The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 154: 154

"Oh! Ding Shao, do you know each other? "

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Shopping guide Su Ming said with a bitter smile.

Now Ding Hao is also famous in this area.

Because it's all spread. If you go to Yunmeng Mountain to the west, where you want to carry out large-scale development, Ding Hao's Yunmeng village needs to be relocated.

This area will be an important commercial area in the future.

As the second generation of demolition, Ding Hao is naturally very active.

I often come to buy mobile phones. I know them all.

"Ha ha, not too familiar, just a high school classmate of my friend!"

Ding Hao shook his head.

Then he ignored Chen Ge and turned to Su Ming and said with a smile:

"sister Su Ming, what's the mobile phone you recommend? Take it and have a look. I'm going to give one to my two friends! "

Ding haodao.

The two friends he mentioned naturally referred to Chen Lin and Li Shihan.

The two girls are very beautiful, Ding Hao also like them very much, but the most troublesome thing is that both girls seem to be interested in themselves. Ah, they are really anxious to death. Which heart hurt Ding Hao has some heartache.

So it's hard to get a piece of pain.

And the two girls usually fight openly and secretly, but let Ding Hao feel vanity to get the biggest satisfaction, in short, it is very cool.

Sure enough, the smell of Chen Lin and Li Shihan to buy a mobile phone, first a joy, but then, look relatively dark.

How can we get Ding Hao's independent love?

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As for her several girls, only envy, envy and hate.

"Ah! This is it! You can use it first

Su Ming smiles and quickly hands over to Ding Hao the mobile phone that Chen Ge can't see.

Let the side of Chen Ge simply angry.

It turns out that the regulations in your mobile phone store are only for yourself!

Chen Ge wants to attack.

But Li Shihan and Chen Lin are both here, Chen Ge is also embarrassed, and he really does not want to stay with them.

Chen Ge then transferred to another super brand store nearby.

"This gentleman, we have a new mobile phone in our store, which is a famous international brand. The top 50 buyers can buy one with only 28888 yuan! The original price is 32000! Would you like to see it, sir? "

As soon as I came here, there was a girl who looked like an 18-9-year-old shopping guide smiling at Chen Ge.

I can see she's quite reserved.

It's like a new shopkeeper who only knows how to sell, but doesn't know how to look at a person's clothes.

But the price of the mobile phone really scared Chen Ge.

Tens of thousands of mobile phones, too cruel.

But when I look at the brand and the function of the mobile phone, Chen Ge also understands.

It is said that many heads of state and even military leaders use this kind of mobile phone.

Powerful function, reliable quality, and special confidentiality.

It's much better than the 18888 one.

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"Sir, this is the most expensive model in our shop. It also has a price friendly to the people. You can also have a look at this model. 6888 can start!"

Looking at Chen Ge, the shopping guide was stunned and thought he was scared.

Yes, thirty or forty thousand mobile phones can be used by ordinary people. Now I recommend something else.

As the largest brand mobile phone store in the whole mobile phone mall, the starting price is more than 6000, which is normal.

"No, just show me the most expensive one. By the way, lend me the card needle!"

Chen Ge smiles.

"Yes, sir." The attendant handed Chen Ge the mobile phone and the card pin carefully.

This is a special mobile phone mall. There are security patrols and security guards at the door. There are also special identification devices. Naturally, you are not afraid of people who switch or rob mobile phones.

Chen Ge takes over, the first thing is to change his card to the top.

"Shit, what do you mean, sister Su Ming? This mobile phone should be 18888. It's too cruel. Why don't you rob it?"

At the same time, not far away from the mobile phone store, came Ding Hao surprised roar.

Li Shihan and Chen Lin were a little scared.

But scared back.

Just now they looked at the model and function of the mobile phone, which is really wonderful. The pixel is incomparably clear. For these beautiful girls, a clear pixel is more important than anything else.

Therefore, they all look forward to seeing Ding Hao, want Ding Hao to buy for them.

But Ding Hao's cold sweat came out:

"no, it's too expensive. It's more than 10000, and both of them are close to 40000. It's too cruel!"

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Ding Hao wiped the sweat on his forehead.

Their family is just sure to be demolished, but the demolition money will not come down until two or three months later. Now he is completely overdrawn on his credit card and will be paid back at that time.Now even if you kill him, you can't afford it.

"Ding Shao, there are things you can't afford. Two beauties like it so much. You can buy them one!"

Su Ming Ting will do business, immediately take Chen Lin and Li Shihan to talk about things.

"Ha ha, not yet. Let's talk about it next time! Come on, let's go somewhere else

After that, she took Li Shihan and Chen Lin to another place.

Su Ming was not willing to let him fly, but he finally caught Ding Hao today. How can the cooked duck let him fly!

She followed immediately.

"Ding Shao, don't take a look at this store. This brand is too loud. Even if you start with a piece of the lowest edition, it will be very impressive."

Chen Lin came up at this time and said.

"Well, look! Horizontal trough, 6888 start? "

Ding Hao just came around, but at the price, he was startled.

Not to mention the 28888 which is doing the activity!

"Why don't we go to another place to have a look..."

Li Shihan and Chen Lin are both disappointed.

What? Although a mobile phone with a price of more than 6000 yuan is very expensive, but you have to dismantle it for the second generation after Ding Shao. Isn't the money willing to spend?

It's not for you to buy the 28888.

What's more, even if 28888 is given to them, they won't use it. This kind of expensive and ridiculous mobile phone can only think about it. It's unrealistic for Ding Hao to buy it!

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Chen Lin wants to beg Ding Hao's, but at this time she looks again.

I happened to see the old song that was putting the card down.

"I'll go! Chen Ge, you are so haunted. Why are you there wherever we go? What's more, you don't even look at the brand when you buy a mobile phone? What brand are you looking for

Chen Lin is in a bad mood. When I met Chen Ge, I met her. It's nothing.

But now, even Ding Hao and they can't afford the mobile phone shop, this, they all want to go.

As a result, Chen Ge is pretending to be here. He still looks at his mobile phone.

Let Chen Lin simply not angry!

Now he said sarcastically.

"I buy a mobile phone, can't I?"

Chen Ge here to pack the card, WeChat Alipay also quickly downloaded one, and began to prepare payment.

But hear Chen Lin's words, really did not let Chen Ge hold back.

The direct tone of the poor reply.

"My God, what kind of force do you pretend to be? You don't look at your virtue. Can you afford this mobile phone?"

Chen Lin is even more angry.

"And Linlin, look, Chen Ge actually took this 28888, sleeping trough. He still wants to buy this one? Ha ha... "

At the moment, Ding Hao's heart is relaxed a lot. Just now he can't afford to buy a mobile phone. He has no sense of face. With Chen Ge as a foil, he is gone in an instant.

Li Shihan is also a little frowning at Chen ge , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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