The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 163: 163

Chen Ge in the library can't wait. After wiping the nosebleed, Chen Ge ran out.

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It's a shame to think about it.

But I can't help it. First of all, the girl is really beautiful and has a wonderful figure.

It's the kind of goddess that even the indecent men don't dare to think about.

The fragrance on her body is too fragrant, immersed in it, let Chen Ge always sneeze.

Alas, Chen Ge sighed, often this kind of Goddess level people have to belong to those rich second generation in the end.

After all, ordinary people, who can keep it!

Eh! Wait a minute. I seem to be the second generation of rich people! How to forget this identity again!

Chen Ge shook his head with a bitter smile.

Looking inside through the window outside the library, I found that the girl did not know when to turn her face and was staring at Chen Ge curiously.

Look down at the girl again.

Chen Ge didn't keep staring at people.

Think about it very self reproach, now that he has Su Muhan, how can you still stare at a girl like this.

What's more, there are more beautiful girls. I can't see a love one!

Chen Ge is not that bad.

Suppress a restless heart, Chen Ge also some have no heart to learn.

Look at the time. It's almost noon. I had an appointment with Su Qiang before. I went to Jiangnan University to have dinner with her.

Su Qiang just went to Jiangnan University two days ago for some courses training.

I haven't visited her yet.

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So Chen Ge made a fight and came to Jiangnan University.

Both Jiangnan University and Jinling university are located in Jinling.

It's the same name.

The two schools are not too far apart. It will be about 20 minutes.

"Chen Ge!"

After receiving the call from Chen Ge, Su Qiang had been waiting at the school gate.

I met with you and gave a few simple greetings.

"Let's take you to dinner!"

Chen Ge smiles.

"No, Chen Ge, I'll treat you today."

Su rose suddenly some small mysterious said.

"Ah? Why? "

"Because today is my birthday..."

Su Qiang said softly: "I had no friends or relatives before. My birthday has never been celebrated. But now, I am just a friend. You have helped me so much. I want you to have a meal!"

"But Chen ge Are you going to the canteen? "

After all, Chen Ge is a young master. Su Qiang knows Chen Ge won't dislike herself, but she still asks.

"No wonder you called yesterday and asked me when I would be free to play. It turns out that today is your birthday. Why didn't you tell me earlier that I didn't prepare a gift?"

Chen Ge scratched his head.

"I don't want presents. Just sit together and have a meal."

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Su Qiang said so, Chen Ge is not easy to say anything.

But, after all, it's su Qiang's birthday, Chen Ge can't really let her treat, and this is her first birthday with a friend, it's not easy.

So Chen Ge set the place for dinner in a western restaurant called sulati in Jiangnan University.

When I played with Bai Xiaofei, I heard them talk about it.

The environment is pretty good.

Of course, although more expensive, but since Chen Ge likes, Su Qiang didn't say anything, followed Chen Ge to go in.

There are elegant music in it. At this time, many guests have come.

They're all rich second-generation rich girls dressed in luxury and so on.

As soon as I saw Chen Ge and Su Qiang come in.

Many girls have shrunken mouth, some disdain.

"Isn't this Su Qiang? How did she come to sulati for dinner

Just then, four or five boys and girls came in.

When passing by Chen Ge and their table, they suddenly stopped.

Some startled looking at Su rose, eyes also show a smile of fun.

"Wang Ling, are you?"

Su rose some blush said, also dare not eat, two hands some nervous grasp own skirt.

This is Wang Ling, dressed up very seductively, especially the black skirt, very reluctantly covered her PI share.

The others were dressed boldly.

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Some of the boys around me, some with earrings, seem to have a good family background.

Listen to this, these people should be su Qiang, their training class students.

This kind of university education training class, Chen GE's school also has, how to say, on this class of everyone has it.

There are some dandies who didn't get into the undergraduate program, some small business owners, and some office workers.If you're a dandy, you're here to pick up girls.

Xiao langmei is no doubt a gold tortoise.

The rest, like Su rose, is willing to learn something down-to-earth.

"Ha ha, Su Qiang, aren't you very poor? How can you come to such a place to eat?" Wang Ling hugged her shoulder and glanced at Su Qiang.

It seems to belittle Su Qiang a few words, she has a special sense of achievement.


Because two days ago when the class just started, a rich second generation in the class was full and had to choose class flowers.

If you choose, Wang Ling must be the one.

As a result, a few rich second generation vote out, it is Su Qiang!

Also let Su Qiang go up to publish the class flower selected speech and so on.

Of course, Su Qiang didn't listen to the rich second generation.

In the face of their chat up, I always deliberately avoid them.

However, this makes Wang Ling, who has always been fighting for strength and has never suffered defeat from her appearance, feel extremely miserable.

There is a saying that doesn't say so.

What is the cruelest thing to a woman? That is to let this woman admit that other women are more beautiful than her!

Some even if the mouth admitted, the heart will be very uncomfortable.

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Wang Ling is like this. What's more, Su Qiangwei is a loser.

"I'm having my birthday today. Invite my friends to dinner!"

Su Qiang, of course, can feel Wang Ling's hostility.

At the moment, I answered.

"Oh, my God, and your friend? I think this boy is your boyfriend, right

"Ha ha ha, I have to say that Wang Ling, Su Qiang and this boy really match ah! Look at their clothes

A girl also said with a smile.

"I said you two don't sour. Did you order two steaks and two glasses of juice without seeing them? Today is after all the birthday of suqiang Banhua. Let's have a good birthday and don't delay them!"

A boy couldn't help shaking his head and laughing bitterly.

Wang Ling was more anxious when she heard about the class flowers.

"But look They have such a simple meal that they can't even afford a cake for their birthday. It looks like they've collected all the money to have a meal here, ha ha! "

"Then I won't disturb you. No wonder I heard from people in Su Qiangwei's dormitory yesterday that she never eats dinner. Even for lunch, she only eats a portion of white rice. She thought she had no money to maintain her figure."

Wang Ling snorted coldly. It was probably ironic enough to relieve her anger, so she turned around and walked with her shoulder in her arms.

"If we leave, we won't disturb you. We have to accompany Li Shao to sister Liao's birthday party, right

Wang Ling took a rich little arm and left affectionately.

Su Qiang was humiliated. She buried her head and didn't speak or eat. Before long, Chen Ge saw Su's two lines of tears flowing down her face , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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