The Peerless Kobold (WN)

Chapter characters 3

(Characters who have ascended the Spiral)

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Name: Blazer (Male)

Race: Kobold

Class: Kobold Garm

Skill: Erase Presence (Medium), Luck+ (Small/ Continuous), Leg Strengthening (Small/ Continuous), Flaming Claws, Zantetsuo 

Title: The Hound of Darkness

Weapon: Black Sword (Main), Crossbow Gauntlet (Auxiliary)

Armament: Leather Armor


The tall, lean Kobold, whose ferocity increases with the black Longsword and the Crossbow Gauntlet, has polished his technique of attacking from blindspots. However, he seems to be concerned about the loss of his camouflage ability, as his fur has changed from a dark brown to a dark brown with a reddish tinge. His newly acquired Flaming Claws allow him to strike with hellfire and his Zantetsuo allows him to cut through space. Although the range of his Zantetsuo is narrow, it is still dangerous to stand behind him…


Chapter Excerpt:


“Woruah! Guaruoaaah!!” (Gotcha! Flaming Claws!!)


Name: Ax (Male)

Race: Kobold

Class: Kobold Paladin

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Skill: Slash Resistance, Impact Resistance, The Strongest and Weakest Shield (Cannot be used for a while after activation), Blood Malady (Elementary/Affects Humans)

Title: Crimson Knight

Weapon: Royal Soldier’s War Axe 

Armament: Duel Shield


The big, blue Kobold may have been late joining in the battle on the streets of the Royal Capital Selkram, but he was the one who dealt the decisive strike with his Shield Bash that stopped the white-masked entity. At that time, he encountered the soul of Priest Aleph, who had been freed from his delusion, on the final level of the Spiral Staircase of evolution, and inherited his unique ability, Blood Malady, which does not match Ax’s calm personality. And combining this with his newly acquired conceptual weapon, “The Strongest and Weakest Shield” that completely deflects any kind of attack once, he becomes a very rare Kobold among his peers… and although his eyes are usually blue, they turn red with his Blood Malady skill activated.


Chapter Excerpt:


“Waoguruu guruaah, guruo wafaoaan.” (That’s why I’m going to get stronger, so everyone can smile.) 


Name: Sword ()

Race: Goblin

Rank: G. Sword Master

Skill: Ambidextrous Arm Strengthening (Medium/Instantaneous), Thunderbolt Sword, Elementary Magic (Thunder)

Title: Master Swordsman

Weapon: Twin Swords (Main), Throwing Knife (Auxiliary 1), Dagger (Auxiliary 2)

Armament: Leather Armor

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Auxiliary: Cloak


After the battle at Lucua Village, he and the Goblin Brave led the survivors to the southern part of the forest. There, they met and joined forces with the Goblin tribe who use wild boars and monitor lizards as mounts. In the beginning, he was only a guest General, but after his power was recognized, he came to lead the horde with Brave… When he took out Prime Minister Delphys and his allies outside the boundaries of the Royal Capital of Elfast, he evolved into a Goblin Master Swordsman. In addition to being ambidextrous, he also has enhanced arm strength, a conceptual skill that allows him to wrap his sword in lightning, and elementary Thunder-attribute magic. He is actually stronger than Brave but feels self-conscious about it when faced with his closest childhood friend.


Chapter Excerpt:


“Giaoau? Gigiu.” (Is that all of them? Brave.)


(New Characters: Monsters)


Name: Alvesta ()

Race: Human

Rank: Half Undead

Skill: Blood Malady (Special/Affects Humans), Blood Rain (Affects Humans), Blood Manipulation, Half Immortality, Intermediate Magic (Holy)

Title: Seven Plagues (Black Rain)

Weapon: Blood Weapon

Armament: Blood Shield


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He is a white-masked monster and one of the S-Ranked Seven Plagues, who wields a lethal disease that has caused a great deal of damage to the human race. It appears in urban areas at regular intervals and spreads a Bleeding disease that infects only humans, claiming tens of thousands of lives. However, its true identity is that of a priest who once lost everything to the blood malady and died regretfully, cursing the meaninglessness of his faith and his own stupidity for only believing. At the moment of his death, he is possessed by a twisted delusion and began to reenact the tragedies of the past as a means of conveying the meaninglessness of faith to his beloved humanity. At the root of his sickness and despair is nothing but pure love for humanity.


Chapter Excerpt:


“Y-you deceive people with your false miracles… You impostors.”


Name: Vali ()

Race: Goblin

Rank: G. Chevalier

Skill: Mount Riding, Taming, Helix Spear, DEX up (Medium/ Constant)

Title: Knight

Weapon: Assault Spear, Saber (Auxiliary) 

Armament: Leather Armor

Auxiliary: Cloak


He is the Chief of the Goblins residing in the eastern part of the Ancient Forest. He takes in the wanderers Brave and Sword and makes them his guest Generals, but recognizes their power and entrusts them with the fate of his horde. As the Chief, he has the right to give orders to the Goblins, but he uses the honorific title “Lord” towards Brave and Sword as a sign of respect. The Land Lizard he rides is a bipedal monitor lizard whom he has ridden through many battles with. He is a Knight of the Goblin tribe who is known for his well-trained physique, and for missing a part of his left ear which was cut off in one of his battles.


Chapter Excerpt:

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(New Characters: Humanoid)


Name: Alexius Blennbard ()

Race: Human

Rank: Lord

Skill: Control, Governance, Foresight

Title: King of Riastize

Weapon: Holy Sword Alfied

Armament: King’s Attire, Crown


The King of Riastize is an indecisive, middle-aged man. He is thoughtful and cares for his subjects, and though he shows talent in politics, he is nothing more than decoration in battle. He possesses the Holy Sword Alfied which was handed down from the founder of the nation, but… he owns it in name only. Because he has not been chosen by the Holy Sword, he cannot pull it from its scabbard. He is a good-natured man who wagered his voice in the pledge to designate the area of the Easteria forest where the Kobolds live as a sanctuary. And although he has a mischievous streak to him, nobody can really bring themselves to hate him.


Chapter Excerpt:


“By the way, I’m curious about the High Kobold that Ernesta says she’s bringing with her. I have never seen a Kobold after all.”


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