“!? varigiah, edo giraudei!” (Lord Vali, the village is burning!)

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“Guh, gidora galdes! Dize gados!!” (Tsk, we can’t stop now! Cavaliers, charge!!)


The bipedal Land Lizard they were riding was fairly fast, and since it would give the enemies a chance to strike if they suddenly stopped, the Chieftain Vali, who was also the Cavalry commander, decided to push through with the attack, but…


“Woauh! Vaooa!!” (They’re finally here! Attack!!)


On Hasta’s cue, the bushes and leaves around the enemy forces rustled, and 6 spear-wielding black-and-white Kobolds popped out as if they were arrows shot out of a ballista!


During the standoff before the battle, they had kept themselves inconspicuous and out of view from the Goblins by hiding behind Blau’s unit which had larger members.


Hasta intended to make it seem like the right side of the formation was weak due to the sparsity of spearmen to lure the enemy’s cavalry group in. However, it was also unavoidable that the hidden Kobolds would not be able to participate in the battle and their defenses on the right flank would be sparse until the time was right.


He had explained beforehand to Blau and his group that they would have to take the brunt of attacks until his plan worked, but reassured them that the 3 fluffy, white Kobolds from his unit would support the prick-eared, curly-tailed Kobolds from the rearguard.


Still, it must have been frustrating for the Kobolds who had no choice but to lay in wait for the ambush to see their brethren fall before the blades of the Goblins…


“Guruogaruguh, woaoon!” (Everyone, let’s destroy them here and now!)


“Voruaaaah, urugao!” (We will fight you to the end, you pests!)

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With faces filled with rage, the 6 Kobold Spearmen attacked the front of the Cavalry unit led by Vali from the sides.


“Uwoooo!?” (Uwoooo!?)

“Giuah!!” (What the–!?)



Surprised by the sudden attack, the Land Lizards tried to stop and evade but collapsed along with the riders that clung to them.


Without missing a beat, the 6 black-and-white Kobolds raise their spears and pierce the mounts and riders to end them.


“Gugh, gugii… uh…” (Guh, it-it hurts…ugh…)

“Gehah… uguaaah…”




To prevent themselves from being caught with their comrades who had been dying left and right, the Goblin riders behind them tightened their mount’s reins to prevent them from falling together after suddenly stopping.


While most of the Goblin Cavalrymen were struggling to keep from being shaken off, Vali, who was commanding them, maneuvered the reins of the large Land Lizard with one hand and launched a spear attack on the nearest black-and-white Kobold in front of him even though he was slightly out of position.


“Lugiusuh!” (Helix Spear!)

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“Uwah… Kofuh…”


The wind blades around the spinning spear attack pierced the Kobold’s chest and the Kobold fell while coughing up blood.


“G-garuaa, guruou!!” (H-how dare you, you bastard!!)


“Giih, derakh!” (Hah, too slow!)


Vali quickly pulled out his weapon when he righted himself and avoided the Iron Spear thrust at him by one of the fallen Kobold’s comrades by catching the spear tip with his left hand and pulling the enemy forward.


“Wauh!?” (Wha!?)


The Kobold whose weapon was captured when he attacked was pulled towards the large Land Lizard who had opened its mouth wide.


“Gidogizeru, giusu.” (Time for a snack, partner!)



“Gobuh, gauah… uh, gaaah!!” (*wheeze* y-you shit… ugh, gaaaah!!)


The black-and-white Kobold tried to squeeze the Land Lizard’s neck with all his remaining strength even though he was bitten on the throat and was suffering from the fatal injury.

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At a glance, it seemed like their effort had gone to waste, but Hasta took advantage of the opportunity and approached the enemy in a flash.


“V-varigia! Guuh!?” (L-lord Vali! Guuh!?)

“Alkuh!? Elesureu!!” (Arrows!? Where are they coming from!!)


With a whoosh, multiple arrows suddenly shot out from the dark part of the forest behind them and hit the Goblin Cavalry, thinning out the soldiers surrounding the Goblin Chief.


The sniping was the work of the archers led by Oswald who had rushed to the right flank, and Hasta, with his Iron Spear in hand, plunged into the large Goblin with the chipped ear, without being obstructed by his underlings.


“Woau garuuaah!!” (You’re going to die here, you bastard!!)


“Gidoah!” (You fool!)


His target, which was the large Goblin riding on the Land Lizard, turned around and launched his spinning assault spear which was covered in wind blades at the fearless black-and-white Kobold.


Everyone expected Hasta’s left arm to come flying off when he brought it over his head to avoid a direct hit, but at the moment of contact, a circular light shield appeared on his forearm and clashed against the spiral attack, scattering sparks and blood before he was knocked down by the heavy blow.




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“Giusuah!?” (What the heck was that!?)


The Light-emitting Arm Shield that caused the unexpected outcome was an intermediate Light-attribute magic called the “Recoil Buckler”, which was the trump card Hasta asked his sworn friend Shiro to cast on his left arm.


Even with his trump card, Hasta still couldn’t repel the spinning force of the wind blades surrounding the Goblin’s Spear and ended up having his left arm bleeding and torn to shreds.


But that one arm was a small price to pay for the opportunity to win the battle. With his good arm, Hasta took his Spear and thrust it into the enemy’s throat. 


“Guruooooah!” (Take this!)


“Gahah, gi, auh… uu…” (Gahah, th-this… uurgh…)


The Goblin with a missing piece of his ear loosens his grip and stops moving after being pierced by Hasta’s Iron Spear in the neck. Hasta also takes out the Large Knife from his waist and drives it into the enemy’s heart and through his leather armor in one smooth motion.


“Ua, varigia…” (Wah, L-Lord Vali is…)


“Gi, giah! G-gubuh… Aa…” (I-impossible! Sob… sniff...)


The rest of the Cavalry also sustained injuries from the sniper attack by the archers hiding in the trees and were taken out by the rest of Hasta’s men.


During the confusion, the Land Lizard mount of the Goblin Chief who also suffered from an arrow wound quickly scooped up the lifeless body of its master in its mouth and disappeared into the forest…

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