The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 1259: 1259


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A startling noise, you see the constant tremor of the black barrier.

Ximenfei is a blood donor.

There are green veins all over his forehead.


Immediately, the barrier broke directly. Ximenfei flew out upside down and hit the ground hard. The back meridians burst directly.

This slap almost knocked him out of his wits.

"How is that possible?"

This time, it's ximenfei's turn to be shocked. He has an immortal weapon Tianwei order to protect his body. This is an immortal weapon. How can someone break his defense?

"Chen Ge!"

Simon Fei was full of jealousy and clung to the earth.

His face is unwilling.

"It's really a fairy tool, but it depends on who uses it. It's like the same vegetable. It's delicious when made by a master. It tastes like chewing wax when made by a person who doesn't know how to cook!"

Chen Ge shook his head.

Wave again, bang bang.

The seal that binds the black wind Taoist priest is directly untied.

"Who are you? Or what kind of monster are you?"

The next moment, Chen Ge frowned.


Ximenfei slowly stood up and smiled grimly: "I don't understand what Chen Ge said, but I really underestimated your strength today, but... Do you really think I will give in to you like this?"

Simon flew into a rage.

Then he roared angrily, and a real Qi was released from his body.

"Thunderbolt array!"

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Boom, boom!

The next moment, the surrounding scene changed, and the fog rolled in an instant.

As if it was just a moment, Chen Ge and others were placed in a different space.

"Chen Ge, let me show you the most powerful Dharma array and thunderbolt array of our school!"

Simon Fei laughed wildly.

The next moment, I saw that Yin thunder kept rolling in the array.

"What a strong array!"

Taoist Heifeng and Mo Longteng also looked at each other.

A little scared.


The next second, a green thunder light fell straight down, splitting the sky and covering the earth.

Great momentum.

"Get away!"

Chen Ge immediately reminded Taoist Heifeng and Mo Longteng.

The two of them went straight away.

The whole space trembled when the thunder fell to the ground.

Not to mention, they just flew into the sky.

Suddenly, a huge border formed above, enveloping them.

Five colored flames sprayed down at the two people.

They dodged and fell down, but they were caught off guard by thunder and lightning.


Thunder, light and fire crossed each other and hit the two.

Mo Longteng dodged carelessly and rubbed his shoulder. Rao is the holy body of the cultivator. At the moment, he was burned a large piece of flesh.

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It is conceivable that what will happen if a flame and thunder light hits you.

"Hahaha, I want to refine you three alive!"

Outside the array, ximenfei's proud laughter came.

The thunder light and flame are suddenly strengthened at the moment.

"Mr. Chen, if you want to crack the law, we will not be able to hold on!"

Mo Longteng's face was flustered.

In fact, just after the array was opened, Chen Ge was looking for the life gate of the array.

This array is not the technique in the array secret script of the immortals without appearance.

Chen Ge guessed that it should be the demon array.

However, the so-called drawing inferences from one instance.

I have found out the secret script of the array.

Although this array is complex and different from the array in ordinary Taoism, it can never change without its origin.

After careful observation, Chen Ge had a dispute in his heart.

Chen Ge closed his eyes.

There was a faint golden light on his body.

Coincidentally, the thunder flame is more and more dense, but the golden light on Chen Ge disappears.

Taoist Heifeng, who was hiding in the sky, looked at it with Mo Longteng and was greatly surprised.

"The root of this thunderbolt array is to take advantage of the situation. Taking advantage of the dangerous and precipitous situation, it connects the sky and the earth. Heaven and earth are formed. Thunder and earth fire come out, covering the sky and the earth, and its power is like thunder!"

Chen Ge said faintly.


Ximenfei, who was manipulating the array, was obviously shocked.


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He broke the general outline of thunderbolt array?

"Mr. Chen, come on, I can't stand it!"

Mo Longteng roared anxiously at the moment.

"Chen Ge, don't play tricks. I don't believe that you can crack the thunderbolt array that even your father can't crack?"

Simon Fei also roared.

"This array cannot be cracked because it is completely formed by potential. If it is solved with the thinking of five elements and eight trigrams, it will not be solved!"

Chen Ge said.

"Mr. Chen!" Mo Longteng also reminded.

Taoist Heifeng said, "don't bother, Mr. Chen, this is to explain some arrays to us. Listen carefully!"

Taoist Heifeng has realized something.

Chen GE has told himself many times about some methods of using true Qi and the communication between methods and arrays.

What is the basis for the establishment of an array?

One depends on potential.

Second, by changing the orientation of the five elements, so as to change the potential. When the potential changes, a force will be generated. This force can either be combined with the aura of heaven and earth to form an array.

Or, with their own true Qi, they form enhanced martial arts.

At the beginning, when Chen Ge spoke, Heifeng didn't understand this.

But now, in this array, coupled with Chen GE's own evil wind palm, it can be said that it is almost the most powerful evil wind palm that Taoist Heifeng has ever seen.

After these two sets of experiments, the inspiration in the hearts of the black wind Taoist burst out.

Mr. Chen means that the array can be used not only in the five elements that change the surrounding environment, but also in the five elements in one's own body.

The movement of true Qi depends on the circulation of the five elements meridians.

If you combine your five elements meridians with your Yin wind bone etching array to circulate in your body. So

"I see!"

Taoist Heifeng's eyes lit up in an instant.

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The Yin wind bone etching array is directly urged in the body with real Qi.

Boom, boom!

Hurricanes formed rapidly around the black wind Taoist.

Taoist Heifeng used the evil wind palm.


A loud noise instantly drove back the thunder and flame.

"Wonderful, it's wonderful!!"

Taoist Heifeng is now fearless of the damage of thunderbolt array.

Combining the position change of the five elements of the evil wind palm and the Yin wind bone etching array, you can understand a different set of palm techniques. The power can be said to have increased several times.

Chen Ge nodded slightly. Sure enough, he was able to become a Taoist cultivator and his comprehension ability was amazing.

Just like Wu ruofeng, he once understood with the Seven Star array and became a Taoist.

Now, Taoist Heifeng has gradually understood the mystery of taking advantage of the situation.

"Therefore, the key point to crack the thunderbolt array is to break the heaven and earth potential. If the potential is broken, the array will naturally no longer exist!"

At that moment, Chen Ge took a deep breath.

The golden light of the whole body was released at once.

Boom, boom!

Outside the array, ximenfei was completely surprised.

He just watched. Under the golden light around Chen Ge, his array was constantly dim.

In the end, it disappeared

"No... impossible!"

Ximen Feiqi spits blood, the fastest update of the webnovel!

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