The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 155: 155

"I didn't expect Chen Ge to be able to pretend like this now? Ha ha, if we don't meet him today, maybe he will have to shop around the mobile phone shops and pretend to buy them! "

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"Yes, I didn't buy it in the end. Alas, I see too many people who love to pretend!"

The other two high school students also despised the way.

"Chen Ge, I hope you will be more pragmatic in the future. Your family conditions are worse than others, and your starting point in your career will be lower than anyone else. Even Ding Shao's second-generation demolition dare not start at will. What are you still installing there?"

It was Li Shihan who said this.

To be honest, her attention was all on Ding Hao before.

Chen Ge didn't notice.

Now that Chen GE has been ridiculed by Ding Hao, Li Shihan can't help it, so let's reprimand Chen Ge.

After the reprimand, Li Shihan shook his head in contempt.

"Ding Shao, how can you come here? I applied with the leader just now. I decided to give you 2000 yuan cheaper for the mobile phone of our family just now, if you buy two, but Ding Shao, you can promise me that in the future, you must attract more customers for me, otherwise I will be scolded by our leaders!"

Su Ming at this time suddenly came to stop Ding Hao for a sales promotion.

It's also very good at selling things. I don't know how much she lost.

In this way, both Chen Lin and Li Shihan are excited.

However, Ding Hao was in a dilemma, but it was not a point without changing the topic.

"Cough, sister Su Ming, wait a moment. You don't want me to be a local tyrant. The real local tyrant is here. Hahaha, if you want to buy this 28888 mobile phone, you should persuade me to persuade him!"

Ding Hao quickly shifted the topic to Chen Ge.

"Huh? Just him? If he can afford it, I'll smoke my own two big mouths in public, ha ha

As soon as Su Ming saw that it was Chen Ge, he gave a cold hum and a laugh, and then said, "ah, Ding Shao, don't change the topic! Come and have a look at me

"Miss, it's stipulated in our shopping mall that we can't rob customers from other shops!"

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Little girl shopping guide at the moment said softly, very nervous.

"Ha ha, are you new here? Who doesn't know my social sister Su Ming in this shopping mall? If you don't know her, go and ask me. If you don't know, you'll find someone to cut you off after work

The little girl didn't talk.

"Miss, please pack one more for me. I'm going to buy two!"

Chen Ge ignored their taunts.

Now to the shopping guide said.


Because Chen Gegang just thought, it seems that Su Qiang's mobile phone should also be replaced. Since she came to buy it once, she also gave her one by the way.

"I'll go! Do you hear me? Ha ha ha, two more? "

After hearing this, the crowd laughed directly.

Even Su Ming is interested in Chen Ge. Where are you from? Funny?

But the shopping guide took another step for Chen Ge seriously.

Chen Ge took his mobile phone and scanned the wechat payment code directly, and then listened to Ding.

"Paid successfully, wechat received 57776 yuan!"

"Damn it?"


And hear the clear system prompt.

Everyone was stunned.

Ding Hao, in particular, covered his stomach and laughed for the last second. After hearing that the payment was successful, his waist was still bent. At the moment, he restrained his smile and looked at Chen Ge in shock.

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Chen Lin and Li Shihan's mouth is also slightly open.

It's a little short of breath at the moment.

They looked down on Chen Ge at all, but they didn't expect that Chen Ge would buy the two most expensive ones without blinking an eye.

Where did Chen Ge get the money?

Su Ming is also surprised. She feels that her cheek is already hot before she hits it.

"Chen Ge, why are you rich?"

Watch Chen Ge take the mobile phone and want to go.

Chen Lin grabbed Chen GE's arm.

Damn it! When they are teachers, their salary is only 5000 or 6000 a month. Chen Ge spent one year's wages to buy mobile phones?

It's just so!

Chen Ge won the lottery?

How much does it take?

Obviously, Chen Lin and Li Shihan are very concerned about this issue.

And very anxious to know the exact answer.

It doesn't matter what you steal or steal. You just have to tell everyone that you didn't win the lottery.

Otherwise, the heart is particularly uncomfortable!

"I have something to do with you."

Chen Ge is too lazy to answer this question. Why tell you!Now cold turn around, in their gaping eyes, they left.

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Out of the door, Chen Ge with a mobile phone, the first time to call Li Zhenguo.

Tell him what's going on here. It's better for him to pick him up, talk about this matter and solve it as soon as possible.

Li Zhenguo was certainly surprised.

There's a little bit of neglect.

Chen Ge hung up the phone and sent him the location. Then he went to Su Qiang's house.

I just passed the gate of hope primary school.

Chen GE has a sudden meal.

Because it's right in front of me, surrounded by a large group of people, and there are cars blocked by luxury cars.

Next to it, a taxi was smashed to pieces, surrounded by the center, also kept on wailing.

Obviously, someone was beaten.

Chen Ge is familiar with this luxury car. It's not Xu Dayuan or who.

He came after him!

And the smashed taxi, Chen Ge is more familiar with, it is his own taxi to the car!

All the onlookers around were watching.

After seeing Chen's face in the crowd, he was still nervous.

Hit face blood, lying on the ground.

"Damn it, don't you tell me, where are you holding that slut and that smelly boy?"

There came Xu Dayuan's cold roar.

"Mr. Xu, please spare me. I really don't know. If I do, I will tell you!"

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The driver lay on the ground and pleaded.

"They got off here, and I don't know where to go."

"Shit, give me back my mouth, keep fighting!"

A group of young brothers swung sticks and hit them.

It took a few more minutes, and everyone got goose bumps.

And the driver was smashed in the past, or say do not know.

Chen Ge was watching, shaking with anger.

And this driver really moved Chen geting.

Why moved?

Because the driver sent Chen Ge to the gate of the shantytown, how could they not know where they went!

Obviously, the driver said nothing.

"Shit, find the driver's family right away. He must know that, damn it, he wants to cheat me. If he can't, he will do his family!"

Xu Dayuan scolded.

"Listen to me. Today, who met a beautiful woman with a child and a 20-year-old boy? If you say it, the Xu family will be rewarded. Otherwise, the end will be the same as him! "

Xu Dayuan's domineering finger:

"hum, somebody, I've got to pick my tendon on the spot!"

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