The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 104: 104

"Chen Shao, misunderstandings, all misunderstandings!"

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Li Jianshan almost cried.

"What's wrong? I can't live in Jinling any more. Let me quit school now

Chen Ge wants to sign again.

"Chen Shao, wrong, really wrong, in fact, this matter, at most give you a punishment can solve, is I listen to other people's words, only then persuade you to quit!"

If the headmaster knew that he had persuaded Chen Shao of Jinling to quit, he would have died.

Don't know, it's OK to persuade Chen Shao to quit. It's enough for him to die a thousand or eight hundred times!

"Well, what are you going to do next? Meng Cairu let a student do this in public, which is a serious injury to the self-esteem of others! "

Chen Ge doesn't know when he has changed a little.

Do things, do not want to be like before, sorry, still cowardly.

Now Chen Ge says what he has.

"Don't worry, Chen Shao. I will handle this matter impartially."

"Also, in the ordinary name, I will donate 500000 yuan to Hao Lanlan. I will give you the money later. Thank you!"

"You are very kind."

Li Jianshan laughed.

Chen Ge just nodded.

Stand up and leave.

Outside the door.

"Well, Chen Ge was still persuaded to quit. He asked for food in school for three years, but he couldn't finish his job. Ha ha..."

Meng Cairu hugged her shoulder with a helpless smile.

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"It's better to be expelled. It's better not to leave Jinling alive and dare to beat our family."

A couple of girls haven't calmed down yet.

And then, at last, the door opened.

Meng Cairu, including Meng Cairu, wanted to rush in and taunt Chen Ge.

"Chen Ge, slow down. There was a small step here when it was built!"

But in front of the scene, let the people stare big eyes.

I saw Chen Ge gently supported by Li Jianshan.

That step is only one or two centimeters high, which is not a step. Li Jianshan is afraid that Chen Ge will bump into it?

I'll go. What's the situation?

Meng Cairu's mouth was wide open.

"Director Li, Chen Ge he..."

"He is what he is. I have already understood the situation. I would like to ask you, Mr. Meng. If it wasn't for Chen Ge who said, I don't know, you actually let a female student stand in public with a sign. Are you still there for a group photo?"

"Ah? I have already told you about this... "

"I don't know. In a word, Mr. Meng, your way of trampling on students' self-esteem is so disgusting. Originally, I wanted to give you the title of excellent teacher in our department, but now, forget it!"

"What? Director Li, I have been working hard for nearly three years to earn honor for the Department for the title of excellent teacher. I have worked hard for three years! "

Meng Cairu was completely confused.

"As long as you are a teacher like this, it is still a problem whether our school can continue to employ you and return the title of excellent teacher. Ah, bah!"

After Li Jianshan finished, he looked at Jiang Weiwei: "you, as the president of the student union for three years, you can't stand up to anything. If you have something to do, you can go to the Department. What else can you do? The president of the student union, you should stay in office first. If you have a suitable candidate, you will be replaced! "


"Ah, what?"

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Li Jianshan roared at Jiang Weiwei and turned directly back to the office.

Jiang Weiwei: lying trough, I didn't say a word!


Why is this?

Jiang Weiwei and Meng Cairu think at the same time, and at the same time coldly look at Chen Ge.

At this time, Chen Ge just grinned bitterly and left. He thought that it would not take long to hear the news from Wang Yang.

You have stepped on yourself for such a long time, should you ask for interest?

Chen Ge goes back to the classroom to see Yang Hui. They have gone back.

He also went back to the dormitory to lie down, told Yang Hui that they were OK, and looked at the time. It was almost six o'clock in the evening. He was ready to play with his mobile phone and have a rest.

At this time, Meng Cairu sent a message to her wechat trumpet.

"I'm so angry, so angry, ordinary little brother, I don't want to live! What do you think people will do? "

Meng Cairu said.

To tell you the truth, as soon as you see Meng Cairu's three words, Chen Ge is not angry.

I don't want to die! What else can I do? "

Direct typing reply!

"Oh! I hate cheerleading. People want to talk to you about their troubles. "

Chen Ge is speechless.

My tone is very bad, isn't it?

She's still flirting with herself?Chen Ge:

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"Hum, people always care about you, but you don't care about them at all. It's sad!"

"But I still want to tell you, you know, ordinary little brother, I can speak freely only to you!"

"Today, there was a donation incident in our department. You know, because of the poor loser in our class, this donation was ruined. The classmate Hao Lanlan had no money to see her sister, and most importantly, because of the poor loser, my excellent teacher title was lost!"

"I have already donated the money of Hao Lanlan. I have donated 500000! As for your teacher's title, you really deserve it

Chen Ge scolded, not polite at all.

"I hate it. I find you are always teasing me? Hum? "

"My God!"

No language, Chen Ge completely speechless.

Oh! Is it true that after you have money, people feel comfortable scolding?

It should be.

At this time, Hanfei Er sent a message to Chen Ge: "are you there? Ordinary brother

Chen GE has done enough for these two women.

"Go away! No Chen Ge scolded.

"Oh, my ordinary brother is getting worse. He scolds people for cheering!"

Chen Ge "..."

It seems to be true. It's very comfortable to scold people after they have money!

Ignored the news from two people.

Chen Ge re boarded his wechat and chatted with Su Muhan for a while.

It's a rest.

Until the next morning, because of the ceremony that uncle Liang said.

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Chen Ge got up early, because he would get up early to drive, and he would not be found out!

After all, keep a low profile.

Chen Ge Gang came to the park.

"Well, isn't that poor loser? You don't know. He was so angry yesterday that he didn't get fired!"

"That's right. It's a miracle that you can still live to this day after fighting Yang Ge!"

"No, no, no, you see, it's only six o'clock in the morning. What is he doing so early? Isn't it about escaping? "

"Yes, I think I just want to escape! Sisters, this loser beat our brother Yang. We can't let him run like this. Stop him! "

As soon as Chen Ge came in, he met four girls.

Yesterday, Wang Yang scolded other people's four girls.

It seems that the four of them are out for a morning run.

I didn't expect it to happen so well that I ran into it.

"Well, poor loser, where do you want to go?"

The first girl said coldly.

Chen Ge took out the key of Lamborghini, padded it, and raised his eyes to show them the Rambo behind them!

"I don't run, I just drive around!"

Chen Ge said coldly.

With that, he pressed the car key.

biubiu !!!

The lights flash and the door opens automatically , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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