The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 106: 106

"What's the matter?"

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Chen Ge raised his head and asked.

"Tonight, we have a village meeting. On average, we will get together once a month or two. We haven't called you before. If we meet you now, I'll let you know!"

"By the way, Shihan is also going. Hehe, when I was talking about Shihan, I remember that when I was in high school, you were the first and she was the second. You two had a good relationship. Did you pursue Shihan?"

Chen Lin covered her mouth and said with a smile.

Chen Ge didn't say anything.

Shihan is called Li Shihan, a classmate of Chen Ge. He had a good relationship in high school.

Chen Ge did like other people, but at that time, how could he understand this.

As for chasing, Chen GE has no courage.

I remember that Li Shihan often chatted with Chen Ge when he was just a freshman. As for later, Chen Ge took the initiative to chat with her several times, but she didn't return. As time passed, she became unfamiliar.

In a flash, three years have passed!

"Ha ha, go ahead. Just last month, when Shihan's boyfriend invited us to dinner, she talked about you. She also asked what Chen Ge was doing now? Now, if you don't know, we're not available for the evening

Chen Lin said, while looking at Chen Ge, want to see Chen Ge lost.

Can be seen from Chen GE's face, where to see a little bit of lost mood.

"I have time at night!"

"Good, good, then go, just let everyone see you!"

While saying, Chen Lin secretly raised her mobile phone and took a photo for Chen Ge.

Then it was sent to the villagers.

"Guess who this loser is?"

"Well? Who? Why are you so familiar? Yes, I must have

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"It's really familiar, but it's too common! Can any of you remember his name? "

Li Shihan: "is he Chen Ge?"

"Ouye! After all, it's the relationship between you two in high school. You can recognize it at a glance. He's Chen Ge! "

Chen Lin excitedly said.

Why excited, because she felt that she provoked the topic of public opinion, a sense of achievement.

This is why Chen Lin suddenly wants Chen Ge to attend the villagers' meeting.

There are many students who come to Jinling from the county. There are four or five students in their own class.

They may not know Chen Ge, but they have heard of Chen Ge.

Take him there. It's sure to have a good party.

Just look at the fact that the whole group is exploding now.

Li Shihan: "did we have a good relationship in high school? How did I forget? Ha ha... "

Chen Lin typed quickly: "well, after you found a handsome boyfriend in Jiangnan University, did you forget your ex boyfriend?"

Li Shihan: "go away, what ex boyfriend, I think it's better to be like this. Let him come, and I'll see you all. Anyway, it's a fellow townsman!"


Chen Lin looked at Chen Ge and said, "Chen Ge, everyone wants to see you, especially Shihan. She also wants to see you. Since you are free at night, go ahead. I'll take the AA money for you!"

Chen Ge wants to say that he doesn't want to go.

To tell you the truth, junior high school, their friends are very few.

I don't know what to talk to when I go.

But now, Chen Lin said so, Chen Ge was embarrassed to refuse.

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"Well, then, the evening is over!"

Chen Ge nods.

Chen Lin told Chen Ge the address of the party and left.

"It's a coincidence that Chen Lin went to her newly built school and became a teacher!"

Scratching his head, Chen Ge said helplessly.

He is also ready to go around, but Chen Lin's chat also makes Chen Ge not interested.

Just at noon, the stomach is also hungry, Chen Ge simply walked out.

At the same time, at the gate of the school, there were three children in rags, who looked four or five years old, looking inside.

"Brother, is this the school? How is it different from what Sister Rose said? "

A little girl with dirty face asked another boy curiously.

"Maybe it hasn't started yet It's the same after school starts! " The little boy wiped his nose.

"I want to go to school!"

Another little boy, a little chubby, asked.

"It costs money to go to school. We don't have money. Sister Rose is very tired to do so many people's work alone to support us!"

"Brother, I'm hungry!"

Said the little girl.

"I'll buy steamed bread later!"

"What are you three beggars doing at the door? Get out of my way!"

Just then, a security guard came out, swearing.It scared three children.

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The security guard is in his fifties. He looks like a construction site watcher.

Such a curse scared the three children.

Want to run, but still reluctant to look at the school.

"Can't you show them? Is this your family's? "

At this time, Chen Ge, who has been standing on the side, said.

"Boy, I didn't say anything when I let you in. Now you're still kicking your nose, aren't you? Listen to you, this school is not my family's, just like yours! Get out of here

The security guard is very aggressive. I don't know how many dishes I ate at noon. Anyway, I drank a lot of wine, and my mouth was full of wine.

"Buy some real wine!"

Chen Ge faint smile, from the pocket to throw a thousand dollars in front of the security.

This thousand yuan is not a reward. I will tell Uncle Liang that it's time to get out of here! A drunkard came to work as a security guard. I don't know whose relative it is.

"Oh, come on, come on, thank you!"

After the man left.

Chen Ge squatted down and looked at the three children and said with a smile, "do you three want to go to school?"

The little girl in the middle nodded heavily.

"I think!"

The other two are very careful, staring at Chen Ge without saying a word.

To tell you the truth, seeing three children, especially the kind of hope eyes they want to go to school.

Let Chen GE's heart throbbing with pain.

No one knows this hope better than Chen Ge!

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They want to help themselves.

"Are you hungry? Do you want my brother to take you to dinner? "

"Sister Rose said," don't let us talk to strangers, let alone walk with strangers! "

Two little boys automatically stood in front of the little girl.

Chen Ge nodded with a smile: "well, I'll buy it for you!"

With that, Chen Ge ran to KFC across the street and bought a pile of hamburger and chicken leg coke.

"I won't let you go with me. You can eat quickly. Besides, I will let you go to school as you wish!"

Chen Ge touched the little girl's head.

He handed them the hamburger and coke.

"Thank you, brother!"

All three children's eyes are bright.

Then he started to gobble.

"How do you three eat what others give you?"

At this time, a beautiful female voice came, the voice was very nice, but with a sense of tension.

"I'm sorry, sir. How much did these things cost you? I'll give it to you!"

The girl with a bit of fear, but also a little bit afraid like said.

But Chen Ge saw this girl, but her eyes were bright.

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