The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 126: 126

"I'll go, Muhan. Look at it. Here comes the scum man!"

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"Didn't he and Zhao Yifan become, what are they doing in front of our class?"

"Cut, this loser will not fall in love with our family Muhan again. My God, I don't know what Zhao Yifan thinks. Why would he agree to such a loser?"

Chen Geyi goes to Su Muhan's classroom door.

He was immediately ridiculed by the crowd.

However, Chen Ge is immune to these.

Just let Su Muhan go out for a walk.

Su Muhan has some accidents. Chen Ge comes to find herself. She has been waiting for Chen Ge to call her. Unexpectedly, when she is disappointed, he comes to the class directly.

Su Muhan certainly agreed.

Because she now believes in Chen Ge again. In fact, when she slapped Chen Ge in the face that day, Su Muhan regretted that she didn't think Chen Ge was like that.

So, when Chen Ge explained to her yesterday, Su Muhan believed Chen Ge.

Two people in a surprised eyes, out of the classroom, came to the campus on the road.

"Chen Ge, didn't my big cousin come back from m country last time, and then she has been busy with some business during this period. Now she is not busy. She has always wanted to see you. I have been procrastinating, and some of them can't hold on!"

Su Muhan said, "I want you to invite my big cousin to dinner!"

"Oh, no problem. When?"

Chen Ge looked at Su Muhan and was not angry. He thought that he didn't have to worry about it, so he agreed at the moment.

"In the afternoon, you don't have classes. Just noon. My cousin will be busy in a few days, and then she will return to m country after her busy work."


When it's settled.

Chen Ge began to look for places to eat.

Jinling commercial street is so familiar there that Chen Ge doesn't want to go.

Besides, it's a little high-profile to go there.

After discussing with Li Zhenguo, the place was ordered by Li Zhenguo, which was called Zhufeng building.

It's quiet there.

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Although it does not belong to Jinling commercial street, it is a restaurant developed by Jinling commercial group.

In terms of performance, three or four ordinary restaurants in Jinling commercial street are not comparable.

On hearing this, Chen Ge settled down and came here with Su Muhan.

After arriving, this bamboo breeze small building, to Chen GE's feeling is not so tall as imagined.

It is similar to the feeling of entering a small mountain village from the city. The houses in this small building are all made of that kind of stone.

The style is similar to that of the Republic of China.

It's very elegant.

"Sister Tang Chu, this way, this way!"

After waiting for less than half an hour, a beautiful woman dressed in a very trendy fashion walked into the restaurant.

Chen Ge and Su Muhan wait outside the door, Su Muhan greets her with enthusiasm.

"Muhan, who chose this place? Why is it here? It's so rustic

A beautiful woman named Tang Chu came.

Take off the sunglasses, a look is a face of disgust.

"Hello, cousin Tang Chu. My name is Chen Ge, and the location is set by me."

Chen Ge smiles faintly.

This Tang Chu, similar to Tang ran, is also that kind of particularly beautiful beauty level, and is the reason for the returnees, so that she has a different temperament.

However, Chen Ge was expected by her critical attitude.

Ha ha, her sister Tang Ran is not such a person!

"Ao, you are Chen Ge. I've always wanted to see you. My two sisters said that you are rich and bought Lamborghini after winning the lottery. Ha ha, do you take me to such a place?"

Tang Chu was not polite. He walked into the box at the same time.

He also gently covered his nose.

It's so clean here. How can it smell.

At present, Chen Ge just smiles bitterly and shakes his head.

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"Chen Ge, just talk about it. How many lottery tickets do you have left

Tang Chu directly opened the door to see the mountain road.

Chen Ge faint smile: "not much, almost spent!"

"Ha ha, guess! You are a typical upstart mentality. People like you who can live in it are OK, but those like you who buy this luxury car on the way up must be burnt out! "

Tang Chu shook his head lightly.

Chen Ge just nods with a bitter smile.

It seems that Su Muhan and Tang ran have not mentioned their identity with her sister.

It's also for their own confidentiality.

"Chen Ge, what are your future plans?"

Tang Chu asked again.

"I haven't thought it out yet!"

It's such a problem again that Chen Ge can only make a fool of himself.

Tang Chu shook his head in disappointment.

At this time, Su Muhan quickly changed the topic:"Sister Tang Chu, didn't you say that you still have some friends who are studying abroad and working in Jinling today? Why don't you see them? "

"O'ao, they are coming soon. Well, they were going to have lunch together to let you know them. They are all elites studying abroad. But look at this place, low people can do it, how can they let others come?"

"Ah? Sister Tang Chu, I think Chen geding's place is very good, and there are accommodation. You can arrange their accommodation here too! "

Su Muhan said.

"Hehe? You want me to lose face in front of my friends, sister

Tang Chu was helpless.

At this moment, her cell phone rings.

"What, you have arrived? Ah? Your brother picked you up. Ooh, I haven't eaten yet. I'm preparing to eat with my sister! This place seems to be called Zhufeng cottage. Don't stop here. You'd better go to another place to eat. This place is not of high grade! "

Tang Chu said as he glanced at Chen Ge in disgust.

Chen Ge is a very low-level person.

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"I will go, and you will come?"

Don't know what the phone said, in general is Tang Chu's friends want to see, Tang Chu are scared.

After hanging up.

"Oh, sister, you are a disgrace to me today. I pushed a party for one or two domestic students. I came here at noon today. As a result, you saw that your boyfriend arranged it. You had planned to ask Chen Ge to help me arrange my friend's accommodation, so forget it!"

Tang Chu youyou road.

Chen Ge is a little speechless.

Although the bamboo wind building looks low-key, it is basically in Jinling. In addition to a table of food in Jinling villa which is particularly expensive, the bamboo grove building is one of them.

Hot spring villa focuses on scenery, entertainment and catering.

And the bamboo wind building, as the name implies.

The main theme is an elegant retro environment, exquisite dining process.

The large number of bamboo houses and stone houses here just illustrates this point.

And the chefs here are all the top chefs of local cuisines in China.

But it seems that Tang Chu is not satisfied with it. He has already arranged the hot spring villa directly!

And it was just then.

A luxury car came in.

Tang Chu's phone rang, too.

Tang Chu stood up embarrassed: "they still come here, ah, take them to have a look!"

While answering the phone, Tang Chu shook his arm and walked out.

"Welyn noy, you're here!"

"Yes, I'll go. Where is this? It doesn't look very good! "

Two beauties came down from the car and said hello to Tang Chu.

Among them, Wei Lin, the driver, that is a very handsome boy, pulled to Tang Chu in front of him.

"ChuChu, this is my brother Wei Qiang. He came to Jinling from Wuzhou to meet me today. He has to accompany me to visit Jinling."

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"Well, Wei Qiang is so handsome!"

Tang Chu was smiling.

"Hello, sister ChuChu. I used to hear my sister say how beautiful and beautiful sister Tang Ran is. I really don't believe it. But today I see her, sister Tang Ran is more beautiful than my sister described it!"

Wei Qiang rationalized his suit and said with a smile.

Don't mention how beautiful Tang Chu is.

"By the way, this beautiful woman is Su Muhan, your cousin you often tell us? It looks like it's the same age as my brother

Wei Lin said with a smile.

Wei Qiang also looked at Su Muhan, just a glance, Wei Qiang's eyes are a little moved, this is simply too beautiful.

"Ha ha, yes, I'm going to introduce my sister to Wei Qiang. Two people can be friends."

Tang Ran is smiling, while turning back to let Su Muhan come to say hello.

Can this just remember, Su Mu Han has a boyfriend, this bully like boyfriend, standing next to her.

How can I forget this Chen song!

"Hello, sister Wei Lin, this is my boyfriend Chen Ge. Today Chen Ge wants to invite everyone to dinner!"

Su Muhan takes Chen GE's arm and introduces Da Dafang.

This scene, let Wei Lin's brother and sister are a little eclipsed.

Did you have a boyfriend?

"Ha ha, what's delicious here? Listen to my classmates. The best place to eat in Jinling is in Jinling commercial street. It's good to have a home kitchen! Let's eat there. It's my treat

"Home kitchen, I've heard about it, too. Well, go there!"

Tang Chu obviously had no opinion.

Home kitchen is much worse than here.

But they all can't look up to, Chen Ge also can't say what.Since you are willing to go, let's go , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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