The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 133: 133

As soon as Wang Xiaoti saw Chen Ge, he pushed into it.

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Immediately disdainful curse.

She really sees too many of these people.

Don't care where you have something. As long as there is a big scene, there are always some people who like to pretend. Go up and ask about the situation, as if others don't know how capable he is.

Chen Ge is not such a person now.

"Yes! What kind of force? Be careful to put yourself in it

"I've had enough of this loser. Take a look, he's really squeezed in!"

A good sister pointed to Chen Ge.

Chen Gecai is too lazy to pay attention to them.

Chen Ge is slow to come up. At the moment, Li Hongfei has finished asking about the situation. Of course, he has to follow him and find Meng Cairu back.

"Chen Shao, the location has been known, brothers to get the car, let's start right away!"

Li Hongfei saw that there were so many people that he just whispered a word to Chen Ge.

However, Chen Shao was overheard by the owner's wife.

At the moment, they all stare with horror.

Chen Chen Shao?

Chen Shao of Jinling commercial street?

Sleeping trough!

Chen Shao, who usually studies in Jinling University, is very low-key. No one knows his identity.

But the reputation is very loud in the whole Jinling.

As a boss, how can they not know.

Oh, my God! I didn't expect Chen Shao to be a student of CAI Ru. Moreover, he even asked Chen Shao to work for us?

"Chen Shao, misunderstanding, some things, are misunderstandings!"

Qiao Qiao's face was embarrassed and explained in a hurry.

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Chen Ge ignored them and left directly from the middle of the crowd.

Li Feihong is even more cold hum: "take care of your mouth, this matter, come back to settle accounts for you again!"

A large number of people left in a hurry.

Only the Qiao Qiao, who was frightened to be silent, was pale.

"I depend on me! Chen Ge actually left with them. What did they say just now? It seems that Feihong is very polite to Chen Ge

In the crowd, although Chen Ge couldn't hear what he said to Li Feihong.

But anyone with eyes can see that Li Feihong respects Chen Ge very much.

Wang Xiaoti and some of them are confused.

"I don't know!"

Wang Xiaoti said something in his heart.

I don't know why, just when Chen Ge was surrounded by a group of people and left, Wang Xiaoti suddenly felt that Chen Ge was particularly handsome and domineering.

Even Wang Xiaoti had a bold guess in his heart.

This conjecture made her crazy:

"is Chen Ge Chen Shao


How could that be possible!?

No way!

But at the door of the bar, there are more than a dozen black Les mirage extension.

Chen Ge sat in the center of the car.

A group of people rushed to a place called Youlong hotel!

At the moment, you long hotel, in a box.

"Don't No, help Help

Meng Cairu was severely thrown in the big water bed, she was drunk, only feel dizzy brain distension, the whole body did not have any strength.

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It's just a little bit of consciousness left.

He was shouting feebly.

"Ha ha! Little beauty, shout, shout, even if you cry, no one will save you

Zhang Dashan took off his coat and grinned at the same time.

Looking at the creature on the bed, drooling.

Since Zhang Dashan has been wandering in the rivers and lakes, his routines have been numerous. As long as the woman he likes, there is almost no time for him to run away.

What's more, the beauty named Meng Cairu beat him in public.

This is the first time.

Let Zhang Dashan at the moment, in addition to full of desire, there is also a sense of revenge.

As for Meng Cairu's best friend Qiaoqiao, hehe, ask her, is money important or friendship important?

I was in the bar before, just a look at her, she understood what it meant!

After all, she is the biggest investor in the bar her husband runs.

"Beauty, I'm coming!"

Zhang Dashan was almost drooling. At the moment, he was impatient and rushed up.

And it was just then.

There's a bang.

The door of the hotel was smashed open.

Then a group of people in black came straight in.

"Shit, what are you doing?"

Zhang Dashan was so frightened that he hurried aside.

However, when he saw Li Feihong coming in, his eyes became obsequious."Oh! It's Feihong. Who should I be? Ha ha, the flood has washed into the Dragon King Temple, and the family don't know each other? "

Li Feihong's name in Jinling commercial street, to Li Zhenguo, is definitely the existence of one person under ten thousand people.

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Zhang Dashan often comes to Jinling. How can he not know that Li Feihong is a cruel man in Jinling!

"Fuck you, wait till you die!"

Li Feihong kicked Zhang Dashan away.

Looking at Meng Cairu, who was seven minutes drunk and three minutes awake, she could not help but respectfully said:

"Miss Meng, you are frightened. Someone sent us to rescue you!"

Li Feihong finished and waved.

Immediately, a female doctor came to Meng Cairu. She didn't know what she was encircling. She took a wet towel and wiped her face.

In less than half an hour, Meng Cairu has been sober for most of the time.

"Thank you, Mr. Li."

Meng Cairu arranged her clothes in surprise, and said in surprise:

"Mr. Li, who asked you to save me?"

Meng Cairu stood up and asked with a little nervousness and excitement.

Of course I'm excited!

At this critical moment, the famous Li Feihong of Jinling commercial street rushed in with a group of his men and saved himself.

And Li Feihong is so respectful to himself.

He was instructed by others, which shows that the person who instructed him is a very important person.

as for her bubble bestie, Meng Cairu was automatically dropped by PASS.

Facing such a dangerous situation, she could not escape the connection.

Besides, even if her conscience found to save herself, she had absolutely no ability to make brother Feihong so respectful to herself!

Therefore, the first thing that Meng Cairu woke up to was to ask clearly.

"As for who it is, I have no comment, but he has told you that if you ask about it, you will tell you that he is a man who likes to be ordinary and ordinary."

Li Feihong said.

"Ah! Is it an ordinary little brother? "

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Meng Cairu suddenly realized that she was excited to jump up.

Like ordinary ordinary ordinary people, can not be ordinary little brother?

What's more, I don't know any big people at all, except ordinary little brother!

In this way, everything seems to be right.

Was it not that some people guessed that the ordinary little brother was Chen Shao?

Many people don't believe it.

But now we can see that Li Feihong is the only one who can make Li Feihong like him. He is the so-called Chen Shao.

It must be like this. Today, the bar opened, and the ordinary little brother came to play and saw the scene of his being bullied.

So, immediately a phone call came and sent someone to save himself.

It must be!

Meng Cairu's despair and panic seemed to disappear completely with this scene.

"Miss Meng, I have been told that we will send you back to school safely. You'd better go back first. As for the rest, you can leave it to our subordinates."

Although I don't know what relationship Meng Cairu has with Chen Shao, Chen Shao is willing to save her, and certainly has a good relationship. It's not a mistake to please yourself!

Li Feihong thought.

"Yes, Mr. Li, but can you do me a favor before I leave?"

Meng Cairu's eyes suddenly cast a cold glance at Zhang Dashan in the corner of the wall.

Li Feihong nodded: "you say it!"

"Let your men lend me the electric wand in his hand."

As Meng Cairu said, she glanced at Zhang Dashan's lower body in a gloomy and cold way, and let Zhang Dashan's heart fall to the bottom of the valley

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