The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 1258: 1258

Chen Ge immediately uses psychic search.

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After determining the location, he rushed to the scene with Mo Longteng.

However, at this time, there was no trace of people on the scene.

"There seems to be a big war here!"

Mo Longteng looked at the ground and said immediately.

"Well, Heifeng should have been defeated, because just now, I felt a wave of immortal power. If the immortal didn't appear, it must be the person with immortal tools!"

Chen Ge frowned, but her heart also reacted quickly. Who should be causing trouble.

Because when Chen Ge fought with Taoist priest Sanyang before, he almost suffered the loss of Taoist priest Sanyang's immortal weapon.

"It's them!" Chen Ge looked at the blood on the ground and whispered.

"Mr. Chen, there is a stone tablet here! Words have been engraved on it!"

Mo Longteng said.


Chen Ge looks.

I saw three words purple bamboo forest written on the stone tablet.

"It seems that someone has deliberately captured Taoist Heifeng and asked us to go there!"

Mo Longteng looked serious.

"But Mr. Chen, obviously our opponent is not simple, and there must be an ambush at this location. We'd better be careful!"

"That's their plan, but the black wind is in their hands, and I have to save it. Since people have made it clear that they want you to go to the purple bamboo forest, let's just follow each other's wishes!"

Chen Ge said.

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We can't abandon Heifeng. Let's go directly with Mo Longteng.

At that moment, the two returned to the museum and asked an old local scholar before they determined the location of the purple bamboo forest.

There is a high mountain in Chang'an, which is steep. In the rear of the mountain, there is a bamboo forest.

It can be called a fairyland on earth.

Every year, many tourists want to explore the bamboo forest. As a result, many accidents happen.

Because the mountain is too steep, it has fallen off the cliff before it has passed.

"OK, don't protect the Dharma. We'll go to the purple bamboo forest immediately!"

With that, Chen Ge took Mo Longteng and dared to go quickly.

In the bamboo forest.

There are many experts from Qinglong Taoist hall.

Stand in two rows.

In the center, there is a large stone pillar. Taoist Heifeng, who is sealed with true Qi, is tied to the stone pillar.

Simon Fei sat calmly cross legged and said while drinking tea:

"Taoist Heifeng, why do you bother? You are strong and arrogant, but you are willing to become Chen GE's running dog. How about this? As long as you promise to follow me, I have a way to make your cultivation further, even comparable to Xiandao!"

"Bah, little beast, if you hadn't plotted against me with immortal tools, how could you hold my palm? You still want me to learn your demon cultivation? Like this woman, you make yourself different from people and demons?"

The dark wind Taoist laughed.


Zhuang Yinuo's face turned red: "nonsense, what demon repair? This method is an authentic secret method of cultivating truth!"

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"Ha ha, authentic secret cultivation method? I've lived for so long. I heard for the first time that it's an authentic method to cultivate by absorbing cannibalism Yang!"

The black wind Taoist shook his head.

Zhuang Yinuo's chest fluctuated violently, which made her speechless.

Indeed, her cultivation method needs to suck some children's Yang.

She also knew it was bad to do so, but how could Shifu deceive herself?

"Female doll, you were cheated by them. If you don't believe it, go back and find the children who have been sucked by you. Can you find their whereabouts?"

The dark wind Taoist sneered.

"What do you mean? My master said that I can't meet them within three years after I smoked it!"

"Hahaha, that's because you can't see them at all. When you are young, you have become a bloodthirsty demon and work for several big demons. It's a pity!"

The dark wind Taoist continued.

Zhuang Yinuo blushed. Are those people really dead?

"Younger martial sister, don't listen to him. He deliberately stirs up discord!"

Ximenfei stood up and whipped it. The immortal whip with electric light left a deep mark on Taoist Heifeng.

"Old man, nonsense. There's a way in the sky. You don't go. There's no door to hell. You break in. I think you want to die!"

Ximenfei said ferociously.

"I want to die? I advise you to let me go quickly, or you won't know how you died when Mr. Chen comes. Besides, you also set up an array to deal with Mr. Chen with this?"

"Ignorance, too ignorant, you are as ignorant as I was!"

Taoist Heifeng said one sentence after another.

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Simon Fei said that he was upset and trembled with anger.

"OK, I'll let you see with your own eyes how Chen Ge died in my thunderbolt array!"

Ximenfei clenched his fists.

"Elder martial brother Ximen, is that Chen Ge better than this dark wind Taoist? Do you want to use our thunderbolt array to deal with him?"

Zhuang Yinuo asked.

"Yes, otherwise, this Taoist blackwind wouldn't be willing to obey his orders, but don't think too much. The evil wind palm of blackwind has no power and can't break the young master's defense. Similarly, Chen Ge, as a Taoist realm, can't break Ben Shao's defense. I just want to refine him with thunderbolt array!"

Ximenfei's voice just fell.

Hoo Hoo

Suddenly a hurricane came from a distance. The hurricane was black and people couldn't open their eyes.

Moreover, every wind seems like a sharp blade.


The subordinates of qinglongguan were hit by the hurricane. The corners of their mouths were torn and bleeding directly, and the knife marks on their faces were not slow.

Screaming in pain.

Simon Fei and Zhuang Yinuo were also surprised and immediately used the method to resist the hurricane.

At the next moment, Zhuang Yinuo's mouth also bled.

Simon Fei trembled with the wind.

"Tianwei order!"

Just look at Simon's flying hand pinch a Dharma decision and read it directly.

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A thick black barrier appeared in front of him and Zhuang Yinuo, so that he was not broken by the hurricane.

Boom, boom!

After the hurricane, the mountains seem to be exploding.

Despite the protection of the black barrier, Zhuang Yinuo and ximenfei still retreated, and they dragged a long drag mark on the ground.

"How strong!"

Ximenfei's face tightened.

"Who says that the evil wind palm of the black wind Taoist has no power? How about we try it?"

Just then, a voice came from high in the distance.

"Chen Ge!" Simon Fei was surprised.

Taoist Heifeng was full of pride. In fact, when the hurricane came just now, he knew that this was the evil wind palm that he had asked Mr. Chen to point out. Mr. Chen used his own martial arts skills to find face for himself.

During this time, Mo Longteng and Taoist Heifeng naturally had to exchange martial arts with Chen Ge.


Suddenly, there was a twist in the sky.

I saw Chen Ge tear the air, flash out directly, and enter the hurricane, fast as lightning.

Extremely fast.

Slap hard at the black barrier, the fastest update of the webnovel!

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