The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 21: 21

Above the clouds.

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Chen Ge and Yang Hui Xiaonan are sitting together.

Enjoy the beautiful scenery around.

As for Ma Xiaonan's astonishment, Chen Ge also used the same reason to prevaricate in the past.

What Chen Ge didn't expect was that Zhenguo gave himself too much face today.

This place is worth a lot of money.

Once again, the whole villa is owned by her sister and herself. Chen GE has a different kind of excitement in her heart.

At this time, Zhao Yifan and other girls all came up.

Zhao Yifan's face is a little ugly.

After all, she always thinks that Chen Ge is a poor loser and that Zhao Yifan has always looked down upon.

But now, I really feel like looking up to Chen GE's neck.

It made Zhao Yifan miserable.

"Chen Ge! How did you have the money to come here? "

So as soon as Zhao Yifan came up, she first asked her most wanted to ask, but also the most afraid question.

She was afraid that Chen Ge would tell her that she had money.

In this way, Zhao Yifan will be more miserable.

"Yes, brother Chen Ge, how can you come here with money? It's so expensive here!"

Lin Jiao's tone is much better, and she even feels shy.

Zhuang Qiang and Li Hao joined together to listen.

Chen Ge said with a smile: "Oh, I happen to know the general manager here, so he invited me to come here for a meal, and he can also bring friends!"


The crowd was full of question marks.

Even if it's true to know the general manager, it's too heavy, isn't it?

Zhao Yifan gazed at Chen Ge.

Ma Xiaonan can't help but tell the truth.

How did Chen Ge get to know the general manager and how he came to this villa to talk to you.

Zhao Yifan asked with a sigh of relief:

"Xiaonan, do you mean that the famous Hermes that Chen Ge bought at the beginning, and that he was able to eat in the most dignified place in the villa this time is all because he saved the daughter of the general manager and was treated so much?"

Ma Xiaonan nodded: "this is also Chen GE's good luck, good people always have good returns!"

I'm scared to death!

Zhao Yifan can't help but cry in his heart.

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Even Zhuang Qiang and them all took a long breath.

Although Chen GE's treatment is better than that of the rich second generation.

However, this is just a favor given to him. After today, what is Chen Ge?

After finding out all the things, Zhao Yifan and the girls were in a better mood.

Of course, Chen Ge saw Zhao Yifan did not have the serious disdain before, but in her eyes, also did not have that kind of gratitude to oneself.

It means that if she can come, she will give Chen Ge face.

For this, Chen Ge is just a light smile.

"You see, is this a painting? Or was it painted by a foreign master, really or not? "

A group of people eat and drink, relaxed and comfortable.

At this time, Lin Jiao put her eyes on four pairs of paintings of different styles hanging on the four pillars of the attic.

One of them is an antique oil painting by a famous painter in foreign history.

Lin Jiao recognized it at a glance.

"It should be true..." Chen Ge said with a smile.

It seems that very few things in this villa are fake.

It's a big investment.

"Well, what does it mean? It's true!"

After listening to Chen GE's words, Zhuang Qiang could not help but despise the way.

He studied abroad.

Judging from some foreign works, he is naturally a strong point.

Chen Ge, a poor force, clearly has the ability to invite everyone, but he also spent 890000.

White and white!

So Zhuang Qiang, can't get back some face from other aspects!

At present, he said confidently:

"the market price of this painting in foreign countries has reached one million, and it is very precious! The other three paintings in the attic of the villa are also valuable. Otherwise, it's so expensive to eat here

"My God, million starts!"

They all respect girls.

Lin Jiao was even more excited: "no, I must take a picture with these million famous paintings!"

It made everyone laugh.

Chen Ge then stood up and took down the famous painting directly: "if you want to see it, just take it down and have a look."

"Hello, Hello! Damn it, Chen Ge. Can you stop touching the trough? If it's damaged, who can afford it? "

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Zhuang Qiang's eyes widened.

Li Hao on one side also sour way: "people treat you to have a meal, still really think oneself is host?"

Although Zhao Yifan no longer speaks, he looks at Chen Ge.I still shake my head in disappointment.

Chen Ge, whether it is for people, or speaking of knowledge, is more than a grade worse than Zhuang Qiang.

No matter where she is, it gives her the feeling of being crude, too crude!

Chen Ge gave them the painting, which was supposed to adjust the relationship.

I didn't expect that, on the contrary, he was regarded as a reckless person.

Let's forget it.

Chen Ge wanted to hang the oil painting again.

However, his hand was shaking, and he didn't know where to hang. It happened to be a gust of wind blowing over.

The oil painting came out of his hand and was blown down by the wind and fell into the water under the waterfall!


This one hand operation, directly let the girls send out a exclamation.

Even Zhao Yifan is scared to stand up.

It's over. This painting is over.

A million!

All of them could not help but swallow their saliva.

Only Zhuang Qiang and Li Hao laughed in their hearts. Damn it, a million oil paintings were abandoned directly. They owe you the favor. If you eat in the cloud loft, you can pay it back. But the oil painting depends on how you explain it!

Hey, hey!

"Chen Ge, why don't we go? We've had enough food anyway!"

Ma Xiaonan asked carefully at this time.

Stay on, one million, Chen Ge can't pay for it!

"Oh, no, look down, someone is coming up!"

Lin Jiao at this time a finger under the tight open road.

Chen Ge also looked up.

I saw Li Zhenguo, with a few waiters and good wine, walking towards it.

I think it's a toast.

Chen Ge can't help but feel helpless.

He told Li Zhenguo that his identity should not be revealed for the time being. Why would he propose a toast?

Soon, Li Zhenguo came up.

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Zhuang Qiang naturally knew Li Zhenguo.

"Li Mr. Li

Zhuang Qiang murmured.

I didn't expect that the manager Chen Ge said was actually Li Zhenguo, a rich man in Jinling!

Zhao Yifan is also obviously very surprised, even some dare not speak.

Chen Ge, good luck!

Li Zhenguo nodded to a group of people.

Finally, he looked respectfully at Chen Ge: "Chen..."

Suddenly I think of Chen GE's advice that he should not reveal his identity before.

Li Zhenguo said: "brother Chen, how do you feel about your arrangement today? Are you satisfied? "

Chen Ge nodded with a smile.

At this time, Zhuang Qiang swallowed his saliva and said, "but Mr. Li, this Chen song just destroyed your oil painting in the water!"

"Yes, Mr. Li, it's all Chen Song. He had to take off the oil painting, and finally let him get rid of it and throw it away!"

Lin Jiaoqing and Chen Jiaoqing are in a hurry.

Ma Xiaonan said anxiously, "but Mr. Li, Chen Ge, he really didn't mean to!"

Yang Hui also helped Chen Ge speak. A million dollars. What can I do if I pay for it?

But Li Zhenguo, who is the same as the human spirit, could not see the Ni Duan of the scene.

It seems that these people are not all Chen Shao's friends, and Chen Shao obviously has not revealed his identity.

Also, Chen Shao is introverted and low-key. It seems that he doesn't want to get rid of the local atmosphere and stick to it.

With the reminder before Chen Ge, Li Zhenguo is not stupid and will not directly reveal Chen GE's identity.

At the moment, his face coagulated and said:

"what! That oil painting was lost in the mountain stream Li Zhenguo's whole body was frantic, and his face was frightened. He seemed to care about this painting very much!

The atmosphere became tense.

Ma Xiaonan said anxiously, "Mr. Li, I'm really sorry!"

"Brother Chen, I need more than one million yuan for my famous painting What's more, it's a favorite of my superiors. What can I tell you? "

Li Zhenguo gazed at Chen Ge.

Chen Ge knows that Li Zhenguo wants to give himself a step down, and he can't point out his identity. He can only do this.

Ha ha Li Zhenguo is really interesting.

Chen Ge made a special look of remorse:

"Mr. Li, I didn't expect that. The main responsibility is not on me!"

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"Not you?" Li Zhenguo frowned.

Lin Jiao thought Chen Ge wanted to put the blame on herself, and said, "I tell you Chen Ge is you. This painting is clearly flying out of your hands. Don't slander others!"

"That is, if you do something wrong, you have the courage to take responsibility, or you are not a man!"

A group of girls are also disdainful.

"I'm afraid I'm afraid of a million dollars. I don't dare to return it. I want to push three obstacles and four obstacles!" Li Hao also said sour in the side.

Chen Ge this meal, did not pull into the distance of the public, only get the envy of others!Chen GE's heart burst into a bitter smile.

At the moment, he still had to pretend: "well, Mr. Li, I did take the painting out just now. The reason why I said it was not my responsibility was because when I wanted to hang it again, there was a gust of wind. When the wind blew, the painting was blown away!"

"Ha ha, it's really a matter of heaven and earth and air!"

A crowd of people despise.

Zhuang Qiang is more: "Chen Ge, you are too counselled, you actually put the responsibility on the wind body, you really have a set!"

But Li Zhenguo is a pair of thinking hard.

After a long time, he patted the forehead: "brother Chen, it is so. It seems that I misunderstood you. This painting was blown down by the wind! It seems that you are not responsible for that! "

"Yes, you hang the picture here, and the wind is so strong!" Chen Ge is busy.

"Yes, yes, brother Chen, if you don't remind me, it's all our responsibility!"


But looking at Li Zhenguo like this, everybody is surprised.

In a few words, Li Zhenguo was convinced?

Zhuang Qiang felt as if he was stuck in his throat. He was very uncomfortable.

And Zhao Yifan, they do not know why.

"Well, in that case, thank you, Mr. Li, for your hospitality today, and we will go back first!"

Chen Ge smiles.

Li Zhenguo's cooperation in this matter is really funny.

After the crowd left, everyone looked at Chen GE's eyes are a bit muddled.

In particular, Zhao Yifan, Chen Ge gives her a sense of unreal.

"Chen Ge, you are so good. You have convinced Mr. Li, who cares about that painting, to say that!"

Out of the villa, Ma Xiaonan don't admire Chen Ge.

Zhao Yifan is listening.

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