The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 231: 231

"Li Shihan, you dare to beat me, Ding Hao, did you not see this cheap woman beating me?"

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Chen Lin covered her face and looked at Ding Hao.

Ding Hao turned his head to one side and showed his attitude.

"Well, you can call me Chen Lin blind."

After scolding Chen Lin, she ran out crying.

But Li Shihan lost her chopsticks. Obviously, she was so upset that she didn't feel in the mood to eat, and soon she left with Ding Hao.

"I can't imagine that these two good friends are making such a scene now..."

After watching the whole process, Chen Ge understood what was going on.

In fact, Chen Lin and Li Shihan are not interested in Ding Hao's real estate.

After all, Ding Hao, who had no money before, followed them all the time, and the two girls who didn't see him were very kind to him.

Now can be good, Ding Hao a real estate, as well as after the relationship.

In the eyes of two girls, she became handsome and steady.

Well, Chen Ge is the most experienced.

I just don't know that these two girls know that Ding Hao's everything is given by himself. What expression will it be?

Ha ha, helpless smile.

Chen Ge left after dinner.

"Hey, grandson, wait a minute!"

As soon as Chen Ge just left the restaurant, he was hugged by an old man lying at the door of the restaurant.

What are you doing

Chen Ge was stunned.

"Grandson, if you can eat in this kind of restaurant, you must have money. Give me some money. I haven't eaten for many days."

The old beggar hugged Chen GE's leg and said.

The old beggar has a shaggy face and his hair is gray.

Now I hold Chen Ge, which means you won't let Chen Ge go if you don't give money.

Chen Ge was helpless.

He took out his wallet and gave the old beggar a hundred.

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Hey, how rich!

The old beggar quickly put it away, but still holding Chen Ge.

"Are you finished?"

Chen Ge is also a temper up, cold voice.

"Grandson, I also want to ask you a favor. Can you take me to the hospital? I want to cure my leg!"

Said the old beggar.

"Damn it, you old beggar is too dependent on the old, you want to blackmail me!"

Chen Ge was speechless for a while.

"Who is the old beggar? I'm just in trouble. I'm not a beggar, OK?"

The old man said.

Now, a lot of people have gathered around on the street.

Looking at this scene, pointing.

Chen Ge thought he was really unlucky.

Cried the old man, one by one.

In the end, Chen Ge sent him to the opposite hospital.

When the old doctor of the hospital showed him his leg.

While paying, Chen Ge glanced at the old man bitterly.

This just saw, this old man's chest, actually has a tattoo, but also tattooed is a dragon head, the dragon head is very ferocious, seems to want to devour all things.

Is this old beggar really a hero in trouble?

Chen Ge said in his heart.

Maybe this old guy was once a king.

But it's none of your business.

A total of 1000 yuan was spent for the old man, and Chen Ge would not be a good man to save him.

It's not because of him.

Glancing at him, Chen Ge is ready to go.

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At this time, on the TV of the hospital, Jinling TV station suddenly rang out a radio.

It's about Qin Jia's disappearance.

At present, the police have been involved in something.

Obviously, Qin Ya's father is also relying on the media to find.

Seeing this news, Chen Ge was once again reproached.

"Well, this girl is very beautiful. I hope it's OK. After all, there are no abnormal bad people in the society now?"

"That's it. Girls are out there. You have to protect yourself!"

Some patients said.

"It seems that I have seen her some time ago. She is alone and blocked by several men."

The old beggar in the hospital bed said.

Chen Ge, who is preparing to go out, comes back.

"What are you talking about? Have you seen her? "

Chen Ge asked anxiously.

At noon, she was very impressed when I saw her in the bus station, but I was very impressed when I saw her in the bus station

"Why, do you know someone else?"The old man said with a smile.


Chen Ge nods.

I also asked the old man some details. From the old man's description, what happened that day was really Qin ya, and the time was right.

As long as we can find out where Qin Ya was missing and confirm that she has been kidnapped, it will be easy to solve the matter.

See Chen Ge and go again.

The old man grabbed him again.

"What else do you want?"

Chen Ge asked.

"Grandson, you are a good man. Can you tell me your name?"

"Chen ge..."

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Chen Ge saw that he provided a clue, and then returned to him.

"It's really Chen. Let me have a look at your chest?"

There was a flash of excitement in the old man's eyes.

And not by Chen Ge separate say, come to pull Chen GE's collar.

Chen Ge resisted naturally.

But the old man did not know where the strength came from. With a little effort, Chen GE's arm could not move directly.

Pull your collar open.

The old man frowned.

"Hiss, that's strange, isn't it?"

The old man said, and let go of Chen Ge.

This old guy, how nervous!

Chen Ge rubbed his wrist and thought.

Taking advantage of this old hair daze Kung Fu, Chen Ge quickly slip away.

At the same time, they also called Tianlong Dihu and Zhao Tongtong about this matter.

I believe it won't be long before Tianlong and Dihu will be able to find out.

Because Chen Ge thinks that this should be a deceptive kidnapping, hoping that Qin Ya will never have anything wrong

As for the old man who met at the door of the restaurant today, Chen Ge felt a little surprised. At the same time, the old man happened to know about Qin ya, which made Chen GE more surprised. He thought it was too coincident!

But I don't want to think about these Chen songs.

Sure enough, an hour later, the dragon and the tiger found out.

Qin Ya was indeed cheated away. At the moment, she was put under house arrest in a luxurious community. I've been under house arrest for two days.

And the fuse of the whole incident, is to appear in a student named Li Yue.

Li Yue owes money to the underground forces of Jinling, so he cheated Qin Ya as a mortgage!

Damn it!

Chen Ge scolded.

After that, the dragon and the tiger were ready to help.

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In fact, before making this call to Chen Ge, the people of Tianlong and Dihu have already arrived at the community.

Chen Ge hastily wants to catch up with him, but only then discovers that his big G has been rented away and can't run to Yundingshan villa to drive again.

Fortunately, the community is not far from this place, so Chen Ge boarded a small yellow car to rush there.


It's raining hard outside.

After Chen Ge sent Zhao Tongtong a message in the past, the mobile phone was also powered off.

It is braved the rain to the Yunhua community.

At the moment, Yunhua community.

More than 100 mebach vehicles arrived, which surrounded the whole community and blocked all four doors.

In addition, there were many people in black in suits. All of them were standing by the bus with black umbrellas. The momentum is too strong.

Many people are from the inside of the building, with mobile phones in the shooting.

This is absolutely big news.

God knows what's going on. Who has offended the big guy.

All in all, I was shocked.

At the same time, it's in front of a restaurant in Yunhua community.

There were also a group of young men and women taking shelter from the rain.

"Mr. Meng, it's raining so hard, and the gate of the community is blocked. We can't go!"

One girl said.

"Cough, can't live in teacher Meng's house, anyway, teacher Meng just moved a new home!" Said the boy.

"Seriously, if the guide didn't ask the local students in Jinling to move her new house today, she would not have seen such a scene. It was all Maybach! I'm fucked

More students were shocked by the Maybach that surrounded the neighborhood.

"Ah? Look, guide, why is the man riding the little yellow bicycle so familiar? "

A girl looked at it reverently, and suddenly saw a boy riding a small yellow car from the outside of the community, and immediately called out , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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