The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 107: 107

Chen Ge recognized the girl at a glance.

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Zheng Yue, who didn't come across the kitchen manager a few days ago, scolded her?

At that time, Chen Ge was very impressed with her, just looking at the profile, knowing that she was very beautiful.

The moment I look at the face, I feel familiar with each other, and I think of it slowly.

"Do you know me?"

The girl whispered and pulled the three children behind her.

Obviously, she was a little afraid of Chen Ge, and even more afraid that Chen Ge was a human trafficker.

"Of course, we met last time in Homestead kitchen. Did you forget?"

Chen Ge said with a smile.

The girl recollected for a while, and then she was surprised: "it was you, sir. Thank you for saving me last time."

Last time, she was reprimanded and dare not look up.

Just waiting for himself to leave the shop, secretly glanced at Chen GE's back.

Now hearing Chen GE's voice, she can recognize it naturally.

He helped himself last time.

And this man, very rich!

"You're welcome, so you can rest assured of me, these three children, you have been in charge of them?"

Chen Ge asked curiously.


Su Qiang nodded and led three children to the roadside.

While walking, he talked to Chen Ge.

It turns out that these three children are vagrant children, who sneak out after being abducted and run away by human traffickers.

The orphanage is not willing to take in the orphanage.

Slowly, began to wander in the street.

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Begging life.

Later, Su Qiang met them and took them in.

Usually, I work as a teacher in a kindergarten and take a part-time job in my spare time. In this way, I can guarantee a minimum life.

They can also save enough money for the three children to receive education.

She is a kindergarten teacher. Otherwise, the three children would not be so sensible.

It's pathetic to think about it.

It seems that these are three brothers and sisters.

Chen GE has some pains in her heart.

"What about your family?"

Chen Ge asked again.

"I grew up in an orphanage and had no family!"

Su Qiang said, while lowering her head to grasp her clothes.

She is really beautiful, but her glory has been covered up by the long-term suppression of poverty.

Most of all, she seems very formal in front of Chen Ge.

Chen Ge knew that she was afraid that she would dislike her.

Ha ha, Su Qiang didn't know that he Chen Ge was a person who didn't dare to look up in front of others?

Su Qiang is almost as big as herself.

To tell the truth, once Chen Ge thought that he was the most miserable, but did not expect that Su Qiang didn't know how much more miserable than herself.

She didn't even have parents, a girl, but she was kind enough to adopt three homeless children.

Such a girl is rare in the world!

Just for this, Chen Ge was moved and admired.

"Where do you live?"

Chen Ge asked.

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"We live over there!"

The three children pointed to an ordinary house not far from the primary school.

"Can you show me?"

Chen Ge asked with a smile.

Su rose after a while tangled, or nodded.

This residence is a bit like the old shantytown.

After going in, Su Qiang wipes the stool for Chen Ge and lets Chen Ge sit down.

After that, he drove the three brothers and sisters to take a bath and wash their faces. The three brothers and sisters were very sensible. They went out to collect some garbage and sell them every day, which made them look very dishonorable.

"Su Qiang, my name is Chen Ge! Shall we make friends Chen Ge said.

"Make friends?" Su Qiang was a little surprised.

In her eyes, Chen Ge must be very good at making the big manager listen to him.

How can such a powerful person want to make friends with her?

And to say why, Chen Ge can not say.

Today is just a chance encounter.

Chen Ge is compassionate and has a special feeling for the needy.

He can help them directly, arrange accommodation for them, arrange school affairs, really, these are all in one sentence.

However, when Chen Ge saw Su Qiang, his heart was pounding, as if there was an emotion in the dark, holding Chen Ge to let him know more about her and make friends with her.

It's a very strange feeling.

In fact, think about the last time Chen Ge saw Su Qiang for the first time.A side face makes Chen GE's memory fresh.

Why do you feel this way about the girl you meet by chance?

Chen Ge couldn't answer with a bitter smile.

In a word, I felt close to her as soon as I met her.

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Next, Chen Ge chats with Su Qiang, the more chatting, the more familiar.

Unconsciously, the whole afternoon is almost over.

"Rose, Xiaoying, I'm going to leave. I'll come to see you again these days!"

Chen Ge waved to them and left.

This half day together, Chen Ge felt his soul, the first time to get a real quiet, the kind of quiet long lost!

At this time, Chen GE's mobile phone rang.

Yes, Chen Lin.

Just left, Chen Ge asked for Chen Lin's mobile phone number, although Chen Lin was reluctant, but still left each other.

"I said," Chen Ge, if you come to the villagers' meeting for the first time, you will be late, right? It's not a five o'clock appointment. What about you? "

Chen Lin scolded directly.

"O'ao, I'm going now because of something. It's about ten minutes!"


I didn't speak, so I hung up there.

Chen Ge gave a bitter smile.

I knew that I shouldn't be the old classmate's job.

It's so much trouble!

Chen Ge walked back to the garage at the scene, drove the car, and went straight to the hotel where Chen Lin had ordered.

After parking the car, we came to the box.

"Chen Ge, you just come here, let everyone wait for you alone, do you mean?"

As soon as Chen Ge comes in, Chen Lin's nose is not nose, her face is not her face.

"Damn it, it's really Chen Ge. I haven't seen you for several years. I haven't worn patched clothes. I'm starting to wear normal clothes?"

"Ha ha ha, ah, Chen Ge, I heard that you are from Jinling University. This is a famous university. How about it? Recently, I have practiced immediately. Has the employment unit implemented it?"

"Sit down and talk to us about Chen Ge. What have you been through these years?"

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The dining table in the box is large enough to hold more than 20 people.

There are more than 20 villagers from the association, including four or five senior high school classmates of Chen Ge. It's full of seats.

Chen Ge smiles at them and sees a girl sitting in the guest seat.

Li Shihan!

This high school has the best relationship with Chen Ge, and is also the class flower in the class. She has been learning with Chen Ge.

When they told the truth, they had some feelings for each other.

However, Li Shihan did not make up his mind to fall in love with a family like Chen Ge.

Chen Ge did not make up his mind to fall in love with a family like Li Shihan.

There are so many family differences.

So, it's a better relationship than a good friend!

"Shihan, I haven't seen you for two or three years. How are you?"

Chen Ge smiles. Li Shihan changed a lot and learned to make up. His temperament and appearance were much stronger than before.

Absolute goddess level.

"Just sit down and find me a place."

Li Shihan smiles and says something without salt.

I haven't been in touch for three years. Those friendships and feelings at the beginning have been gone.

Chen Ge felt like meeting a stranger.


Chen Ge saw that there was a vacant seat on one side and sat down.

"Who told you to sit there!"

The bottom has not yet touched, at this time, another female high school classmate in the class said coldly, the voice is very loud, very disgusting, Chen Ge was scared , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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