The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 22: 22

Even after returning to the dormitory.

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Zhao Yifan, they are a lot of girls in the heart, a very bad taste.

If Chen Ge is really poor, or if he won the lottery, it will be hundreds of thousands, which will not make people particularly uncomfortable.

But now, he buys luxury bags and eats at the top of the mountain resort.

What's more, one million famous paintings convinced Li Zhenguo to exist like that in a few words?

How could it be?

"Yifan, what do you think of this today?"

Zhao Yifan sat on the bed, listening to Lin Jiao's inquiry, frowned and said:

"I don't know. Maybe we think too much. Just now Xu Xia didn't call Yang Hui to confirm again and again. Li Zhenguo Li always treated Chen Ge like this because Chen Ge saved her daughter!"

"It's estimated that Li Zhenguo just wants to find a reason not to embarrass Chen Ge. After all, it's a great favor to save her daughter."

Zhao Yifan is really reasoning like this in his mind.

"That makes sense, huh! Today I thought Chen Ge was so rich that I was scared to death! "

Lin Jiaochang breathed a breath.

"What? Don't you call brother Chen Ge now? "

A group of beautiful women joked.

"Who calls him? Damn it, it's no one who consumes so much human feelings. If I have this kind of favor, I won't have to worry about it if I ask Mr. Li Zhenguo to arrange a position for me in the future!"

"Yes, Chen Ge is good. Today's Kung Fu is enough to make people pay off the favor completely. Well, I'm really worried about my IQ."

Beauties, you say a word.

Zhao Yifan is very helpful when he hears it. The more unbearable Chen Ge is, the more relaxed Zhao Yifan is.

This feeling is strange

But Chen Ge didn't think so much about it. After returning to the dormitory, he was so excited that he fell asleep one by one.

Until it's time to go to class the next day.

Seeing Yang Hui and them in the dormitory, they began to write their own names for the money.

Chen Ge read the news in the group, only to know that today's monitor has @ all members, is the day to pay tuition.

"Chen Ge, would you like to wait for the poverty relief in half a month? Or? "

In fact, Yang Hui wants to ask Li Zong whether he has given some money, so that Chen Ge can pay the tuition.

But when he thought of yesterday's million paintings, Yang Hui did not ask.

I'm afraid today, my brother Chen Ge will be poor again.

Chen Ge said with a smile: "it's OK. I still have some money. It's enough to pay the tuition. By the way, you can go back to the classroom to pay later. I have to take some money."

Yang Hui doesn't think Chen Ge is lying.

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I think Chen Ge may really be a little bit.

I was relieved.

Chen Ge came to a bank cooperative at the gate of the campus.

"I'll take five thousand dollars!"

Chen Ge hands the card over on the window.

As a result, the service personnel inside were stunned for a moment.

Pick up Chen GE's bank card and look back and forth.

Finally, he was surprised and asked Chen Ge:

"what's wrong with your card? Why has the business been changed! "

Business changed?

Chen Ge is also a little confused.

As a matter of fact, when I look at the ordinary female students who don't have money, they are the ones who don't have money.

So the tone is a little impatient.

But the bank card business has been changed, in addition to some top customers, is also very few.

At the moment, he explained: "yes, your bank card has made great business changes in the whole UnionPay. For this card, you can only withdraw 200000 yuan at a time, but 5000 yuan is not allowed to be withdrawn!"

The female service staff looked Chen Ge up and down.

What do you think? The student in front of me doesn't seem to have anything to do with money.

Who set his bank card like this?

Chen Ge knew who it was.

Besides his sister Chen Xiao, who else can it be.

This elder sister, how can you save some money? Depend on me, the bank card also has to give myself the minimum limit, which is to let himself be a loser!

And then he called.

It'll be there soon.

"Did you get a hand card, sister?"

"Yes, I adjusted the minimum amount of withdrawal. Alas, I can't help it. Who makes you not look like a rich child now? Brother, how can you get a foothold in our family now? So, you can adapt to this kind of life slowly."

Chen Ge:

"By the way, if you don't call me today, I have to call you too. In addition to the bank card, I recently changed your quota. Do you remember those shopping cards I gave you?""There is about 10 million recharge left. I set it for you to expire at the end of the month. That is to say, if you don't spend all the money on this shopping card by the end of the month, the amount of 10 million of the card will be nothing to others!"

"I'll go

Chen GE's eyes are almost red.

How cruel!

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This is too cruel!

It's hard to beat your family!

"You grow up quickly. Don't let my parents and my elder sister worry about getting you out of the shadow of poverty every day..."

Finish saying, elder sister that side hang up a telephone.

"What's wrong with you? Will you take it or not? Don't waste our time if you don't take it

Unconsciously, behind Chen Ge, there are five or six students standing in line to withdraw money.

Speaking, is a well-dressed boy, also holding a beautiful student, looking at Chen Ge a face of disdain.

Today is the day to pay tuition.

Many students come here to collect tuition fees.

Seeing Chen GE's phone call for so long and his clothes, I don't need to know that this product is definitely out of money. Call home to collect money.

"Well, when will you have to make a contribution? We're all going to class, hum! "

The girl who was hugged by the boy said scornfully.

"Take it!"

I can't help it. There are more and more people in the bank.

Chen Ge wants to take it quickly, and take 200000 yuan first.

He said to the service staff in the bank counter.

The female attendants were skeptical.

But the amount was entered.

Subsequently, her computer directly showed that the withdrawal was successful!

The eyes of the waitress brightened in an instant.


I'll go. This student is really rich!

"Sir, it has been taken!"

The female service staff cut her hair and stood up directly to express her respect to Chen Ge.

She picked up two bundles of money and put them into the counting machine.


The sound of the machine inside.

It's all money!

All the students in the hall were stopped.

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The boys and girls behind Chen Ge have grown up, and they can put in two eggs.

Just a moment ago, the two people ridiculed that they wanted people to take it quickly, thinking that he could not raise enough money.

Now it seems that this is not enough!

Many girls in the hall are noisy, Chen Ge cast a different look.

It seems to be saying, look at me, look at me!

Chen Ge touched his nose a little embarrassed.

It's a lot of money. He doesn't have anything to pack.

At a glance, you can see the black garbage bag in the trash can in front of the counter. It's just changed. It's still brand new!

I just took it.

"You You use this? "

Female service staff surprised way.

Is the world of rich people different?


Chen Ge didn't say much. He packed up 200000 cash and left the bank with his card and ID card.

"Oh, ah, look at people. They just urged them. Do you have any money?"

As soon as Chen Ge left, the whole hall began to discuss.

And that girl is even more disgusted with a blow to the boy.

The boy immediately looked at Chen GE's back and said: "Damn, rich people dress like this, what's more?"

Although Chen Ge wanted to hurry back to the classroom to pay tuition fees, it was still late.


Chen Ge is standing at the door of the classroom.

Meng Cairu, a young and beautiful female guide, glanced at Chen Ge.

"Oh! I thought you were too scared to come when you knew how to pay the tuition today? "

With that, he glanced at the garbage bag in Chen singer's hand, "why, the tuition fee is not enough to pick up the garbage?"

"Ha ha ha..."

As soon as Meng Cairu said this, the classroom burst into laughter.

Chen Ge didn't say anything.

This is how I am a female guide. I am afraid of the poor and love the rich.

How to say that.

The rich Xu Dong and Meng Cairu have a good relationship with them.

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I usually go out singing together.

Xu Dong and their truancy, even do not take the exam, can obtain very high credit.

You don't have to ask for leave.

But if Chen Ge, if do not ask for leave, Meng Cairu can expel him, although some exaggeration, but almost like this!

"Do you know that your tuition is subsidized by poverty again? Why didn't I see Jiang Weiwei report it to you? I'll tell you Chen Ge, at the end of the month, the latest to the end of the month, if you don't hand in, don't look at your junior year, automatically drop out! "Meng Cairu said coldly, "OK, take your garbage and go back to your seat! Shame

Meng Cairu has heard about Chen GE's events. At present, Chen Ge, who is worried about IQ, is not very angry.


Under the Xu Dong Huang Mao, they covered their mouths and laughed.

Chen GE's face was indifferent, "director, who said I was delayed to the end of the month, I'm here to pay the tuition fee today!"

"What? Pay the tuition? "

Meng Cairu looks surprised.

In the middle of Yang's cold song.

"Chen Ge, don't be like last time. It's ten yuan, one piece. I've been counting with my classmates for a long time."

Meng Cairu was worried.

Last semester, when Chen Ge paid his tuition, he really scared the whole class.

When he didn't apply for the grant last semester, Chen Ge put together the money he earned from his part-time job to pay his tuition. It was a sensation to the whole department at that time.

Is there such a poor person?

Meng Cairu is really worried about the repetition of the scene in those years. She will be disgraced again as a guide!

"Well, guide, I think we'll have to work hard again! I love my right hand which can eat and play games

Xu Dong and Huang Mao and some of them, pretending to be in pain, came onto the stage shaking their right hands, meaning to help the guide count money.

In fact, it is deliberately disgusting Chen Ge.

Yang Xue is more side of the face, she as an ex girlfriend, feel shame!

"Ha ha, if you are willing to count, please count slowly. Tell me when you are ready to count."

There was a trace of anger on Chen GE's face.

He threw the garbage bag on the platform.


The money in the garbage bag, spilled all over the platform , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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