The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 1260: 1260

Ximenfei panicked at the same time.

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When I saw singer Chen pinching his sword, I was about to fly towards Ximen.

Ximenfei panicked and threw out Wei Tianling to resist.


The sword Qi collided with Wei Tianling and sent out a huge roar.

The white light flashed past and stabbed everyone's eyes.

Chen GE's strike directly hit the celestial order of the immortal weapon Wei. After all, it was an immortal weapon. This blow burst out its powerful immortal power, which stopped Chen GE's power.

When Bai mang dissipated, he saw that Simon Fei and Zhuang Yinuo had disappeared.

"This little beast runs fast!"

The dark wind Taoist said fiercely.

"If he hadn't had an immortal weapon, Mr. Chen's sword just now would have scared him!"

Mo Longteng also hates secretly.

Chen Ge was silent. At the moment, she stared at the ground, a token with white light.

Reach out and grab it. The token has reached Chen GE's hand.

"Hiss... Wei Tianling?"

Feeling the immortal power uploaded from the token, Taoist Heifeng was surprised.

"Well, ximenfei, just now, in order to protect his life, he did not hesitate to throw out the Wei Tianling to resist, and this token is worthy of being an immortal weapon. My power can't shake it at all!"

"Similarly, ximenfei can't give full play to the power of Wei Tianling at all. Otherwise, I can't beat him back with your evil wind palm at the beginning!"

Chen Ge frowned.

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He looked at Wei Tianling carefully and said.

After entering the cultivation world for so long, this is Chen GE's first contact with a real immortal tool.

"But Mr. Chen, one thing is certain. The strength of the opponent we met this time must be not simple. Let's say that Ximen Fei, a young man, does have immortal tools such as binding immortal rope and Wei Tianling, which have been lost for a long time. What must be the realm of the expert who hasn't appeared yet?"

Taoist Heifeng frowned tightly.

It seems that like Chen Ge, they all feel the trouble of things.

"Heifeng, how much do you know about Wei Tianling?"

Chen Ge first came into contact with immortal tools. There are some rumors about immortal tools that he doesn't know.

"A thousand years ago, it was the fairy weapon in the legend of the fairy world. It was contested by many experts in the Taoist realm, with countless deaths and injuries, and this Wei Tianling is a legend in the legend!"

"It's said that having Wei Tianling can call the wind and rain. When in charge of the wind, rain and dew. At the same time, Wei Tianling, as an immortal tool in heaven and earth, can also seal immortals and demons to protect a good weather!"

Heifengdao humanity.

"Yes, I've heard the master tell the story of Wei Tianling. In the first place, China suffered a disaster. An immortal left Wei Tianling to enter the secular world to suppress the disaster!"

"However, since then, with the passage of time, the robbery disappeared, and the whereabouts of Wei Tianling also disappeared without a trace. It has never appeared in the secular world or even the cultivation world!"

Mo Longteng said.

"Hiss... According to what you said, since this Wei Tianling has the function of controlling wind and rain and sealing immortals and demons, it seems that it is not so strong. Can you really use it to call wind and rain?"

Chen Ge is also interested.

"Ximenfei can't use it. He uses it as a defensive weapon, but Mr. Chen, even if it can really call the wind and rain, it's useless. Now, I'm afraid it doesn't have this function!"

Said the dark wind Taoist.

"What do you mean?"

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"Hehe, speaking of it, it's too long ago, because once there were ancient powers such as immortals in the sky, and Wei Tianling, as a token, issued orders to order immortals to cast clouds and rain!"

"That's how the so-called calling wind and rain comes."

"But now, the fairyland has long been empty. Wind and rain have come to the secular world. It depends on the natural operation of the power of heaven and earth. Wei Tianling has been unable to play a role. However, as an immortal tool for sealing immortal demons, it is still extremely powerful and rare in the world!"

The dark wind Taoist explained.

"The fairyland is empty. Unexpectedly, the strength of the people in the fairyland is so strong that they are still so inexplicably destroyed!"

Chen Ge said.

"Well, so, the few immortal experts left by the remnant have great secrets, and as you said, they have taken a lot of people from the secular world!"

The black wind Taoist said the Sun Alliance understood by the secular world.

Chen Ge also wants to track their whereabouts. After all, his fiancee is still in their hands. Up to now, he doesn't know whether to live or die.

"No one knows what happened in the fairyland at the beginning, but there are still many seedlings in the fairyland. Later, they gradually differentiated in the secular world, and our cultivation world!"

Mo Longteng added.

Chen Ge thought that when he was looking for his predecessor's tomb, there was a pattern description that a towering tree fell from the sky.

The tree is covered with heavenly soldiers' bodies.

Could it be that the demise of the fairyland is still related to the bodies of those heavenly soldiers?

And sister Ziyan, they should be people in the fairy world.

The more you think about it, the more you think about it, the more you feel a huge vortex enveloping everyone.

Chen Ge shook his head and several people simply went back to study the usage of Wei Tianling.

The other side.

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Sanyang temple.

Four elder martial brothers and sisters are discussing Chen Ge.

Just see Zhuang Yinuo help some weak Ximen fly in.

"Feier, what's the matter with you?"

Taoist Qinglong was stunned.

"I'm fine..." Simon Fei shook his head and covered his chest.

"Elder martial brother, he just wanted to catch Chen Ge. Unexpectedly, Chen GE's strength is too powerful. Elder martial brother was hurt!"

Zhuang Yinuo hurriedly explained.

"What? Go and catch Chen Ge? Feier, you're dead. Your martial sister, I just lost in his hands!"

Taoist aunt Sanyang was startled.

"It's all right. He's really strong, but it's not easy to hurt me!"

Simon flies against the airway.

"Rebel, now, you're hard. I see your face. Obviously, you've been seriously injured, Zhenyuan!"

The green dragon Taoist priest opened ximenfei's chest as he spoke.

I saw a huge black bruise on his chest.


Now, ximenfei could no longer support it, and a mouthful of purple and black blood gushed out directly.

And spray it all over your face.

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Zhuang Yinuo retreated in fear.

"Come on, senior brother, let's heal Feier!"

As soon as Mr. Qidu saw that something bad was going on, he came and wanted to do it.

"Don't touch him. Be careful. His eight meridians are about to be broken by Chen Ge. If you are careless, you will die on the spot, or the real yuan will be destroyed!"

The green dragon Taoist priest frowned.

"Father... Father... Father, save me. I don't want to die. I didn't expect him... He was so strong!"

Simon Fei said painfully, his face pale and colorless.

I can't fit it anymore.

"Take Huanyang pill!"

Taoist priest Qinglong shouted quickly.

Taoist aunt Sanyang immediately took out a pill.

"If you want him to die quickly, feed him!"

Just then, the stone statues enshrined in the Taoist hall spoke.

"Master... Master!"

Taoist priest Qinglong was pleasantly surprised.

"Master!" the other three disciples shouted respectfully., the fastest update of the webnovel!

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