As I placed my mask back on, I detected the presence of my sister, Lancer, and Knuckle from the faint scents mixed in the wind. They probably just came back from getting iron sand from the Steele River and are laying low just outside of the Knights’ encirclement.

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Taking that into account, it was still difficult to turn our situation around. If it were just us, we could break through via a point in the encirclement and lose our attackers in the forest, but…





That is not exactly an option we could choose since there are several new-born Kobolds among us.

Regaining my composure, I turned and talked to the silver-haired mage.


“… Kurugaaua garuouh, gururuu gauo woaruoo.” [… I know Alvesta. I have some connections with humans, after all.]


(I remember hearing a lot about Alvesta during my mercenary days. That guy was pretty famous.)


“… You’re quite an interesting guy.”


Ernesta narrowed her eyes at me, but I ignored her and continued.


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“Guu, guruaoa uo gauoaaan?” [What made you think that we Kobolds could take that guy on?]


There is quite a distance from the Royal Capital to the Easteria Forest in the Ferias Territory… Considering the nature of Alvesta of the Black Rain, the number of people affected by the Blood Disease will surely increase. Since they spent some precious time getting here despite their condition, then they must have some hope of winning.


“Hmm, to be honest with you, we don’t have any records of the battles, so I can’t say for sure, but… there is a high possibility that Alvesta isn’t as strong as he seems. It’s just that its compatibility with us is too bad that we can’t win against it…”


“Guaruofu, kuooauon uoaaao?” [So you’re saying that anybody can do it as long as they can’t catch the Bleeding Disease?]


“I’m just saying that it’s a possibility because the biggest threat that thing has is its ability to wield the disease. In the past, many of the Templar Knights who contracted the bleeding disease testified that the presence and magical pressure they felt from Alvesta was about a threat level C at the very least.”


If that were the case, then the focal point would be whether races other than humans could catch that Bleeding Disease or not…


“… Wona kuua, guuru gaouon.” […. If we take this job, then there will be several conditions.]


“I can generally guess what they’re going to be. The effect of the “pledge” is dependent on the King, so it’s not necessarily permanent, but at the very least, it can guarantee the safety of your settlement in the future.”


A King would not ordinarily use a “pledge” when giving out rewards to his vassals. However, if one thought about how he would risk losing his voice for his people, then the King must be a pretty decent ruler, but… 


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“If you are concerned with regards to guaranteeing your safety currently, then we can add another clause to the “pledge”. However, there is presently no way to ensure that the “pledge” is more effective than it already is, so if you have any suggestions, then I’m all ears.”


“Garuguoru guruaan.” [Please involve the Holy Church.]


“The Church?”


Originally, defeating Alvesta of the Black Rain was the Holy Church’s deepest desire.


They have always been its first targets, and since their healing magic does not work on the Bleeding Disease, they would end up losing face and followers alike.


It is known that every time Alvesta appears, the Church would organize and send out a subjugation unit to defeat it, but the tables are always entirely turned on them, and all of the soldiers involved die due to the disease…


“Gauoaan, guauguruo woaru ‘kuaruo’ uaao.” [I want this forest to be formally acknowledged as a ‘sanctuary’ as soon as the subjugation succeeds.]


The ‘sanctuaries’ appointed by the Holy Church are sacred domains to humans and, in general, cannot be accessed by anyone. Its designation requires the approval of the King or the Emperor, and the Nobles governing the lands.


“Oh, I get it. With the appointment of the Church and the approval of the forest’s designation as a ‘sanctuary’ by the King and the Feudal Lords, then it cannot be easily changed without the agreement of all three parties. In other words, you are securing and strengthening the independence of your forest…”

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Ernesta stares at me, her eyes narrowing suspiciously.


“… Are you really a Kobold? If I didn’t know better, then I would think that someone is lurking inside that fluffy exterior.”


After staring at me for a while, she let out a sigh.


“Alright, I’ll approach the Cardinal of the Royal Capital about your reward for cooperating with us in the subjugation. They are a little more desperate than we are, so a little recklessness should do the trick…”


… As expected, if the forest is recognized as a sanctuary, then the Kingdom will not be sending in any Knights to avoid losing face with the Pope, so it will be unlikely that something like this may happen again in the future.


“Gaa, guuo worua.” [… I would also like to have some weapons made.]


The equipment carried by the Knights surrounding the village square is better than ours. After all, the equipment we currently have was taken from the bandits.


“Right, since we’re the ones asking you to take out the enemy, then we will prepare the things you need. It’s going to be the same equipment the troops are using, though.”


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“Kuruoaon.” [That’s fine.]



I would also like to bring up the matter of trading, but I am still in talks with the Village Chief about trading with the Werecats of Lucua Village.


We intend to sell charcoal and firewood, as well as medicinal herbs, animal furs, and the occasional amber or jade stones found in the area. And if there are things we need, then we will purchase them from the peddlers passing by.


Taking that into account, it seems there would be less of a problem if we went through the Werecats rather than getting involved with peddlers and other humans. The first transaction is supposed to take place soon, but… I guess we could delay it a bit.


“… If you have other conditions, please don’t hesitate to tell me.”


I want money to start trading, but I don’t want the humans to start getting suspicious either…


“Kua guoaan.” [I think that’s it for now.]


“Then, we’ll be counting on you from now on, okay?”


With a somewhat relieved smile, Ernesta held out her hand while I shook it.

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