The Peerless Kobold (WN)

Chapter characters 4

Characters introduced up to now (Humanoids): 

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Name : Greio Elballard ()


Race : Human

Class : Wiseman

Abilities :  Adamantine Body, Blue-flame fist, Thunderbolt Fist, Exterminating Fist, Advanced Magic (Fire・Thunder), Shining Wizard, Lightning Wizard, Frankensteiner, Pile Driver Brain Buster, etc.

Title :  Steel Sage, Chief Court Mage

Weapons : Leather Gloves for Striking

Armament : Well-trained body


He is the author of the grimoire “Herculean Crushing” and a Senior Mage in the Kingdom of Riastize. He is a user of the thunder-attribute Adamantine Body, which not only strengthens his muscles but also electrically stimulates his body to push his reflexes to the limit. Although he can use advanced magic, he only uses it for long-distance containment and ultimately uses his fists to fight often. His mastery of muscle-based magic without needing any magic power is exceptional. He possesses so many techniques that only the most common ones are shown. 

Chapter Excerpt:

“Even though she is bad at being an apprentice, this Greio is not so old as to stay silent after seeing his foster daughter beaten in front of him… funuuuuh!!”


Name :  Elias Leinard ()


Race : Human

Class : Temple Knight Archer

Abilities : Intermediate Magic (Holy), Rapid Fire Sniping, Unit Command

Title : Knight of the Holy Church Special Forces Captain

Weapons : Longbow

Armament: Holy Seal Cloak

20 years ago, she lost her whole family to the Bleeding disease when the white-masked entity appeared in Lualad, a city in the Woderian Empire. The Church had taken her in after that and educated her. The sight of people dying one by one from the plague and corpses all over the streets was burned into her 5-year-old mind. Because of this, she and other survivors from the same town dedicated themselves to studying and volunteered to defeat Alvesta, but the latter beat them back… and she ended up suffering from the Bleeding sickness as well. However, when she lay on the ground and prayed to destroy the enemy, she thought the heavens sent a Holy Beast, for a silver Kobold descended from the sky. She is now steadily recovering in the Royal Capital of Selkram, thanks to the fact that Alvesta was defeated when the Bleeding disease affecting her was still in its early stage.

Chapter Excerpt:

“L-Lord… I offer you my life! Please send a miracle to strike this man down, I beg of you!!”

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Name : Esther ()


Race : Werecat

Class : Werecat Mother

Abilities : Child-rearing, Household Chores, Needlework

Title : Abducted Werecat

Weapons : None

Armament : Female Villager’s Clothes

While with her daughter to fetch water from the Sherna River Tributary near Lucua Village, they were captured by slavers who visited the village disguised as peddlers. Although she desperately fought to protect her daughter Lilia, she was stabbed in the right shoulder by a man who presented himself as an adventurer hired by the merchants. She had just lost her husband, a Werecat warrior who fought to help the other villagers escape during the recent Goblin attack, so Wallace, the Head Warrior of Lucua village had made it his responsibility to look after her. The protagonists receive a request from this gentlemanly Werecat, and with their help, she and her daughter are safely brought back to the village.

Chapter Excerpt:

“Ah… I see. Lilia, come over here.”


Name :  Lilia ()


Race : Werecat

Class : Werecat’s Daughter

Abilities :  Sleeping, Cuddling

Title :  Young Werecat Girl

Weapons : None

Armament : Werecat Child’s Clothes

She was captured together with her mother by slavers who visited the village disguised as peddlers. She is usually a lively child, but during their capture, she had become quiet and did not act selfishly at Esther’s request, although she did bite the hand of the man who stabbed her mother on the shoulder. Being the child that she is, she’d carefreely ruffle Ax’s or Archer’s fur at one moment and fall asleep the next. After all, Werecat children do tend to sleep a lot.

Chapter Excerpt:

“Thank you, Mr. Doggy~”

Name: Selam Duston ()


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Race: Human

Class: Merchant

Abilities: Fake laughter, Fraud, Negotiation

Title:  Slave Dealer

Weapons: Dagger for self-defense

Armament: Merchant’s clothing

He hired several slave traders, ex-adventurers, and other guards to hunt demi-humans and other types of beastmen in the Ancient Forest and the Easteria Forest. While posing as a caravan of travelling merchants, they would catch and imprison women and children in the empty cargo wagons. Originally hailing from the Alliance of Free Cities, he was planning to trade off the slaves after passing through the Wilm territory, when his caravan was attacked by Kobolds and he was arrested.

Chapter Excerpt:

“Hiii, hiyaaaaaaaah, monsters!!”


Name: Raios Zedoa ()


Race: Human

Class: Dual Sword-wielding Swordsman

Abilities: Dual Sword style, Ambidextrous, Hide Presence (medium), DEX UP (medium/constant), AGI UP (medium/constant)

Title: Former Silver Adventurer 

Weapons: Large Knife x2 

Armament: Hard Leather Armor 

A former Silver Adventurer with a dark past who was hired as an escort for the slave trader’s caravan. He is a skilled Adventurer who can hide his presence and capitalizes on his speed and dexterity, like when he crossed swords with the Silver Kobold with a pair of Large Knives. During that battle, when the other Adventurers who were hired the same time as he were cut down one after another and the Necromancer was finally defeated, he concluded it was useless to fight, and, with a parting remark, disappeared into the darkness.

Chapter Excerpt:

“Shit, this isn’t worth it! I’m outta here!!” 


Name : Aristia Elfaria ()


Race : White Elf

Class : Lord

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Abilities : Advanced Magic (Holy), Intermediate Magic (Earth), World Tree Link, World Tree Management, World Tree Cultivation

Title :  White Queen

Weapons : Dagger for self-defense

Armament : Traditional Elf Attire 

She assumed the role of Queen of the Elven country, the “Grove of the Ancient Guardians” only 80 years ago. She agrees with the concept of freedom and equality fostered by the Elves during the battle and the truce with the Philland Republic 600 years ago, so she made radical reforms against the current class-based society where the Black Elves’ rights were restricted, but… the bill she proposed was completely rejected by the White Elf ruling class. As a result, it led to the attack on the Central assembly by the reform extremists who could not hide their resentment. She was almost assassinated by Prime Minister Delphys who predicted that the presence of a young and uncontrollable queen would disturb and divide the country… After that, she was rescued by the protagonists from being held captive by slavers after some twists and turns.

Chapter Excerpt:

“You must be mistaken, I am but a lowly Elf who is happily living with 6 Kobolds in the forest… We shall get back to roasting the boar meat, so please leave.”

Name : Delphys Craybell ()

Race : White Elf

Class : Prime Minister

Abilities : Intermediate Magic (Holy), Intermediate Magic (Fire), World Tree Link (magic provision only)

Title : Prime Minister (Conservative Moderate)

Weapons : Rapier for self-defense

Armament : Traditional Elf Attire 

He is the Prime Minister of the “Grove of the Ancient Guardians,” and the leader of the conservative moderate faction. He had always appealed to the Queen for gradual reform, believing that radical change would cause conflict and confusion among the Elven clans, but she did not listen. He lost his son, Fors, in a later attack on the Central Assembly by the reform extremists, and he grew determined to get rid of the Queen, who was blinded by her ideals.  While stopping a conservative extremist, Theodore, from preparing to retaliate against the reform extremists, he takes advantage of the situation to take Queen Aristia out of her quarters to the outskirts of the forest, but is taken by surprise by the goblins, and loses his life. 

Chapter Excerpt:

“But that’s not all… The situation in which Your Majesty is also encouraging these Reformers is one of the problems. Freedom and equality are wonderful, yes… but radical change creates distortions, and it divides the country!” 

Name : Eliza Ruins ()


Race : White Elf

Class : High Wizard

Abilities :  Intermediate Magic (Holy), Intermediate Magic (Wind), World Tree Link (magic provision only)

Title : A key player in the Moderates’ Coalition

Weapons : Short Sword

Armament : Blue Dress

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She is a noble who took over and united the conservative and reform moderate factions after Delphys’ death. She is the daughter of Theodore, the new Prime Minister, and is often seen correcting her father’s obsession with White Elf supremacy. She is calculating and very knowledgeable, but as a sheltered lady, she lacks experience and can be a bit of a schemer. In the recent public scandal, she was able to unite the reform and conservative moderates, who were losing their unifying force after the assassination of their leader, Minister Marcus, who was antagonizing the reform extremists. Additionally, she had also not forgotten to seek out the assistance of Zeist, the Captain of the Guards, and of Leia who was the captain of the Chamberlain Knights. She is also close friends with Aristia, who is close to her age.

Chapter Excerpt:

“Father… the people are only agitated and excited by the works of a few malicious extremists. If you lose sight of that, you will make a mistake in your judgment.”


Name : Sheyard Bluebrad ()


Race : Bronze Elf

Class : High Engineer

Abilities :  Elementary Magic (Thunder), Magic Eye of Structure Appraisal, DEX up (Large/Constant), World Tree Link (magic provision only)

Title : Craft Guild Master

Weapons : Tool Set

Armament : Safety Shoes, Gloves, Work Clothes

He is a pale-skinned, golden-eyed Elf as well as a Craft Guild Master and the Assistant Chieftain of the Bronze Elves. His Magic Eye can grasp the structure of inorganic materials. He was basically neutral in the recent scandal, but he eventually persuaded the Chieftain to allow him to help the moderate coalition led by Eliza. When the reform extremists attacked the Royal Castle, he led the protagonists to the castle using the secret underground tunnels that the Bronze Elves had set up without permission.

Chapter Excerpt:

“The other day, the Chief finally gave me permission to lend a hand to the “moderates” of both the conservatives and reformists, and it’s only by chance that I saw you standing here in front of the guild, so let me help you.”

Name : Gregor Rudy ()


Race : Black Elf

Class : Elf Warrior

Abilities :  Elementary Magic (Fire), Increased Arm Strength (Medium / Constant), World Tree Link (magic provision only)

Title : Leader of the Reform Extremists

Weapons : Saber

Armament : Black Leather Armor

He was blessed with a good physique and a quick wit, but he could not tolerate the current situation where he was restricted in various ways due to the difference in clans which was dictated by their skin color. He is the leader of the reform extremists who gathered his brethren with similar radical ideas and ordered the attack on the Central Assembly and the assassination of Minister Marcus, a reform moderate who advocated non-violence. The intention behind these dark actions was to incite conflict between the Black and White Elven clans. They often planted personnel who would provoke the people and cause riots and chaos in protest rallies, assaulted the guards, and engaged in vandalism. He tries to inspire the Black Elves who outnumber the ruling class to establish a revolution, but the rise of the moderates’ coalition causes him to lose control of the situation, and he launches a violent attack on the Royal Castle. He was accompanied by Adre, a well-known sorcerer among the Black Elves, and Bright, an Earth magic-user.

Chapter Excerpt:

“If we are successful with the siege, then our Black Elf brethren will support us and the White Elves will have no choice but to follow! This is the moment of truth! Let’s go!!”

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