The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 108: 108

"Is this a place where you can sit? This is for my boyfriend. Oh, my gosh, you said that you used to be a loser. How come you've been studying in University for three years now? You're still like this, loser. Go and go

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This girl is also a high school classmate. Chen Ge even forgot her name.

I don't care about her now.

In this way, there will be a place to pick up food at the door.

Chen Ge looked as if this was what everyone meant. He sat down with a bitter smile.

In fact, there is a seat next to Li Shihan. However, Li Shihan has put his bag on it for a long time, which shows that there are people there, and he doesn't mean to let Chen Ge sit.

"Shihan, when will brother Ma Fei come?"

Chen Lin looks at Chen Ge, shakes her head and smiles, then looks at Li Shihan and asks.

"Ah, hum, he dallies in everything he does. He always says that he will arrive soon, but actually he has to wait for a while."

Although Li Shihan was dissatisfied with his words, he was very proud in his heart.

"Whoo, whoa, what the letter says is that Ma Feige graduated from school and became the sales director of a luxury shop in Jinling commercial street. Do you think our brother Ma Feige is not satisfied with all kinds of things?"

"That's right. When Ma Feige was still at school, you were very close to others. Now that Ma Feige is the sales director of Jinling commercial street, you are all kinds of scorn. Do you want us to envy and envy

"But really, can you tell us how Ma Feige got the job? Damn it, I became the sales director of the shop in the commercial street. I won't change it for ten civil servants! "

Li Shihan finished, a group of people is you a word I said.

There is a sense of envy in his words.

"Well, I don't know. When he comes, let him tell you something about it."

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Li Shihan said with a smile.

Just then, the door of the box opened.

The two boys pushed the door in.

"Brother Ma Fei, here you are

People smile at a tall and thin boy.

He is Ma Fei, Li Shihan's current boyfriend.

As for the other, it was the boyfriend of that high school girl classmate, who consciously sat in the position Chen Ge almost sat in just now.

"Ma Fei, we are discussing you. It really means that Cao Cao will be here. By the way, a new friend will come to introduce you. Look at him. His name is Chen Ge!"

Chen Lin is smiling and pointing to Chen Ge drinking tea.

"Oh? So it's him. Is he the poor Chen Ge? What a pleasure to meet you

Ma Fei pretends to be very surprised and comes to Chen Ge to shake hands.

Chen Ge just frowned, did not get up, also ignored him.

To tell you the truth, Chen Gecai is really angry now.

I thought very simple before, that is, I think it's all old classmates. I haven't seen you for several years. I come here to get together.

How lively and lively it is.

But I found out after I came.

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Chen Lin did not sincerely invite herself to attend the villagers' Association, but found herself to act as the happy fruit of these people.

No one put himself in the eye, including Li Shihan, but also made Chen Ge a little confused.

On the whole, it's disappointment.

Chen Ge doesn't pay attention to this one, Ma Fei.

He looked at Chen Ge and said with a smile: "ha ha, Chen GE has a strong personality. I'm sorry. I was just joking just now. I heard from Shihan that she had a good relationship with you before."

"Hum, Chen Ge, brother Ma Fei asked you to shake hands just now. What kind of virtue do you have! Do you know how to be polite? "

"That is, Ma Feige, you don't have to apologize to him at all. You can find out by asking the poem letter. This is a poor fool!"

"Ha ha ha, don't talk about people like that. After all, they are from Jinling University. Maybe they can find a job in Jinling commercial street once they graduate!"

One after another joked.

"You and I, my colleagues, will take care of us

Ma Fei laughs.

He is a noisy person. Besides, he has heard from his classmates about Li Shihan and Chen Ge before.

He thought, why does Li Shihan like that kind of poor man?

Sometimes it makes Ma Fei lose face.

So as soon as we met and heard Chen GE's name, Ma Fei stepped on Chen Ge a few times to see how he reacted.

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As a result

Well, this product has no experience at all. When it comes to society, it can be played to death by yourself!

"Ha ha, brother Ma Fei, don't tease him. If you can go to Jinling commercial street to find a job, the shop owner of that family is really blind!"

"By the way, brother Ma Feige has not heard from you. How did you become the sales director of the store?"

People still pull the topic back to Ma Fei's body."Oh, it's a long story. Maybe I'm good at it. But the boss thinks that I have low experience and only gives me 300000 yuan a year. Alas! There are still many things I need to improve! "

"Wow! That's great

This year's graduates, with a direct annual salary of 300000, are really rare. They are still close to the big tree of Jinling commercial group.

Chen Lin was a little jealous of Li Shihan.

Both of them are equally beautiful, except that Chen Lin is more open-minded and Li Shihan is more reserved.

The goddess made her like that.

Li Shihan was proud.

Can not help, she will look at the corner of Chen Ge.

You sigh in the heart.

At the same time, some fear!

If at that time I really because of the impulse, with Chen Ge together, then what will be faced?

"Ha ha, I'm really lucky. Chen Lin, you are all good. By the way, Chen Lin, I heard that you have become a primary school teacher. Officially?"

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Chen Lin nodded: "mm-hmm!"

"That's great. In the future, we can all develop in Jinling for a long time. My plan is to buy a house in Jinling in the next year and marry Shihan then!" Ma Fei said with a smile:

"ha ha, by the way, what are your plans after graduation? Civil servants? Is the employment problem settled? Do you want to engage in sales? Or design? Or something like that? "

"However, I recommend that you choose the civil service. Civil servants are very difficult for you. As for sales like me, to be honest, brother Chen Ge, you really don't have any talent. For design, it's easy to listen to. In fact, it requires a strong logical thinking ability. I don't think Chen Ge brothers are suitable for this, but they don't need to use their brains A civilian with some basic computer knowledge is suitable for you

After Ma Fei finished, everyone looked at Chen Ge with disdain.

Now it's served. Chen Ge eats it by himself.

He just nodded and said, "let's have a look at it then. What's suitable to do will not bother you!"

"Whoa, whoa, it's very personal. Can't you listen to the truth?"

"That is, I can't listen to the truth even though I'm rubbish! Alas, there is no future

Chen Lin is helpless.

At the same time, what people don't know is that when they ridicule Chen Ge, there is a small conflict at the door of the private room.

It's a group of young men and women who are arguing with a waiter.

"Don't you understand all that? We have a lot of people. We have to get this box. How much money you want? Shit, go to find them and set it up for me

A ruffian like boy shrieked. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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