The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 230: 230

"Yang Xue? She's gone to the capital? "

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To be honest, when I heard the word Yang Xue, although I had not heard it for months, Chen Ge was still shocked.

In particular, there is still some pain in my heart.

After all, I've been with Yang Xue for two years. In Jinling University, most of my memories come from this girl. Although Yang Xue later broke Chen GE's heart, she also made Chen Ge hate her a little bit!

However, since the last time he revealed his identity as Chen Shao in Jinling, he was very indifferent to her.

Yang Xue was hit hard and dropped out of school.

From this incident, in fact, Chen GE's aversion to her, hatred, has been completely gone.

There is even some self blame.

At that time of their own, nothing, Yang Xue did not abandon themselves, with their own together.

One for dinner and one for shopping.

Indeed, later Yang Xue changed, but think about with Zhao Yifan these girls, Yang Xue is not better.

After all, does she have time to dislike herself.

And now girls, which do not love money.

At that time, her indifference destroyed her future.

A good university is not over.

In fact, some time ago, Chen Ge also wanted to come, do you want to let people look for Yang Xue, so that she has a stable income prospects, and he is also a little more at ease.

But on second thought, Chen Ge still gave up this idea, I'm afraid it will make her hate himself more!

"Well, what's your reaction? excitement? Excited? Or blame yourself? "

Han Fei Er looks at Chen Ge with interest and asks.

"No, how is she now? How are you doing? "

Chen Ge asked.

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"You don't have to worry about her. She's living very well, and it's better than you expected. She also told me that she would go back to Jinling and find all the things she lost!"

"When she said that, her eyes were frightening! I asked her what she didn't say. By the way, Chen Ge, why did Yang Xue drop out of school at that time? "

At that time, Han fei'er also sent a message to Chen Ge.

However, Han fei'er was not interested in knowing about Chen Ge at that time, but now it is different.

She was really curious.

"Nothing, nothing!"

Chen Ge said with a bitter smile.

Sooner or later, she will take back the things she lost. Frankly speaking, she has to settle accounts with herself.

What did Yang Xue experience during this period?

Want to also want to do not understand, but can be sure is, Yang Xue is living very well now, this also is enough!

"Don't say it! I'll know when she comes back anyway

Hanfil said, "let's go. Let's go out."! I'm going to be ready for live broadcast in the afternoon


Chen Ge nodded dully and was about to go out.

"By the way, Chen Ge, I'll help you this time. I hope you can promise me a request!"

Han Fei Er stops Chen Ge again.

"Say it

"I hope you can't marry another girl until I know who my ordinary brother is, OK? That's all I want

Hanfil bit her lip.

She didn't know why she said that?

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I guess the ordinary little brother is Chen Ge, so I fell in love with Chen Ge?

Han Fei Er doesn't know, anyway, it's what she thinks.

In case Chen Ge is an ordinary little brother, in case after his confirmation, Chen GE has been married, what should we do?

Hanfil didn't want to have such regret, so he said so.

In fact, she is not sure whether she loves Chen Ge or not.

Chen Ge was surprised to hear this sentence and looked at Han fei'er.

"Don't get me wrong. I don't like you. I just want to find an answer."

Hanfei bet on the airway.

"Well! I promise you

Chen Ge just heard Yang Xue's name, which made him a little upset for a while.

I agreed without thinking about it.

It's better than telling Hanfei that she's ordinary.

Let fans find Qin Ya this matter is settled like this.

Chen Gerao went downstairs with something on her mind.

Ling Fei and Xiao Qiang follow.

Ling Fei is just trying to drum up Xiaoqiang and take a look at Chen Ge. Obviously, Xiaoqiang has something to say to Chen Ge.

But Xiaoqiang didn't dare.

"Xiaoqiang, it's OK. Just tell Chen Ge!"

Zhao Tongtong couldn't look down, so he was busy.

Chen Ge then reacted and looked at him and said, "what's the matter?"

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"Brother Chen Ge, I have something to ask you for help, but I don't know if you can agree?"

Xiaoqiang looked down on Chen Ge at first, but when Chen Ge opened big G, Xiaoqiang was confused."Oh, tell me!"

"My sister works in a rental company. This month, she needs to rent a big G, which is just one short. If this target is not completed, she may be fired. So I see that you have a big g. can you rent it to my sister for three days? My sister will pay you the rental fee for three days!"

Xiaoqiang said.

Chen Ge knows this.

Some companies are specialized in this, such as making movies, using cars and so on.

We need to sign a lease contract.

In this way, the owner of the car is not responsible for the accident, and all the expenses are not taken care of. If you just rent out the car for a few days, you can earn $120000 in vain.

"That's it. Well, I'll rent it to your sister!"

Chen GE has a faint smile.

Today, this cockroach has helped himself.

What's more, seeing that he is very concerned about his sister, Chen Ge appreciates it very much. After all, he also has a sister.

If it is his sister has difficulties, Chen Ge he is also reckless help.

"Thank you, brother Chen Ge! I'll call my sister and ask her to sign the contract with you! "

Xiaoqiang excitedly said.

After signing the contract, Zhao Tongtong and they went back home to trust the relationship.

Chen Ge also mobilized Li Zhenguo and his followers.

No matter what the outcome is, there must be an outcome.

Otherwise Chen Ge will not be at ease all his life.

Soon, it was evening.

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Chen GE has been running all day.

Tired and hungry.

Came to a restaurant, a simple deal.

"What do you mean? Just think I'm redundant, right? Am I that bad? "

I was having a meal, so I heard a table nearby quarrel.

Chen Ge looks around.

It's two women and a man.

Among them, a man and a woman are sitting at the same table, while the other girl is obviously coming later. This is a bit similar to the scene of catching rape. The girl standing is yelling at two people.

"How much thought did I use for you? What can't I compare with her? And you used to love me. Don't you love me? How can you stay with her?"

The girl is still shouting.

Originally, this kind of thing is commonplace, Chen Ge glimpses also calculate.

But now, Chen Ge stares at it for several times.

Because this girl is not someone else, it's Chen Lin.

And that man and a woman, let alone Ding Hao and Li Shihan.

By the way, Li Wenyang said at the party that Li Shihan and Ding Hao had already become.

Chen Lin must be anxious. After all, she also likes Ding Hao.


Chen Lin scolded and scolded, and suddenly, she got a slap in the face.

It was Li Shihan who stood up with a cold face: "Chen Lin, you're enough. Are you sick?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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