The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 134: 134


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A shrill scream resounded through the whole restaurant. It was definitely the last time a man made such a loud and powerful cry.

Yes, this is the last time for a man!

After all this.

Meng Cairu took her bag and came out of the room.

In the corridor of the whole hotel, there are rows of bodyguards standing on both sides.

Meng Cairu was almost overwhelmed by excitement.

When he was rescued, he was vigorous, cool!

Just now when he retaliated, Zhang Dashan didn't even dare to resist. He was shocked there directly. Cool!

And now come out, two rows of bodyguards stand respectfully, just to wait for themselves.

It's amazing.

Is that what it feels like to have a patron? Is this what it feels like to be with an ordinary little brother?

Glory, security.

This is really not comparable to ordinary people!

"Miss Meng, please get in the car!"

At the door, Li Feihong opened the door for Meng Cairu and invited her into the car.

It's only then that the whole fleet is mighty.

What about Chen Ge?

In fact, Chen Ge also came along just now. When Li Feihong confirmed the room and took people up, Chen Ge almost went up.

But Chen Ge hesitated.

After I go up, I must touch Meng Cairu face to face.

What do you say then?

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Is not Chen Shao's identity exposed?

What's the point of hiding yourself for so long?

Besides, Li Feihong can handle all these things by himself.

It didn't make sense to go up, so he told Li Feihong a few words, and then Chen Ge took a taxi and left.

That's why Li Feihong told Meng Cairu.

"Mr. Li, thank you for today's business. I will tell the ordinary brother about your hard work!"

On the bus, Meng Cairu cocked her legs and said to Li Feihong, the co driver.

The voice has not been polite before, but has some carrying meaning.

Hehe, Li Feihong is just an ordinary little brother's horse. If he is so respectful to him, will he not be devalued?

"Thank you, Miss Meng! In addition, please inform Chen now Ordinary sir, we can finish the task

Li Feihong can only smile.

After Meng Cairu, she thought that the light was so excited that she forgot to contact the ordinary little brother.

I opened wechat and started chatting with ordinary little brother.

"Ordinary little brother, did you save me? Love you, love you to death! "

Chen Ge, who didn't drive Meng Cairu's car, left her car at the bar. After receiving the wechat sent by Meng Cairu, she knew that she was completely OK, so she was relieved and replied with a word of "um".

"I'm so moved by you today that I don't know what to say? Well, I won't say anything to thank you, ordinary little brother. Remember, to be your woman in the future is my goal of Meng Cairu's struggle

Meng Cairu excitedly wrote down this paragraph and sent it in the past.

"Damn it!"

In the dormitory, Chen Ge gave a roar of shock.

"Ah? What's the matter, Mr. Chen? Are you asleep? "

"It's all right. It's just a shock! Sleep, sleep, I'm so tired! "

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Chen Ge is asleep.

"Miss Meng, the school is here!"

Li Feihong came down to open the door for Meng Cairu.

Meng Cairu, er, just prepared to get off.

As for the old songs that she took to the bar, it seems that she has long forgotten the same.

In fact, just out of the hotel, Meng Cairu remembered Chen Ge.

His car keys are still in his hands.

Li Feihong is going to send someone to pick him up.

But on second thought, Chen GE's kind of low-quality goods, if let others know that he is his own student, that would be more shameless?

So Meng Cairu didn't inform Chen Ge that she planned to send a text message to Chen Ge after returning home and let him take a taxi.

As for his own car, he'd better not drive it!

A look of disgust!


When Meng Cairu got out of the car, she seemed to be given a little bit by something. She felt her buttocks in pain and grinned.

"What's that in your car? It's killing me

Meng Cairu said with deep sorrow.

Then she took it out from the bottom of her buttocks, and Meng Cairu was stupid. I depend! It's a power bank!

"What are you doing with such a broken power bank in such a luxurious car! Not yet

Meng Cairu took it down. She was so angry that she almost lost her image as a lady.I want to throw it into the garbage can.

But then she stopped.

"Hiss? incorrect! This power bank? "

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Meng Cairu glared at her eyes and looked at it carefully by moonlight.

Suddenly I took a breath.

"My God, isn't this your own power bank?"

Yes, this is my own power bank. It didn't take long to buy it for more than 300 yuan.

Why are you so sure? Because there is a big sticker on the power bank!

Just now, if it wasn't for her big head post photo, Meng Cairu didn't think about it elsewhere.

This power bank is usually put in the car.

When I went to the bar this afternoon, Chen GE's poor mobile phone ran out of power. I lent him the power bank and let him use it all the time.

But How could this power bank come to the car of labor price?

You dropped it by accident?

How could it be? Today, Chen Ge just saw himself and didn't rely on himself for more than a meter.

Even if he secretly returned it to himself, it was impossible!

What's more, he will return it. How could he steal it?

That is to say, this is not what you left behind at all.

But Chen Ge didn't know what was going on and left the power bank in the car

The more you think about it, the whiter Meng Cairu's face will be.

But why did Chen Ge appear in this car?

What is his identity?

This, this, this What's going on?


Meng Cairu felt her head in a mess.

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"Mr. Li, do you know Chen Ge?"

It seems to be thinking of some possibility, Meng Cairu asked with wide eyes.

"I don't know. What's the matter?"

Li Feihong subconsciously replied, at the same time Meng Cairu suddenly called out Chen GE's name, which made Li Feihong a little nervous.

"Oh, yes, Chen Ge is one of my students. I lent this power bank to him in the afternoon, but why did he run to your car?"

"Yes, this is the charger you lent to Chen Ge. How could it appear in my car?"

Li Feihong swallowed his saliva without trace.

How did it happen?

It must be Chen Shao's leaving, accidentally left the power bank on the car!

"I ask you, Mr. Li!"

Meng Cairu seemed eager to know the answer.

"Ao, it's like this. When we got you in trouble, we went to the bar to look for you. However, we didn't see you, so we inquired and searched everywhere to find out what you looked like. Finally, someone said that the photo of you was pasted on the big head, so I took the charger with me..."

Li Feihong is an absolutely honest and tough man. It's really hard for him to tell such a big man how to lie.

"Oh, I see!"

Meng Cairu weighed the rechargeable treasure in his hand. It seems that Chen Ge gave it to him.

Then he left Li Feihong and went upstairs.

But the more I went back, the more I thought about it, she always let Meng Cairu feel something was wrong.

Li Feihong seems to have lied, and, in the last part of the speech, it looks like that, but it is full of loopholes, OK?

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