The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 103: 103

Chen Ge ignored these people's taunts.

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He just took out his mobile phone and sent a short message to Li Zhenguo to tell him about Wang Yang's family.

Then he took Holland back to the classroom.

Yang Hui knew that Chen Ge was in big trouble this time.

Wang Yang's family, economic strength is absolutely OK.

His father works in international trade. He has money!

He is also a native of Jinling. He is a small overlord of Jinling.

But the elder brothers are still not taboo to accompany Chen Ge.

"Chen Ge, did you hide in the classroom? Hehe, the dean of the Department is calling you

At this time, Jiang Weiwei suddenly opened the door of Chen GE's classroom and said lightly with her shoulder.

"By the way, your name is Yang Hui, right? Help Chen Ge pack up his schoolbag, so that he will not have to clean up when he comes back and leaves!"

Look at Chen Ge once sent himself a valuable clothes.

Only then did Jiang Weiwei remind me.

Then he left.

Chen Ge followed Jiang Weiwei directly and came to the door of the dean's office.

Meng Cairu and Wang Yang's girls who have a good relationship are waiting at the door.

"Well, die, go in! The dean will see you alone! "

Meng Cairu smiles coldly.

"Don't think it's so simple to dismiss. I'll tell you, if you beat our foreign brother, you'll be a loser for a lifetime!"

Several girls are still angry.

Chen Ge doesn't care. He just pushes the door in.

The head of the Department is surnamed Li.

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It's called Li Jianshan.

A middle-aged man with glasses.

I'm reading the newspaper while drinking tea.

As soon as Chen Ge came in, he put the teacup on the table with a bang.

"Chen Ge, I really didn't expect that it would be you who hit people. Usually you have outstanding achievements in our department, excellent moral character and honest people. But I didn't expect you to be so impulsive. It's stupid!"

Li Jianshan reprimanded him coldly.

"Director, he did it first!"

Chen Ge said lightly.

"Hum, I don't care who started it first. Anyway, it's your fault that you hurt Xiao Yang and Wang Yang! This time, you can tell me that the situation is bigger than that of Wang family

Li Jianshan scornfully glared at Chen Ge.

What he had just boasted about the old songs was nothing but platitudes.

But to be honest, Chen Gezhen didn't expect it to be so serious that he was expelled.

And I also can see that Li Jianshan is the iron heart to expel himself.

Because Wang Yang's family has money, he has no money.

If he had photographed himself today, he would have apologized to himself and compensated for the medical expenses.

If you shoot him yourself, you'll be fired!

No way.

Now that you're forced to do this, sign it.

Chen put his mobile phone on his desk, took up his pen, and began to fill in the information about the reasons for his withdrawal.

Li Jianshan sneered.

Who expected this time, Chen GE's mobile phone suddenly rang.

Caller ID Liang Bureau.

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It's from director Liang of the Education Bureau.

Last week, I contacted him several times because his sister Chen Xiao asked him to do the investment in hope primary school.

But Chen Ge didn't have time to answer, and was writing hard.

However, this call attracted Li Jianshan's attention.

"This is Liang Ju? It's really the number of the Liang bureau! "

Naturally, Li Jianshan is not up to the level of Liang Ju, but he clearly remembers the number.

What did Liang Ju contact Chen Ge for? How can I contact Chen Ge?

"You, you, you What are you doing? Pick it up

Li Jianshan's face changed and he stood up to let Chen Ge answer.

Good guy, Liang Ju, but the headmaster has to trot to meet the existence of ah!

"What's the hurry? Isn't it finished yet? I'll talk about it when I'm done! "

Call yourself more, if it's normal, Chen Ge would have answered immediately.

But looking at Li Jianshan's anxious appearance, he just won't accept it!

Of course, Chen Ge and Liang Ju had dinner twice and got to know each other a lot!

It's not that polite.

"What to write! Hurry up, how can Liang Ju call you? Pick it up quickly


Because there was no answer for a long time, the phone hung up!

"Ha ha, Chen Ge, you are really a wood. You deserve it. You deserve this time..."


Then the phone rang again.

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"Come on, come on, pick up!"

This time, Li Jianshan directly took the pen from singer Chen.I put it in Chen GE's ear.

And Chen Ge, also did not reach for the mobile phone, he sat, Li Jianshan lifted the body in Chen GE's ear, the scene is a bit funny.

But Li Jianshan also fought for the future.

No matter what to do with Chen Ge, he has decided to ask Liang Ju at the last moment.

"Hello, uncle Liang!"

Chen Ge smiles.

"Chen Shao, you didn't answer the phone just now. Are you busy?"

Liang Baisheng said with a smile.

Seeing Chen Ge these times has left a good impression on Liang Baisheng.

As soon as I heard about charity and building hope primary school, I took over all the projects in one breath and immediately paid for them.

What's more, such a rich and little man is actually very kind and low-key, which makes Liang Baisheng very close.

"Well, just now I was busy writing an application for dropping out of school. The head of the Department won't let me read it! By the way, uncle Liang, what do you want? "

Chen Ge smiles. He thought Li Zhenguo would call first, but he didn't expect it.

"You, you, you..."

Li Jianshan wants to cover Chen GE's mouth.

Just now Chen Ge called Uncle Liang. You may not know that Li Jianshan's whole body is up!

Lying trough, the relationship is not general ah!

Now I heard Chen Ge say that again, of course I was nervous.

"Well, we hope the primary school was shut down because of financial problems. No, it's almost built now. It can be used in two months. I'm looking for Chen Shao to ask if you have time. Come here tomorrow. We have an activity here!"

"Good, no problem!" Chen Ge nods.

"No, Chen Shao. What did you say just now? Drop out application? "

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Liang Baisheng reflected what Chen Gegang just said.

"Well? Yeah! The dean of the Department advised him to quit! I'm writing my application in front of him

Chen Ge originally planned to go back to Li Jianshan after finishing writing Wang Yang, to see if the truth is the truth or not?

But now, I don't know if Uncle Liang can tell me?

"Chen Shao, give him the phone!"

Chen Ge nodded with a smile

"Ah? Good, good

Li Jianshan immediately straightened up and straightened his collar: "Hello, Liang Ju, you Yes, yes, yes! Misunderstandings and misunderstandings are all misunderstandings! Yes, yes, yes! what? Is he Chen Shao? My God!!! Good, good, I will keep it secret! It must be! Don't worry

Li Jianshan swallowed his saliva.

In particular, the last sentence of Liang * made Li Jianshan thunderbolt.

Jinling Chen Shao's name, now as long as it is an individual, who has never heard of it!

Chen Ge is Chen Shao!

"Have you finished?" Chen Ge said with a smile.

"Chen Chen Shao! It's over

Li Jianshan face instant wonderful, from the beginning of contempt, to now flattery.

"Oh, then I'll continue to sign. When the information is completed, I'll be short of a name!"

Chen Ge takes up the pen again.


But Li Jianshan roared and grabbed Chen GE's hand! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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