While the black-and-white Kobolds were fighting the Goblin soldiers, the mages of the commando unit who separated with the archers, rushed to the left flank with the young Elder Kobold leading them.

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Hiding their presence, they peeked from the shadows and assessed the battle situation from nearby.


(This is bad… Shiro’s group is being pushed back!)


Considering that the white, fluffy Kobolds aren’t really built for fighting, they’re still holding up pretty well, but… their opponents were really strong. 


(Those guys also got stronger…)


From the corner of my eye, I saw a familiar-looking Goblin, albeit more human-like, with long, ash gray hair who angrily wielded his twin swords.


“Gii, guzea zetoras! Garun!!” (Hah, your aim is off, you mutt!!)


The twin sword-wielding Goblin evades the Iron Spear that was aimed at his flank by taking a  step backward with his left foot and then going forward with his right foot to close the distance with his enemy.


“Wafih!?” (W-what!?)


The black-and-white Kobold jumped back to try and evade the attack, but the Goblin Swordsman flashed his deadly blade and cut the unfortunate Kobold’s throat.


“Kahah, u… uuahh…”

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“Worugaooh! Garuau kuruoooon!!” (I won’t let you die! Earth Heal!!)


Shiro immediately deployed his healing magic to close the wound and connected the retreating Kobold’s life force with the earth even as his blood spilled out.


At the same time, the black-and-white Kobolds tried to block the enemy from reaching him, but the situation only got worse as the Goblins banded together and pushed them back.


“U, uwaaan~, aruvaruo…” (Th-this is bad~, Silva and the others are…)


Shiro glances at Silva’s unit who are fighting on the central side and sees that they are in dire need of backup as the occasional flashes of light followed by the pained screams of their brethren indicated that they were also struggling with a high-level individual.


Shiro was able to grasp the situation in a short amount of time, but the enemy grabbed the opportunity to knock him out while he was lost in his thoughts.


“Zeldoreu wezeasu, rigaruh!!” (You’ve been getting on my nerves since earlier, you white mutt!!)


Frustrated at the hassle caused by the enemies getting healed as soon as he cuts them, the twin sword wielder throws his purple lightning-covered throwing knife at Shiro, the cause of the problem.


The glimmering blade easily slips through the black-and-white Kobold shield and lodges itself right in between Shiro’s eyebrows.


“Kyan!?” (Ow!?)


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The throwing knife is just an auxiliary weapon, so its killing ability is low and isn’t enough to penetrate through the skull. In other words, it wasn’t enough to kill Shiro, but… lightning descended upon him as soon as it stabbed him.




Shiro, who was instantly shocked, let out a groan before falling unconscious.

If his protection wasn’t adequate, it could have fried his brain, but Shiro only fainted because he was a high-level Kobold Priest that had high magic resistance…


“Giu, gyauo, giuledora!!” (Alright men, rain them with attacks!!)




The black-and-white Kobolds could not hide their shock at Shiro’s fall. But as they readied their spears to defend against the high-spirited Goblins, a roar rang out from the forest!


“Vorufah, garuuoaoooann!” (O raging storms, blow the vermin away!)


As wind magic coated my arms with whirlwinds, I stretched my palms out and unleashed a raging storm attack containing numerous wind blades that wounded the Goblins.


“Gehah, uwaaaaah!” 

“Giaaaaaaah, aah…”



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While keeping himself from getting caught in the rampaging winds, the twin blade-wielding Goblin watched as several of his brethren were caught in the storm and were flung away in a spray of blood and smoke. 


“Zenogilgah, jikusu!!” (It’s that silver bastard again!!)


Deciding that the tall and lean Goblin who was screaming something would be my next target, I clad my legs in whirlwinds and rushed at the enemy.


“Redos, giula!!” (Wait, where are you going!!)


“Zelgias!!” (I’m taking him on!!)


The Goblin Fighters reacted quickly and tried to break into the space created by the magical storm, but the Kobold mages who were hiding amongst the trees took advantage of the chaos and fired their own attacks.


“Varukuoauh!” (Pierce, Magic Bullets!)



“Gih, guaaaah!”



Unable to dodge Noa’s continuous magic bullets that assaulted them from a blind spot, one of the Goblins staggered backward as he sustained fatal wounds on his right shoulder and flank while the wind blades cast together by the nameless Kobold mages was stopped by the enemy’s Longsword.

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However, our goal of stopping them was achieved, so I took this opportunity to close in on the tall and lean twin swordsman and unleashed a speedy slash attack together with a magic-imbued roar that would disrupt the flow of magic.




“Guh, gileudo.” (Good, you’re powerless now!)


The Goblin unsheathed his twin blades to parry the blow from the curved sword and imbued lightning magic into his weapon on contact.


“Giuh, giusuh!?” (Take thi— what!?)


However, due to the Howling Noise skill, the flow of magic inside his body was disturbed, and an unbearable discomfort strikes the twin blade-wielding Goblin.




“Gauoou…” (The countermeasure worked…)


It was unfortunate for Shiro and the others, but I was able to understand the danger of the twin swordsman’s purple lightning when I got the chance to observe it while waiting for our cue. And thanks to that, I deployed my countermeasure before he could even attack.


Just to be on the safe side, I also gathered magic on my right hand which was holding the Scimitar to reduce the damage taken in case the purple lightning struck, but the skill worked, and my apprehension was put to rest…


However, with this, it was possible to face the enemy on equal footing. The move did not diminish the enemy’s murderous intent one bit, and both sides charged and continued to battle.

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