A few moments before the Kobold Alliance approached the village and the Goblin Warriors dashed out to engage them with angry battle cries, the elite Kobold unit observed the settlement from the bushes just outside the village…

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(Hmm, I wonder how many guards they have left in the village…)


While waiting for Oswald and his group to come back from checking the blindspots around the village, I was running several scenarios about our current situation in my head when I picked up the faint sounds of rustling grass. 


Everyone reacted to the minute sound and shifted their gaze to the bushes, including the mages who, perhaps nervous about infiltrating the enemy territory with a small number of people,  turned around in a panic.


(Whew, I knew that smelled like Oswald and the others!)


While silently reassuring myself, I sent a hand sign to Oswald who had just come back from scouting the area. Just like the phrase, “when in a foreign land, act like the natives,” I used the variation of hand signs that Silva’s pack uses to communicate when hunting.


How was it?


Can’t see from here, but there are five of them.


So there are five guards on the northeastern side of the village… The northwestern side also has five guards, so there are ten of them all in all. Of course, we still can’t afford to be too careless at this point, but there was still something else worrying me.


Were they there?


No, neither the Greatsword one, the Twin Sword one, or the one with a missing part of his ear was around. 


(Tsk, so this is a miss.)


I thought that if the largely-built Goblin and the tall and lean Goblin we encountered in Easteria and the large, Cavalry Goblin Leader with a missing part of his ear were around, we could take them out one-by-one, but…


If they came along with the group that went out to fight with the main force, then we had to hurry.


While curbing my impatience, I proceeded to assess our situation with the information we had. The reconnaissance team found a total of 10 Goblins who were put in charge of defense, including 1 High Goblin Warrior, 2 large Goblin Fighters, and 7 normal Goblins that included archers.

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After some more new bits of intel was added and preparations were made, everyone’s ears perked up as we heard the sounds of battle that were carried by the wind from the nearby battlefield which was on the southern part of the forest.


(So they’ve already started. We have to finish this quickly!)


After nodding grimly at each other, the mages, including myself, separated from the archers and secretly infiltrated the Goblins’ village, and stopped in front of the main building that was made of wood.


“Wao, garuoh!!” (Alright, burn it!!)


“Garuu, woruo.” (Yes, oh wise one.)


The fire mage Kusell had a twisted smile on his face as he placed his hands in front of his chest and focused his magic.


“Garufauh, kuruo voarufuh!!” (O ancient flames, return everything to ashes!!)

A high-temperature, high-density magic flame shot out from between his palms and into the building where monsters are bred as mounts for the Cavalry Goblins. The flames immediately clung onto the walls upon impact, turning from high-concentration fire magic to regular flames as it gradually spread out. 


“Gaouaonn!!” (Make it bigger!)


“Guruaaaann!!” (Leave it to us!!)

“Wofuh, kuruaaann!” (O wind, go wild!)


It seems there was still a Boar-type monster inside, so its cries rang out as the flames burned stronger while being controlled by the two wind users!


“Giuuh, giuruah!!” (O flames, consume the enemy!!)


“Vorufu, garufa!” (Tear them to pieces, Wind Blade!)


I immediately fired a Wind Blade at the Goblin who came to check out the situation after being attracted by the flames.


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“U-ua…a, giah…”


The blade of wind crushed the unfortunate Goblin’s face and killed him, but the warning earlier invited the attention of the other Goblins defending the village, and the large Goblin Warrior saw us as he came rushing into the village square.


“Gii, guagalgia giirukuh!!” (Tsk, shoot those dog bastards down!!)


As he yelled his orders while looking in the direction where the archer Goblins had disappeared to, the large Goblin drew his sword.


“Gadosurauh, gadia!” (Beat them up, charge!)


“Guouh!!” (YEAHHHH!!)


The commander led his foot soldiers and drew near us while watching out for magic attacks and arrows.


Generally, when places like towns and villages with lots of structures are attacked, it would be hard to clearly determine the number of enemies, so it would be easier to charge in and find out how many there are…


(I’ll give them points for taking initiative, but they’re too distracted.)


As I was absorbed in my thoughts, the Goblin archers suddenly peeked from their hiding places with their short bows loaded and aimed at us.


“Girauah!!” (I got them in my sights!!)


“Giasleuh!” (Fire!)


While briefly warning the others, I ducked and dodged the arrows that were coming at us from the Goblin archers’ hiding place. After confirming that Kusel and Noa were safely hidden, I realized,


“Gauh, guruu woruguaoo.” (Huh, looks like I was too distracted too.)


While I was admonishing myself, the enemy archers peeked out and were getting ready for the second volley of attacks, but tragedy struck just as they were about to strike.

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“Gyauah!? Gehah…”


“Giiih, giu…ah…”


Two Goblin archers were suddenly hit by flying arrows on the throat and chest and fell.


The archers from the commando unit who split up with us fully displayed their hunting skills by hiding their presence as they took the lapse in the enemy’s attention to the blazing flames as an opportunity and struck.


Meanwhile, another set of miserable Goblin screams rang out from a different place.




“Guaaah, h-haa…”


In the midst of the sudden commotion, sparks and burning pieces of wood continued to be scattered by the wind from the burnt-out building, causing the other structures nearby to catch fire and produce billows of smoke.


“E-edo girausu…!?” (T-the village is burning…!?)


Aiming at the Goblin Fighter who momentarily quailed at their situation, Noa fires two no-attribute magic bullets one after another.


“Gih!?” (Wha!?)


However, even though the Goblin warrior was able to narrowly stop the first bullet with his buckler, the following bullet makes a hole in his chest and kills him.


“Guaruooau, woau garuoooau.” (Don’t take it against us, we’re just giving you a taste of your own medicine.)


“Guh, uwa… aaah…a”

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As the other remaining guards shrieked one after the other, the Goblin Warrior who seemed to be their commander yelled in anger,


“Galegudorah, giusu giirah!!” (Stop fucking around, what the heck is this!?)


As the Goblin Warrior continued to yell, I pulled out my Scimitar and carefully approached him for a confrontation.


“Giuruaaaaah!!” (You bastaaaaarddddd!)


However, I was a few steps ahead of him as I took a step back to evade the diagonal slash attack he launched at me in anger. Coursing power to my legs, I leaned forward and adapted a low stance, and flew at him with an instantaneous slash attack. 




There was a flash of light followed by the sound of air being cut and the Goblin Warrior’s throat was torn open before he could even pull back his weapon.


“U-uu, aaa…uh…”


“Kuaruoua.” (Rest in peace.)


I pressed my left palm against his chest while concentrating magic at that point and fired a Wind Blade at point-blank range, effectively ending his suffering. After that, I walked around the dead Goblin’s huge body while sheathing my Scimitar and turned towards the presence that was approaching me from behind.


“Woaruooon? Woruo.” (Is this how you want it, wise one?)


“Wau, uwaon.” (Yes, that’s right.)


Just as Oswald asked as he approached, the flames were moderately spreading throughout the village and creating thick billows of smoke. There was a risk of killing the captured Elves and Adventurers that were probably inside the Village Chief’s house if we got carried away and overdid it after all.


(I guess this is enough. Now, on to the next task…)

After a bit of deliberation, I called everyone to gather and let out a roar to alert the Goblins fighting nearby that we have captured their village, and ran over to the south side of the forest where the thick of the battle was happening.

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