“…… Voruu garuooa.” [… Very well, state your purpose.]

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With an indignant look, I urged Ernesta to speak.


“Everyone, put your swords down!”


The Knights surrounding us lowered their weapons on her order to keep the intimidation down.


“I’m sorry if we came in such a manner, but we don’t have much time… I apologize if we started with threatening you, but I want you to know how serious and ready I am to negotiate.”


“Guoru, kuauon, guruoaaooh?” [So you’re saying that you’re not bluffing and are prepared to convince us with brute force?]


“Yes, since empty threats will only make one look bad.”


(…Well, if you put such a level of preparedness forward, then I can surely see your will to succeed with the negotiations no matter what the cost. Hmmm, I wonder if we can take advantage of this situation?”


“… I only have one request, and that is to hunt the monster running amok in the Royal Capital.”


“Gurua woaan… garuaooon, guruu?” [Can’t you do it yourselves? Didn’t you say they were strong?]




I could tell from the atmosphere that the Knights who are silently observing the course of events here are quite skilled.


“It’s impossible. That thing is built so that “humans” cannot take it down.”


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“… Garuou?” [… What are you up against?]


“You wouldn’t happen to know of the disease-spreading monster, Alvesta of the Black Rain, would you? It’s what we humans call it, but…”


Isn’t that one of the Seven Plagues…? So it’s a threat level S monster. As I recall, there were records of its appearance 140 years ago in Constantia, the capital of Athos. 


During that time, the Holy Church and the Religious Sect of the Heavenly Moon were not on good terms. The Holy Church back then did not share information with the Religious Sect of the Heavenly Moon about the white-masked monster, thus catching them unprepared and causing extensive damages to the latter.


For now, I’ll pretend not to know about it and see if they are lying or not…


“Gugaoa guorun?” [What are the characteristics of this monster?]


“It’s a white-masked entity that causes sickness and death to humans through the reddish-black rain of blood that it casts all over the city. If we tried to get near it, then it would spew forth a cloud of blood and incapacitate us on the spot, but you guys…”.


“Guuaaon.” [You have no proof of that.]


I affirmed Ernesta’s statement and interrupted her mid-sentence.


As far as I know, the records have indicated that the blood disease caused by Alvesta of the Seven Plagues has not affected anything else other than humans, but I cannot say if there is no risk of infection to our kind either.


“Kuarugu guugurua worugaruaou?” [You want me to risk my life and my people’s lives on pure speculation?]


“I know there’s that too, but… according to the records, except for the first case, all the other cases of the blood disease after that only affected humans, so I cannot guarantee that there is no danger to your lives either.”


Losing her mother from a young age, Ernesta understood that no matter how much the other party is willing to pay, no amount of compensation could match the value of a life.


That’s why they have not yet decided how to mitigate the damages in the Royal Capital, but… while it may be a matter of convenience on the human’s side, the Kobolds’ lives are likewise irreplaceable.

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As a student of medicine, she values just not people, but “lives” as a high priority. And because of that belief, she ended up in the current situation.


In other words, she had placed the lives of the people that need to be protected on the negotiating table.


So for that reason, she secretly advanced and threatened the Kobolds even if her heart bled and she knew that her red-haired friend would blame herself if she were around.


“A life can only be paid with another life. That’s why we subjugated you and your brethren… I’m sorry if that seems very selfish to you.”


“Kuorugu guuo?” [So you were threatening us after all?]


“Of course we will also compensate you, but that won’t be enough either, won’t it?”


Ernesta whispered and reached her hand out to the sky. A gust of wind suddenly blew over, and in her hand was a piece of parchment. 


“Please read this.”




The parchment she handed over to me was a “pledge” created with the secret techniques of the Magic Society, a large organization that spanned nations. It was made so that one of the parties involved would lose one of their bodily functions once they break the oath written on it.


The parchment contains a spell that engraves the contents of the pledge into your memory and soul at the same time you approve it, and you will be punished the moment you are even slightly aware that you have broken it.


It seems that people lie to themselves and take advantage of the fact that they cannot completely lie to themselves… I have seen the Commander exchange these with his bargaining partners a few times during my time as a mercenary.


I passed my magic through the “pledge” and secretly confirmed that it was the Magic Society’s seal that appeared.


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(Looks like it’s the real “pledge”.)


This is a summary of its contents:


Regardless of the defeat of Alvesta of the Black Rain, the reward for our earnest cooperation will be paid in good faith. As a reward, the central area of the Easteria Forest in the Ferias Domain of the Kingdom of Riastize, namely, our settlement and the surrounding forest area, was to be given to us and no one would be allowed to enter it without authorization.


Formally, the King would also compensate the Feudal Lord of Ferias, and designate this area as a hunting ground under the direct control of the Royal Family, which in effect, will allow us to use it as we please.


Furthermore, they will also turn a blind eye to the fact that we robbed several adventurers earlier in spring.


It also said that we would lose our voices if we violated the pledge, and written at the bottom of it was King Alexius’ name. All that was left to do was for the King to give his approval and the ‘pledge’ would be valid, but likewise, if he violates the pledge, then he would be left unable to speak.


“I know it’s a little lukewarm for you to be risking your life and your comrades’ lives, but…”


“… Lady Ernesta.”


Behind her, a dark-skinned man that seemed like her second-in-command chided Ernesta.


“Hmm, certainly, King Alexius has also placed his voice on the line too. Don’t worry, Glen, I’m already keeping myself from making too many negative comments about it.”


Glen turned to me and spoke.


“… I have a further message from His Majesty saying that he would be willing to grant anything that you demand as long as he could provide it, so please consider our offer.”



I returned my gaze to Ernesta after Glen bowed.

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“Gugau?” [What if we refuse?]


“Then I would be in a real pinch. I’d really love it if you could help us.”


… I removed the telepathic communication mask and consulted with the main members who were present.


“Woruan garuonn?” (Do you think we could turn this situation around?)


“Guuh, guuh, guuaooon!!” (Let’s just cut, cut, and cut them down!!)


“… Gauh, guuon.” (… Tsk, it’s impossible.)


“Guruu kuauoouu…” (I don’t think we can take them on either…)


Buster was raring to go, while Blazer and Ax disagreed. The rest of the group on the other hand…






Nope, their tails have already curled up.


“Wafu~” (Sigh.)


I let out a sigh and put on my mithril mask again.


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