The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 137: 137

"O'ao, I know. It was the Yunding villa that Chen Shao spent eight hundred million yuan to buy in the rich circle some time ago?"

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"Oh, my God, it's here. It's so spectacular!"

"By the way, Yiyi, your family is from Jinling commercial street. Can you take us to the foot of this Yunding villa?"

Both cousins were envious.

Lin Yiyi looked at Chen Ge and nodded after seeing that Chen Ge had no objection.

The crowd soon arrived here.

This Yunding villa, Chen GE's absence, naturally have special security personnel to watch over.

Just half way up the hill, the security guard stood up and refused to let him go forward!

"What are you doing? It's not a scenic spot

The two security guards are in their thirties. They are very rude.

"Hum, we are not idle people, this little beauty, but Lin Yiyi, the daughter of Lin family in Jinling business street, can't we go in and have a look? Isn't it rumored that Chen Shao hasn't moved in yet? "

Lin Hongxia snorted.

"Oh! It turned out to be Miss Yi of the Lin family. I'm sorry, we just recognize it now! "

Commercial street and hot spring villa belong to the same system.

They were sent by Zhao Zixing.

Of course, I know some important people in Jinling commercial street.

The next moment I saw Lin Yiyi standing next to Chen Ge, the two bodyguards immediately beamed.

"Miss Yi, to tell you the truth, we are just the gatekeeper for Chen Shao. It must be impossible to enter the villa. If Mr. Zhao knew about it, we would be miserable. But miss Yi, if you don't want to enter the villa and just look around at the scenery, this is OK!"

Most of the people who want to go up the mountain to have a look are dignified people.

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For example, Huang Shao a few days ago often brought people to play, saying that Chen Shao was his brother.

Don't say it's true. They dare not stop Huang Shao!

But inside the villa, no one dares to enter.

At present, Lin Yiyi came. At least the Lin family's face was there, and the two security guards did not dare to stop him.

"Mm-hmm, yes, we'll go up the mountain and see the scenery around!"

After seeing Chen Ge, Lin Yiyi said again.

"And miss Yi, are you bringing a lot of people today? If all this goes up, we will lose our jobs if we are seen by the group of managers! "

Security is in trouble again.

"What's the matter with you, the security guard? It's not over. There are too many people to blame. In this way, we'll leave one and nine of us will go up the mountain to have a look."

Lin said directly.

Who will stay?

Naturally, Chen Ge is left.

Chen Ge is also speechless to them, special Mo's own house, go up to have a look is so difficult?

Moreover, Chen Ge is not going to give Lin Yiyi's cousin any face later.

Originally, Chen Ge was ridiculed and intended to get along with them in a low-key and peaceful manner.

But it's no use! They don't dump you at all!

"Come on, come on, that's it. Yiyi, let's go!"

"Let's go. It's useless to let such a person go up. It's good if he can mix up with a set of residential houses. What villas are you looking at?"

Lin Hongxia sneered.

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A crowd cheered up the mountain.

Chen Ge just wryly smiles and shakes his head. Of course he won't stay. He just came to see if Zhao Zixing's decoration is finished?

"What the hell are you doing?"

I didn't expect to be pushed away by the security guard.

Chen Ge was stunned: "huh? You don't know me? "

Chen Ge thought just now that he was a security guard from the hot spring villa, how could he not know himself.

But it must have been a special account, even if you see yourself, you have to pretend that you don't know.

But I didn't expect that they didn't know each other!

"Know you? Who do you know? Boy, are you the son-in-law? Why are you so unpopular? "

"Look at you, boy. You're just a little white face, a doormat! Ha ha ha

Two security guards scoffed.

"Chen Chen Shao

At this time, there was a beautiful and respectful female voice at the foot of the mountain.


The two security guards stopped laughing when they saw the beauty coming up.

And a cold sweat on the forehead, what did she call him?

Chen Shao?

Chen Ge turns to look, the eyebrow heart can not help but slightly pick.

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"Second cousin Tang ran, I haven't seen you for several days!"

The woman here is Tang ran, the designer of Yunding villa and the housekeeper of this villa.

And Tang Ran's side, still standing last time to buy a villa, she met several of her best friends, called Xu Na also follow her."I've met Chen Shao!"

Xu Na and Chen GE's eyes where there is a little disdain, to say yes, it is all flattery.

After all, it is very rare to have the control of Jinling commercial street, and to be so low-key and grounded.

Let them feel that as long as they are willing to work hard, they will have a chance.

What do you have a chance to do? Marry into a rich family!

"Yes, yesterday my sister asked me to inquire about you, but don't worry, I haven't disclosed your information at all!"

Tang ran was busy.

Chen Ge is more clear. It is estimated that after he left that day, Tang Chu and his wife went to the home kitchen for dinner. Hehe, if they go again, there will be no discount.

So she should have caused the attention of Tang Chu, she investigated herself!

"Don't mention your sister, it's more than you are!"

Chen Ge wryly smile: "you bring them to play?"

Tang ran blushed and just nodded. Indeed, she decided to bring her friends up to have a look.

Did not expect to meet Chen Shao directly!

"Well, then come with me and accompany me into the villa to see how the decoration is."

Chen Ge gave a bitter smile.

Tang ran immediately from the bag carefully took out another sub key to Chen Ge.

Chen Ge holds the key, this just in the eyes of two security guards, walk toward the mountain.

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"Come on, Yiyi, take pictures for us!"

"The door of the villa I need is closer. I will send a circle of friends to let them have a look. Ha ha ha!"

"Yi Yi elder sister, shoot for us, we also want to shoot!"

But in front of the Yunding villa, Lin Hongxia is having a good time.

The scenery on the mountain, as well as this luxurious villa, is really amazing!

The three cousins are also very happy.

At this time, however, they suddenly saw Chen Ge who also came up the mountain.

"Well, why did Chen Ge come up again

"I'm not going to sneak up. It would be a shame if I was found out!"

The three sisters held their shoulders and said sadly.

"Chen Ge, why did you come up? Did you sneak up from somewhere else? I'll go. If you want to see it, you can let Yiyi show you the video. What's the matter with you now

Lin Hongxia pinched her waist and frowned.

"Well, two cousins and cousins, if I don't come up, how can you go in and have a look at the interior of this villa! Let me do my best as a host, and then invite you to drink milk tea

Chen Ge a hand no one would like to drink milk tea, while holding a key to press.

A drip.

You can see that the door of Yunding villa opens automatically!


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