The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 135: 135


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Meng Cairu suddenly remembered the loopholes in Li Feihong's words.

He kept saying what he wanted to look like?

At that time, he had countless ways to get it.

What's more, is it necessary to find yourself?

Because Meng Cairu had asked Li Feihong about the process of saving herself, she knew from the mouths of those men where she had been bound and which room she had gone to.

He came straight to save himself.

How about trying to find out what you look like and what to do?

And there's more!

How did the ordinary little brother know about this?

He really went to the bar, according to the ordinary little brother's personality, he didn't like this kind of place.

Only know where they are, only this Chen Song!

Damn it!

Meng Cairu can't be quiet any more. Can you say Chen Ge is an ordinary little brother?

Ha ha ha

Suddenly, Meng Cairu laughed.

No, how could it be!

What do you think?

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There may be some misunderstanding in this. Tomorrow, I will find Chen Ge and ask him about the situation.

Meng Cairu just because of excitement, the hanging heart finally fell.

There was no word all night.

The next day, because it was Saturday.

So Chen Ge got up a little late.

Wait until their mobile phone rings, then open your eyes.

At a glance, it was Lin Yiyi who called.

"I haven't been in touch for several days. I don't know what Lin Yiyi contacted himself today."

Chen Ge questions a sentence, or click to connect.

"Chen Shao, are you busy?"

Lin Yiyi asked in a low voice.

"Not busy. What's up?"

Chen Ge asked.

"Well, Chen Shao, didn't you pretend to be my boyfriend and help me once? But today, my cousin in Yungang City, as well as some relatives in the north, have made an appointment to come to Jinling today to have a visit and see my father

"But Zhao of the commercial street always has a meeting for two consecutive days. My father went to the meeting, so he asked me to accompany him!"

Lin Yi dada said.

"Oh, then you can accompany them, and have fun with them! If you want to go to hot spring villa, I'll arrange a luxury suite for you

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Chen gedao.

With Lin Yiyi, although there was some misunderstanding at the beginning, she was beaten.

But now after a few things, they are friends.

Chen Ge is not squeamish.

But Lin Yiyi's purpose is obviously not this.

"Chen Shao, I'm not asking you to arrange the hot spring villa. I want to ask if you have time. If you have time, can you come out with me to accompany them?"

"Let me accompany them? Don't you want me to keep pretending to be your boyfriend? Yiyi, I've pretended enough, enough, so don't embarrass me

Chen Ge refused as soon as he heard this.

He's afraid of it now.

Not for anything else, mainly for Su Muhan.

I have made up my mind to be with Su Muhan. When I do these things, I have to consider them for Su Muhan.

However, Lin Yiyi on the other side of the phone sobbed directly.

"Good Well, Chen Shao, think about it. How can I let Chen Shao do so much for me? It's mainly because my cousin told my relatives and cousins that they wanted to see you by roll! Well, I'll tell them directly this time that you're not my boyfriend. I don't deserve I won't embarrass you! "

Lin Yiyi was crying.

Chen Ge is a little embarrassed.

Chen Ge can't hear girls cry in front of themselves, but also because of themselves.

Then he scratched his head with a wry smile and said, "that what, don't cry, otherwise, I'll go today, you say a place, I'll go to find you!"

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"Yes, Chen Shao. Chen Shao is the best to Yiyi, Mada!"

There was a kiss from Lin Yiyi on the phone.


Chen Ge promised Lin Yiyi that he wanted to have an end. The so-called help people to the end and send the Buddha to the West.

Since I helped her start, I have to help her finish!

Well, go ahead and go!

Chen Ge changed his clothes, because it was late, and there were too many drivers. Chen Ge simply took a taxi and found Lin Yiyi.

Then Lin Yiyi arranges the car at home and goes to Jinling airport to pick up the plane.

At the same time, Jinling airport exit.

There were eight or nine men and women standing.

There are middle-aged people, there are young and beautiful people.

"Aunt Lin, what happened? Didn't you tell Yiyi that we arrived at 9:30. It's almost 10:30. Why hasn't she come yet?""Don't worry, Wenyun. Maybe Yiyi has something to delay. Don't worry. I called just now and will be here soon."

"Ha ha, Jinling has been here once before. Now it's really different. There must be many interesting places. Oh, Hongxia, didn't you say that Yi Yi took her boyfriend to your house last time? How's that guy? How do you say someone else can't do it on the phone? I don't understand! "

At this time, a middle-aged woman who looks very similar to Lin Hongxia asked.

Her name is Lin Hongju, two sisters, but she married to the north, is now a manager of a securities agency, the kind of annual salary of one million.

"Hum, don't say that poor boy, just think about it and get angry. The man won the lottery, and then he didn't know his last name? And you know, his family is poor and he has no money! I wanted to introduce Wu Qiang, my sister's son, to Yiyi. As a result Alas

As soon as Lin Hongxia thinks of Chen Ge Lai, she doesn't feel angry. This kind of person also wants to enter their Lin family's door. Dream about it.

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"It may be that Xiaomei is disgusted to see him. This time, she refused to come. Since Chen Ge went to our house last time and joined the rich second generation cruise ship dinner party, Xiaomei has been depressed and talked less. If you ask her what's wrong, she won't say it!"

Lin Hongxia indignantly said: "it is estimated that the poor forced to disgust!"

"Ha ha! Hongxia, your mouth is getting more and more poisonous now. Do you say that about children? But I really want to see this man named Chen Ge. Is that disgusting? "

Lin Hongju couldn't help laughing bitterly.

"Of course, it's not comparable to my nephew and son-in-law you brought me today."

It turns out that beside Lin Hongju, there are three young girls and three boys holding their hands.

One girl is twenty-five years old, and the other two girls seem to be Lin Yiyi's peers.

The three girls are white skin, their eyes are proud and ruthless.

They are Lin Yiyi's cousins. Beside them are their boyfriends.

In a word, the two younger ones are Lin Hongju's two daughters. The older one, who has a cold face, is her husband's niece. They come to play together.

"Mom, you also said that my aunt's mouth is poisonous. Hum, I want to ask, is there any mouth more poisonous than you in the world? My sister's last boyfriend almost killed himself by jumping off a building The youngest girl, dressed in a very fashionable way, said at this time.

"Go on, you dead girl. If I kill you, I'll kill you. I'll tell you the truth. Isn't there a company with annual profits of tens of millions of yuan in my family, so I deserve to marry Lin Hongju's daughter? What's the annual profit of your father's company alone, hum! "

Wearing sunglasses, Lin Hongju couldn't help but say in a cold voice.

It made everyone laugh.

"Why? My sister Yiyi is here

The girl suddenly points to Lin Yiyi, who is coming with Chen Ge , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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