The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 161: 161

And as soon as this woman came in. People, including Chen Ge, finally know who hanfei'er is talking about.

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It's Meng Cairu!


At the same time, they were all very kind.

Yes, of course, I should be shocked. We usually only know that Meng Cairu likes to dress up very much. Moreover, he has a high vision and has no boyfriends.

However, no one thought that Meng Cairu had a relationship with Li Feihong of the commercial group.

And Li Feihong seems to have a special respect for her.

This is amazing!

As for Han fei'er and Meng Cairu, we should start from Chen GE's rescue of Meng Cairu in the new bar that night.

That night, Chen Ge sent Li Feihong to send her back.

Then Meng Cairu in the car, found Chen Ge left behind the charger.

I was scared.

Is it Chen Ge who saved himself?

When Meng Cairu wants to go back and confirm.

Just saw Hanfei Er come back from the live broadcast.

Seeing Meng Cairu being picked up by labor and capital rice, she was also shocked.

Ask the guide what's going on.

Meng Cairu simply told her that, of course, she was also very arrogant to tell Han Fei Er that in the future, if there is something wrong with Jinling commercial street, you can find yourself.

Because of entanglement Chen Ge this matter, so went back to live in the place to quickly confirm.

As a result, the answer was that Li Feihong had told Chen Ge about the process, so Meng Cairu did not doubt it.

Of course, it's not that simple.

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Maybe last week, mengcairu and Hanfei went to the mall to buy some cosmetics.

Then there were some small troubles, and I was teased by several big drunken bosses.

Meng Cairu was also afraid at that time, so he simply called Li Feihong. Li Feihong immediately took people to beat the big bosses.

It just makes mengcairu feel bad, and hanfei'er's worship of mengcairu is bad.

It's a great feeling to have a backing.

So, in case of an accident today, of course, hanfil called Meng Cairu for the first time.

That's where we are.

And Li Feihong was afraid that Zhu Jiang would not know him, so he went to his ear and whispered something to him.

Zhu Jiang's face turned white.

In this way, this woman is not in the same rank with herself!

"Phil? Hit? And yellow hair, is that what they fought? "

Meng Cairu looked at Han fei'er and asked.

Originally, Meng Cairu secretly contacted with ordinary things, Han fei'er did not know, all this, or hanfei'er gave it to herself, of course, to her relatively good point.

"Yes, sister Meng!"

Hanfil's hard airway.

"Damn it, who can call me back!" Meng Cairu hugged her shoulder.



Han fei'er used to smoke Zhu Jiang's mouth. Zhu Jiang's eyes were red. But when he remembered what Li Feihong said, he didn't even dare to fart.

As for Huang Mao, he got up to take the bottle and beat him to the head.

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It's great. It's amazing.

A group of students were excited.

But Zhu Jiang certainly can't stay. Now he broke his teeth and swallowed all over his stomach. He had to apologize to others.

There is a kind of in front of him spread a pile of excrement, and then still have to stick out his tongue to say good incense ah.

After the matter was almost settled, Li Feihong naturally withdrew.

He did so much to ingratiate Chen Shao indirectly.

But Chen Shao was sitting in the corner. He didn't see it.

"The guide is overbearing

The crowd exclaimed excitedly.

One after another toasted the director.

All of them are respected. Even Yang Hui and they have passed.

Chen Ge, I'm sorry if I didn't.

"Director, I'd like to propose a toast to you!" Chen Ge said with wine.

"Hehe, Chen Ge, are you here? What's the matter? I didn't notice you just now. Where are you? "

Although Meng Cairu still looks down on Chen Ge, it's in the bone, of course, it can't be changed.

But the words are not as targeted as before. After all, Chen Ge saved himself indirectly last time.

"Ha ha, guide, you say he, he has been sitting in the corner over there. Just now when Jiujiang and other people rushed in, Huang Mao and they all stood up. I saw Chen Ge sitting all the time! I'm not even as good as our girls

Du Yue said at the moment.

Just when she went outside, she happened to pass the corner where Chen Ge sat and saw it.

"Yes, besides, do you expect this man to fight?"

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"I'm afraid I'm so scared that I can't stand up, or I'm sure Chen Ge will stand up, ha ha ha!"A couple of girls ridiculed crazily.

Meng Cairu just shakes her head and laughs bitterly at Chen Ge, but she still drinks Chen Gejing's wine.

"I'll go to the bathroom!"

Listening to people's ridicule, Chen Ge is not easy to say anything, after all, today's matter, he did not help at all.

He went out.

"Ha ha ha, I'm scared to pee. This is it!"

"Oh, really, anyone who wants to find a boyfriend like Chen Ge will die!"

"Poof, if you say something like Chen Ge, which girl can look up to?"

"Mom, don't talk about him. By the way, director, when I called in the afternoon before, you said you couldn't come because of something. What's the matter?"

Han Fei Er has no choice but to change the topic.

"O'ao, I have something to do. I bought something. If it hadn't been for manager Li, he had something important to do this afternoon, I would have informed him to take care of you. Unfortunately, he handled it very late. After all, half of Jinling was a sensation."

"Ah? What's the matter? " People are interested.

"Why didn't the news say that?"

Someone asked.

"Zhao Zhihao's primary school is not exposed. I hope there will not be a lot of accidents for the manager of zhaozihao's primary school. I hope that there will not be a lot of accidents for Li Zhihao when they are close to the business school."

"I'll go!"

"Damn it!"

They were all surprised.

At this time, Chen Ge just closed the door and went out. Hearing this, he just shook his head helplessly.

He didn't know what was going on.

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Some people do not want to help, but help.

Some people want to help, but they do harm.

In addition, now his identity can not be exposed, Chen Ge is not really do not want to open to the public, so some things are very tangled, very helpless.

It seems that I really have to keep a low profile in the future.

If you shouldn't, don't do it!

Chen Ge thought in his heart, or a safe score, low-key to complete their studies.

At this time, Chen GE's mobile phone rang.

Look, it's su Qiang.

Now connect it in the bathroom.

"Chen Ge, are you busy?"

"No, what's the matter?"

"It's Xiaoying. She said that she was a little uncomfortable, and I tried her temperature. The fever was very serious. I want to take her to the hospital!"

Su rose whispered.

Chen Ge knows that since Su Qiang calls herself, it seems that she has difficulties. It is estimated that her money is very nervous. If there is no way, she would not look for her own help.

It seems that the next step is to help Su Qiang change a suitable job. After all, it is better to teach people to fish than to teach them to fish!

Worried about Xiaoying, Chen Ge did not dare to delay. After saying this, she took a taxi to pick up Xiaoying and Su Qiangwei to the hospital to have a look.

There are many people registered for medical treatment this evening.

Chen Ge is lining up with Xiao Ying in her arms.

I'm about to reach myself. As a result, a woman suddenly stands in front of Chen ge , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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