had caught my fist that was in his line of sight, bent his neck backward to duck as another fist grazed his temple, but… My aim wasn’t to hit him at all. I kept my left arm locked with Hasta’s right and slightly bent as I closed the slight distance and reached for his shoulder. 


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“W-wafi!?” (W-what!?)

“Guh, waoruah! Garuaaaaaah!!” (Gotcha! GRAAAAAAH!)


I then reached for Hasta’s inner thigh with my right hand, and with a burst of energy, I lifted him horizontally as I turned his body upside-down and placed him over my shoulders! * 


“Uwooooh!?” (Uwooooh!?)

“Kuoruouh!!” (You’re going down!!)


From that position, I held Hasta up so he was slightly vertical, and as I spun around, I used his weight as I slammed his body on the ground!!


“Gyauh! Ugh…”


After confirming that Hasta had been knocked unconscious by the “Iron Flowsion”** which was a Muscle Arts move that Greio shared in his book, I gingerly thrust my right arm towards the moonlit sky. 





The various Kobold breeds who were watching the match roared in unison and stomped on the earth. 


(Ah, so the way of honoring the victor of a match is the same as we do in Easteria forest…)


Anyway, even though we’re about 10km away from the G’s village, their Goblin Scouts will surely find us if any happens to be nearby… 

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