The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 136: 136

"Cousin, I'm really sorry I'm late!"

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Lin Yiyi cut her hair and said with a smile.

"No, it's not too late. Why are you so polite?"

Lin Hongju smiles, and her eyes stare up and down at Chen Ge like a poisonous snake.

"Cousin, cousin, two cousins, Hello!"

Chen Ge is also generous to say hello.

"Are you the one named Chen Ge?"

Lin Hongju picked up her shoulders.

If you look at Chen Ge, you've got a problem in mind.

I'm dressed in ordinary clothes, but I feel that I'm from the countryside, without fashion flavor!

Lin Hongju can't help but shake her head.

If this kind of person wants to be his own son-in-law, Pa Pa Pa!

Don't ridicule him, just slap him on the face and let him go!


Therefore, Lin Hongju's voice is not salty or light!

"Ha ha, I didn't expect to see you for such a long time, or such a virtue!"

Let alone Lin Hongxia, who sneered and scolded directly.

And the three cousins all curled their mouths and shook their heads at their respective boyfriends.

That is, why does cousin want to find such a boyfriend?

It's too low in dress.

It's all!

Chen Ge just laughs as if coping.

It seems that Su Mei didn't mention a word to their family after they went back last time.

Sometimes it's true to think about it. It's better to mention it!


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"Cousin, the bus has been arranged. Let's get on the bus first and then drive you around!"

Chen Ge held her breath and just said with a smile.

"When you have arranged, you can arrange it. The car of emotion is just like that of your family! Cut

Lin Hongxia sees that Lin Yiyi has been holding Chen GE's hand.

Now quite angry, he came to pull Lin Yiyi's hand away, and then he pulled Lin Yiyi away.

Two luxurious business buses arrived, and at least they got on the bus. First, they came to a scenic spot in Jinling and looked around.

"Chen Ge, what are your plans after graduation?"

In their spare time, people sat down to chat with each other, and the topic was unconsciously drawn to Chen Ge.

Lin Hongju asked with a smile.

"To say" plan "is to plan to do something by yourself in the future

Chen Ge also learned this time, do not say what is not clear.


However, unexpectedly, after Chen GE's words, several cousins drinking milk tea all burst into laughter.

Their boyfriends all shook their heads bitterly.


I heard that among the sisters, Yi Yi, the most beautiful beauty, has found a boyfriend.

As it happens, all three of them have brought boyfriends.

Cousins, they must be compared.

At the beginning, the three sisters were a little nervous, afraid that their boyfriends in front of Yiyi elder sister could not be compared with what.

But now, it's just ha ha!

People have no pressure at all, even don't regard Chen Ge as an opponent.

"Did I hear you right? You want to do something yourself? Do you think society is too simple? "

Lin Hongju shook her head speechless. The child is too careless to speak, and doesn't he look at his own virtue?

"Auntie, don't say that. It's very good for Chen Ge to have such an idea, but it's the idea. However, those of us who have just graduated from university have to enter the society for some experience, and then consider starting a business!"

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The third cousin's boyfriend put down the milk tea and gave a bitter smile.

He did not call elder brother, but called Chen GE's name directly.

It's enough to show that he looks down on him.

"Yes, what Wang Peng said is reasonable. This is what people who do great things should say! I think you might as well go to your father's company for training? "

"That's the idea!"

"I don't plan to go to my father's company for training, and I'm going to go out and explore the world outside myself!"

At this time, the second cousin's boyfriend also spoke.

"Ha ha, Li Fei's idea is also good!"

Lin Hongxia said with a smile: "elder sister, you and I are two nieces who can be settled for the rest of their life. I'm worried about our little eyebrows and Yiyi. When can they find Li Fei and Wang Peng like this?"

"Cough, auntie, pay attention to what you say. Isn't Chen Ge here?"

The second cousin covered her mouth and said with a smile.


The chatter of the crowd is not over.

If Chen Ge continues to listen, I'm afraid she has to pick up the milk tea on the table and pour it on them.Now, seeing that their milk tea is gone, Chen Ge made an excuse:

"I'll go and buy some more milk tea. You can talk first!"

With that, Chen Ge left.

Watch Chen Ge leave.

The two sisters immediately gathered around.

Even the big cousin came to talk to Lin Yiyi. She had a lot of contacts every year. Of course, she was very familiar with her.

"Yi Yi, what's the matter with you? How can you find such a man to be a boyfriend?"

"Yes, cousin, this man is too low! I'll go. I don't want to see him anymore! "

"Mm-hmm, I'm also enough. This kind of person has no friends in our class."

Said the three sisters in unison.

"If you look at people, don't always look at the surface. Chen Ge is very nice and loyal to others. Moreover, he has his own ideas. Are these not his charm?"

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Lin Yiyi is helpless.

"Oh, Yiyi, when you enter the society, you will know how much difference there is between the rich and the poor! Moreover, it's not a matter of money. I tell you, don't say that Chen GE has no money. Even if he has some money, this kind of thing is not appreciated by people. Listen to my sister's advice and break up as soon as possible! We'll introduce you another one! "

The three sisters joined hands to persuade.

Lin Yiyi just bowed his head and said nothing.

They were all in a hurry.

Just at this time, Chen Ge came back after buying milk tea.

Seven or eight cups of milk tea.

"Cousin, cousin, you drink some milk tea. It's too hot!"

After slipping around, Chen GE's anger dissipated a lot.

Besides, they are all Lin Yiyi's relatives, so I don't need to be angry with them.

"Forget it, we won't drink it. You can keep it for yourself."

The three sisters shook their heads in silence.

"We don't drink, we're not thirsty!"

Sister Lin Hongxia also shook her head.

"Well, Yiyi, I think this place is almost finished. Go to the next place."

Lin Hongxia said.

"Good cousin, let's take a look around the mountain and have a lunch at the hot spring villa."

Lin Yiyi nodded.

The identity matter, Chen Ge does not say, oneself also dare not mention!

The crowd turned and headed for the business car.

Fast in.

The third cousin suddenly said to his boyfriend, "Oh, I'm so thirsty. You can buy a cup of milk tea and remember to buy more copies of it!"

"Mm-hmm, less ice, I can't drink ice!"

Lin Hongju also said with a smile.

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"Well, I'll buy it right away!"

Wang Peng ran away.

Chen Ge carried a cup of milk tea, just shook his head and gave a bitter smile.

Are they poor, buy milk tea and thirst function?

The car finally set off, all the way around the mountain.

Chen Ge doesn't speak any more, sitting quietly with the co pilot playing with his mobile phone.

At this time, outside the car, the three sisters and Shen Hongju are very shocked. They stretch out their heads and point to discuss the surrounding mountain scenery.

"Wow, it's beautiful, mom. Look, this mountain scenery is really beautiful!"

The crowd exclaimed.

"Yes, I haven't been to Jinling for many years. The mountain scenery alone makes people relaxed and happy."

Lin Hongxia also said with a happy smile.

"Ah! parking! Stop it!! Mom, auntie, what do you see? It's like a mirage

The third cousin pointed to a place and exclaimed excitedly.

Also immediately called the elder sister of the car behind them.

"What? mirage? Let me see! "

After parking, everyone came down and looked at one place.

Not far away from the top of the mountain, clouds and mist, a house full of ancient charm, but also highlights the luxury of the building appeared in people's eyes.

Still in the clouds, ethereal.

"It's so beautiful, it's so beautiful, but it doesn't look like a mirage!"

Lin Hongju was so happy that she was about to jump.

She was not only the general manager of the listed securities company, but also a photography enthusiast.

"It's a mirage, not a mirage."

"What? Yunding villa? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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