The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 162: 162

A young woman suddenly cut in front of Chen Ge.

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Don't even say hello, it's disrespectful, right?

Chen Ge is in a bad mood today.

A little angry: "Miss, would you like to jump in the queue like this?"

In a word, she ignored.

"Yes, sister, the teacher said we can't jump in the queue!"

Xiaoying also frowned and said.

"Shit, I just cut in. What's the matter? What can you do? Bitches are affectation

The woman turned back directly and scolded coldly.

It can be seen that she is about twenty-one years old. Her skin is bright and white, and she is very beautiful.

It's also very sexy.

But this pair of despised people's virtue, let Chen Ge how to see how angry.

"You're such a bitch!"

Chen Ge ate enough and scolded directly.

"Lie trough, you dare to scold me, you specially want to wait for me, I find someone to cut you off!"

The woman screamed like crazy, and then she was pulled apart by many people around her.

At last she left in a huff.

This is a little episode.

Chen Ge didn't think much about it, so he arranged the order to see a doctor.

"Little brother, you shouldn't scold her. It seems that this woman is not simple!"

At this time, the beautiful nurse in charge of registration said softly.

"She's here this afternoon to see a patient with a very strong identity. All the cars are luxury cars. It's estimated that her identity is also very strong. Please look at it quickly. Don't make trouble!"

The nurse warned.

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Obviously, she was rude first.

But the nurse is also kind, Chen Ge did not say anything.

Su Qiang also advised: "forget Chen Ge, let's go quickly after watching it!"

Chen Ge took Xiaoying to see a doctor, but there was nothing wrong with her. She had a cold and took some medicine.

Su Qiang is also relieved.

After watching, Chen Ge took Su Qiang out of the hospital.

Just arrived at the door position, suddenly, a black luxury car rushed to the door of the hospital.

There are more than a dozen.

Then a large group of well-dressed people got out of the car. Go to the hospital.

And see from the middle of a car down the woman, Su Qiang directly afraid of all.

It's the woman who quarreled with Chen Ge just now because of jumping in the queue.

Is it difficult for her to bring someone to Chen Ge?

Fortunately, I came out early.

"I've just heard that. What's wrong with Mr. Xu? Out of intensive care? "

Asked a young man of extraordinary bearing.

The woman nodded: "not yet, the limbs are comminuted fractures, still in the intensive care unit! But there is no danger of life! "

"Damn it, who is so cruel? I know. It must be Jinling business..."

"Ah! Don't say something here

The man called directly, and was reminded by the people next to him to shut up.

Chen Ge, it's not far away from them, and he didn't go, because what?

Chen Ge knows the young man who came here with extraordinary bearing.

Is it not in Zhujiang where the emperor was just slapped in the face!

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Chen Ge understood what they said about Mr. Xu.

Maybe it's Xu Dayuan, the boss.

It turns out that the goods were sent to this hospital.

It seems that this group of people, including the rebellious cheap woman, are members of the seamount group.


All of a sudden, there were bursts of motor noise, that is to see more than a dozen luxury cars driving in.

I think they all know Zhu Jiang.

And luxury cars are not only these, but also constantly coming.

Think about it. The Hsu's Haishan group has been entrenched in Jinling from a long time ago. It can be said that it is deeply rooted.

The absolute villain.

Xu Dayuan must have some contacts, and no matter how to hide this afternoon, the news is too big.

It must have been reported that Xu Dayuan was disabled.

But it depends on Xu Dayuan's own explanation.

"Chen Ge, do you know them?"

Su Qiang see so many big people around the hospital, but also some nervous asked.

"I know them, they don't know me, they come to see people in the hospital! It's OK! "

Chen Ge said with a wry smile.

"I'm scared to death. I thought it was the girl who quarreled with you and called him!"

Su Qiang breathed a long breath.

Chen Ge glanced at this group of people, also did not stay much, hit a car to send Su Qiang back.

Xu Dayuan had a handle on Li Zhenguo's hand, and he did not dare to stir up enmity between the two sides.On the way.

Chen Ge also remembers Su Qiang's future work.

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"By the way, rose, do you want to change your job?"

Chen Ge asked with a smile.

If Su Qiang is willing, she can choose the job of Jinling business group at will. Moreover, it is not necessary to open a kindergarten for her in the future.

Su Qiang said: "I just want to tell you about this. Today, president Tang told me that he was going to invest in our kindergarten. Moreover, he was going to give me a training program to study in Jiangnan University! Tomorrow I can go to some psychology courses in Jiangnan University! "

"Oh? That's good! " Chen Ge nods.

Well, sometimes boys are not as thoughtful as girls.

In many universities, social teaching courses are offered for some time, so that those who have already participated in work or have not studied in university can go to attend classes and receive college education.

Chen ge used to introduce Su Qiang to listen to the idea, but has not had time.

Now, Jiangnan University is almost as famous as Jinling University.

It's the same everywhere you go.

Chen Ge is also a little more down-to-earth, told Su Qiang as long as they have time, go to Jiangnan University to see her.

By the time I got back to my dorm, it was almost half past ten in the evening.

Besides, I'm really tired today.

I fell asleep.

After two days in a row, Chen Ge also has a short peace. These two days, he has been reading and studying in the library.

The summer vacation is coming soon. We have to deal with the final exam.

At ten o'clock this morning, Chen Ge was working on a topic in the library.

All of a sudden, I felt that there was a very nice smell coming from my side.

It's the scent of a woman.

Chen Ge turned his head and saw that beside him, a tall woman also sat down.

As we all know, the university library is almost full, especially now that Chen Ge and his junior students are taking the postgraduate entrance examination and dealing with the end of the term, the library is almost full.

Chen GE's position has been reserved since 5:30 in the morning.

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The library is a bit crowded.

This girl is tall and thin. She has a wonderful figure. Especially when her skin is white, she has to come out of the water. Her long hair around her waist makes people feel special quiet and special goddess.

Obviously, she didn't want to sit next to a boy, but there was no other seat.

The most important thing is that as soon as he came in, many boys were staring at her, which made her uncomfortable. Chen Ge was the only one. He kept his head down to study and gave her less pressure.

At the moment, his face was a little red, looking at Chen Ge, he nodded and laughed, then sat down and opened the book.

With one hand holding his face on his side, and the other hand turning the book quietly, it's really beautiful.

"I'll go. The goddess is sitting there. Ah, ah!"

"Damn it, I'm much more handsome than that loser. I'm jealous!"

A boy immediately howled with jealousy.


And Chen Ge, sniffing at the girl's body fragrance, sneezed directly out. Of course,

girls know that they are caused by the smell of perfume on their bodies. Their faces are redder and move slightly towards the other side.

Chen Ge is even more embarrassed.

Just keep your head down and concentrate on the problem.


All of a sudden, Chen Ge felt a heat in his nose, and then kept the nosebleed flowing down, directly dripping on the test paper.

Looking for a tissue, not yet!

In a hurry, I saw that girl, still holding her side face in one hand, didn't look at Chen Ge. With the other hand, she gently pushed a packet of tissue paper to Chen Ge.

She blushed even more.

Chen Ge is even more embarrassed to find a hole in the ground.

Chen Ge, Chen Ge, you go to die, really can die, ah ah ah! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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