The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 238: 238

"I'll go, Chen Ge. We can really come in."

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Chen Lin was surprised.

Chen Ge hugged her waist, and she did not resist.

Because the plot reversal is really exciting.

They are now in the meeting.

Lin Yiyi's birthday party was specially grand. The main reason is that Lin's father wants to take this opportunity to have a big party.

Ding Hao, as a person on the other side of Yunmeng Mountain, naturally has the qualification to come.

In a word, there are more than 100 people on the scene now. There are a lot of rich, little, rich, and some bosses.

The arrangement of the venue is somewhat similar to that of a wedding ceremony. There is a long walking platform in the middle and a banquet on both sides.

After Chen Ge and Chen Lin came in, he found a seat and sat down directly.

After all, a lot of people came to sit with friends.

And Ding Hao, after coming in, glared at Chen Ge and Chen Lin with a green face and went to sit with another table of friends.

"Chen Ge? How did you come here? "

At this time, a voice full of doubt rings in Chen GE's ear.

Chen Ge turned to look, but also a surprise.

It was a girl, Jiang Ran Ran, the daughter of Uncle Jiang.

She also stood beside a group of beautiful men and women, at the moment, Jiang Ran Ran is surprised to look at Chen Ge.

Why is Jiang Ranran here?

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But on second thought, Chen Ge also understood.

Yes, uncle Jiang is now the leader of the investment promotion office. He is engaged in investment in Ping'an County. He must have dealt with many managers.

You think, this is Lin Yiyi's father deliberately organized a big party. Even Ding Hao's idea has come. Jiang Ran Ran can get a ticket.

I didn't expect it to happen. It happened.

"But this man is your friend?"

Beside Jiang Ran Ran, a handsome young boy asked at the moment.

"It's not a friend, it's from our hometown. His father and my father had some relations in the early years, and now they don't contact with their family! His family now owes a lot of money. His parents have all gone abroad to work. I just didn't expect that she could come on such an occasion! "

Jiang Ran Ran glanced at Chen Ge and said.

After all, Chen Ge beat her down in the western restaurant that time. Jiang Ranran still remembers.

Originally, this time, it was not easy for me to ask my father for a ticket for a big party, or my father asked the leader to get it. I also wanted to come out and enrich my knowledge.

This time, I got to know a rich young Zhang Lang from Jinling.

Zhang Lang's family used to engage in large enterprises. Now they hear that Yunmeng Mountain project has been developed and contracted the agency of a large restaurant in Yunmeng Mountain. There will be no shortage of funds in the future.

The real power is rich but little.

In contrast, Lin Dong was also eclipsed in front of the rich and young.

Even Jiang Ran Ran felt that he was still worried about Chen GE's beating Lin Dong's face. How ridiculous it is.

"Zhang Shao, this is a poor boy. He used to be a famous poor force in our high school of Ping'an County!"

Lin Dong's party was also there naturally. At the moment, he stood up from the crowd and said to Zhang Lang as flattering.

"Oh, ha ha, I see. Let's find a place to sit down and have a good chat."

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Zhang Lang said to the men and women behind him.

"Brother Zhang, just come here. I've got a good seat for you!"

At this time, Ding Hao with Li Shihan came to say hello.

After all, Ding Hao and Chen Ge are very close to each other's tables.

"Lao Ding, you are early! But sister, go, I'll show you my friend Ding Shao

Zhang Lang introduced with a smile.

Ding Hao is also very good now. After all, he has a shop in Yunmeng Mountain.

Status naturally rises.

It has also been integrated into the circle of rich and less.

After everyone's introduction, Jiang Ran Ran naturally knew all of them.

To tell you the truth, Jiang Ranran has gained a lot today, and has learned for the first time what is the charm of high-end social circles.

Originally, Jiang Ran Ran thought that those rich and young circles were talking about luxury cars and so on.

However, they never discuss this.

What I said was more about some small life experiences and some investment and financial skills learned from their parents.

Let Jiang Ran Ran open a new world.

In contrast, Lin Dong, who loves to show off his wealth and power, is just like an ugly duckling.

Let alone that upstart like Chen Song, see people disgusting not!

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What's the big deal.

And Ding Hao's show.

Chen Lin was embarrassed.Because to now, Chen GE's rich little identity has been unable to play.

After all, all the people present are rich and young.

If you look at Ding Hao's life, you know too many friends.

Failure, Chen Lin thought, today is just too much failure.

I can't lift my head!

"By the way, when will Linyi come out?"

Some rich and young people like Ding Hao, the first time to participate in such a big event, is also the first time to see the fabled beautiful goddess Lin Yiyi, immediately impatiently asked.

And now, the day after tomorrow.

"Manager Wang, are you sure you read it correctly? He He's here? How could it be? "

Lin Yiyi just finished making up, now heard the host manager Wang Biao's words, pushed aside the make-up artist, stood up and asked.

"Ah? Miss Lin, don't you know Chen shaolai? "

Wang Biao is confused.

"No, how could he come You should be wrong. By the way, is there a girl who is following him? "

Lin Yiyi asked.

Why hasn't Lin Yiyi contacted Chen Ge all the time.

It's because after Chen Ge had Su Muhan, Lin Yiyi is sad. He knows that Chen Ge will not like himself at all. When he sees Chen Ge, he feels sad.

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Originally, Lin Yiyi wanted to invite Chen Ge to this birthday party.

The father said, but.

Chen Shao is busy with the development of Ping'an County recently, and one of Chen GE's elders is in poor health and hospitalized.

Warn yourself not to disturb Chen Shao.

And this party, to be honest, none of the senior executives of the group came. You can see, Bai Xiaofei and all of them didn't come.

So what do you invite Chen Shao to do?

Lin Yiyi is lonely agreed.

In fact, I always think of Chen Ge.

At present, hearing that Wang Biao said Chen Shao was coming, how could she not be excited, but she could not believe it.

"Really, Miss Lin, Chen Shao, how can I admit my mistake? I gave the admission ticket to Chen Shao in person. Ao, Chen Shao seems to have brought a girl with me!"

Wang Biao said with a bitter smile.

"I still can't believe he's coming!" Then he turned to look at the staff: "get ready, I'll go out right away!"

In the lobby.

At the moment, with the dim light, Lin Yiyi, wearing a white suspender dress, came out slowly.

"I'll go, beauty, absolute beauty!"

"My God, Miss Eyre is so beautiful!"

Chen Ge, listening to the noise of the crowd, also looked up at the stage , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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