The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 125: 125

"Chen Ge, you come out!"

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Meng Cairu's cold face swept around and called Chen Ge out.

"Chen Ge, there's something I want to tell you. Tomorrow, the husband's bar of one of my college classmates opened. It's very short of staff. You can work part-time in the evening. The money is higher than other bars!"

Meng Cairu hugged her shoulder and said faintly.

"Part time? I... "

Chen Ge was stunned.

"What are you? Don't you understand what I said? He was just too busy to find someone when he opened the business that night. Do you think you can stay there for a long time? Do you know where they open the bar? In Jinling commercial street, Jinling commercial street, understand you? Those who want to recruit in the future are definitely those who are tall, handsome and handsome! "


"You what you! That's settled. I'll go to their opening ceremony tomorrow night and I'll take you by the way. "

With that, Meng Cairu took a look at Chen Ge and turned away.

"I I'll take care of your mother

Chen Ge scolded in his heart.

Just now he wanted to say that he didn't want to go, and there was no need to go, but Meng Cairu's strong attitude really made Chen Ge enough.

In the past three years, Meng Cairu almost wants you to do what you have to do!

Think of Meng Cairu's appearance that night. Now, it's this sub high cold appearance.

Ha ha!

But now this situation is a little awkward, it seems that it is not very good not to go.

Well, just go. Anyway, I'll go for one day.

Chen Ge scratched his head and went back to class.

The whole morning class was boring.

Soon it was time for class to end at noon.

"Chen Ge, are you free at noon? Come out and have a meal..."

A message came in.

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It's from Zhao Yifan.

A few dry words.

Chen Ge remembered that there was Zhao Yifan.

Because of misunderstanding yesterday, Zhao Yifan became his girlfriend!

Let Chen GE's head be big.

And now it is obvious that Zhao Yifan intends to make himself close to her.

To tell you the truth, if Zhao Yifan looked down on Chen Ge before, if she was Chen GE's girlfriend, Chen Ge would be very happy.

And it's going to be nice to her.

After all, Zhao Yifan is really beautiful!

But now, Chen Ge only thinks about Su Muhan.

If this goes on with Zhao Yifan again, then Chen Ge is really a slag man.

Since you don't like it, why do you keep this relationship with Zhao Yifan?

It's better to explain clearly, otherwise the misunderstanding will be more and more deep, and it will be troublesome!

Chen Ge thought about it for a moment, and simply replied with a line:

"Zhao Yifan, I'll see you in the two small parks after class is over! There's something I want to tell you! "


Zhao Yifan quickly replied.

After class, Chen Ge came to the small park.

Zhao Yifan is already waiting.

It can be seen that she was specially dressed today.

See Chen Ge, a face of surprise.

"Chen Ge, you are here!"

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With a sweet smile, it's more beautiful.

Now Zhao Yifan sees Chen Ge, although he has a complex mood.

Before she looked down on Chen Ge, the kind of look down on the bone, but now, suddenly found that Chen Ge looks very handsome, and the temperament of the body, particularly attractive!

She doesn't know why.

"I wanted you to invite you to dinner last night, but you had that attitude. What do you mean?"

Zhao Yifan goes to Chen Ge.

Smell the fragrance of Zhao Yifan.

Chen Ge only feel dream, once could not get the goddess, but now stand in front of you shyly.

Hehe, it's a drama.

However, in drama, Chen Ge also intends to tell the truth.

"Because I don't want to talk about it anymore!" Chen Ge said directly.

"What do you say?"

"Well, Zhao Yifan, in fact, there was a big misunderstanding. I was I didn't go after you at that time. Cough, I said it all. That day, it was because I wanted to go to Su Muhan of your department and ask her out for dinner. As soon as I went in, I was surrounded by girls in your department, thinking that I wanted to confess! Then... "

Chen Ge said all the words suppressed in his heart.

Zhao Yifan's chest is up and down, each word, like a root sharp thorn, severely pierced in her heart, let her delicate body, is unable to help but slightly tremble.

"And then, I happened to appear, mistaking you to confess to me and promise you, right?"Zhao Yifan frowned.

"Well! If I understand the situation, it's embarrassing for me to go there

Chen Ge bowed his head and answered.

"Ha ha, I understand it all. I'm Zhao Yifan. I'm a fool! A fool to be played with

Zhao Yifan scolded with a cold face.

It's like licking one's face to paste someone's cold buttocks, but it hasn't been pasted yet, and people slapped them back.

Zhao Yifan felt that he was a joke.

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The first time I fell in love, I mistakenly thought that Zhuang Qiang had helped me and made him better. As a result, he made himself so shameful.

Then, the second love, is to help their own Chen Ge, but, but also let their own black and blue.

Enough! That's enough!

Don't you just want to find a boyfriend with money and temperament?

It's such a simple thing. Why is it so difficult to get to yourself?


Zhao Yifan slaps Chen Ge in the face.

"Asshole, Chen Ge, aren't you a little broke? I'm what you can play with! You wait for me. One day I will find a real rich boyfriend, and I will beat your face up! "

The more you want to be, the more angry Zhao Yifan gives Chen Ge a hostile look and turns away.

Chen Ge touched his face.

The corners of his mouth showed a bitter smile.

"Well, to say the wrong thing, is there anyone in the world who has more money than himself? Cough

But this matter has been said and solved.

Chen GE's heart is quite happy, also can't hurt Zhao Yifan too deep!

That's it!

Chen Ge sat down near the park.

Looking at the lake, it's a rare meditation.

At this time, his mobile phone suddenly rings, a look at the number, Chen Ge some surprise.

It was su Muhan who called.

Since yesterday, Su Muhan has broken with Chen Ge completely. Unexpectedly, he called again.

I'll connect you in a hurry.

"Chen Ge, I'm sorry to disturb you. Is it convenient for you now? I have something to tell you! "

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The voice of Su Mu Han is full of yin and Yang.

Chen Ge said with a wry smile, "of course, it's convenient. I don't have a girlfriend."

"Ha ha, yesterday's confession was so sensational. Do you think I didn't see it, Chen Ge?"

Chen Ge naturally heard the meaning of Su Muhan.

And the matter with Zhao Yifan thoroughly explained.


After listening to Su Muhan, he didn't say that he believed or didn't believe him. He just said something lightly.

"What can I do for you?"

Chen Ge asked.

"Do I have to find you?"

Su Mu Han tone some angry way.

"No, you said something to me! What's the matter? "

"I'm fine!"


Just hang up.

Chen Ge is going crazy.

It's the kind of fire.

Girls are too hard to be around, smart girls are even more difficult!

Never know what they're thinking!

Oh, forget it. Go and find Su Muhan again , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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