The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 239: 239

Speaking of it, Chen GE has never seen Lin Yiyi for some time.

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Did not expect to see Lin Yiyi after this period of time, this girl seems to be beautiful again.

"Miss Lin Yiyi is so beautiful!"

Under the stage, one side of Ding Hao can not help but look stupefied.

Directly say "praise".

As for Li Shihan, he was not angry at all.


Because of Lin Yiyi's appearance, even Li Shihan was jealous.

She all admitted that Miss Lin was really a great country.

"Of course, Miss Lin Yiyi is Chen Shao's dry sister in Jinling. Can she look ordinary?"

Zhang Lang said with a faint bitter smile.

"That Zhang Shao, today is Miss Lin Yiyi's birthday. Hasn't Chen Shao come to Jinling?"

Jiang Ran Ran Ran asked.

She thought, if only I could get to know Chen Shao again today.

"Ha ha, Chen Shaocai won't come. Let me tell you, my father told me that Chen Shao in Jinling likes to keep a low profile and is a very easygoing person. He never likes to participate in such big scenes!"

Zhang Lang seemed to know Chen Shao very well and said with a smile.

"O'o!" Jiang Ran Ran could not help but show a look of regret.

"However, do you want to drink juice? It's foreign juice. It's delicious. I'll pour you one!"

One side of Lin Dong saw that Jiang Ran Ran had been talking to Zhang Lang, and he was really miserable.

Now is the way to please.

"What to drink, I don't want to drink, you don't care about me!"

Unexpectedly, Jiang Ran Ran glanced at Lin Dong in disgust and moved his eyes to Zhang Lang again.

"I'll have a juice!"

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At this time, the waiter passed by Chen Ge and Chen Lin with a tray.

Chen Lin is really thirsty, especially because of the car rental business, and now she is in the gathering place of rich people. She is really nervous.

Seeing that the juice was delicious, I asked for a cup.

At the moment, Lin Yiyi on the stage is anxiously patrolling around, while he is delivering a thank you speech for today's birthday party.

All of a sudden, there was a bang.


Then there was a girl scream.

Let the whole city be quiet.

It's Chen Lin. she took a sip of juice just now, and found it very good to drink, so she also took a cup to Chen Ge.

At this time, Chen Lin's hand trembled, but she didn't hold it firmly. The goblet fell directly on the ground and was smashed to pieces.

The juice splashed on Chen Ge and himself.

That's what I said.

"Ah, why are you so careless? I'll wipe it for you!"

Chen Ge couldn't help saying.

Then he took out a paper towel and wiped Chen Lin's skirt as well as his trouser legs.

"Lying in the trough is really a shame. Is this grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden? Can't hold a goblet

"Ha ha, yes, I don't see the goddess Lin Yiyi giving a speech on this occasion. She only cares about eating and drinking, and has no taste at all!"

A few rich of the same table see in the eye, can't help but sneer way.

It seems that the louder the sarcasm is, the more he can please Lin Yiyi.

"Oh, see? This is the difference between a real rich and a fake rich little. I haven't been to some high-grade occasions. No wonder I've made a fool of myself!"

Li Shihan saw Chen Lin make a fool of himself, and then said with a sneer.

"Well, really, I'm glad I didn't get along with someone!" Ding Hao also said.

As for Jiang Ran Ran, he just looked at Chen Ge and shook his head.

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"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it. I really didn't mean it!"

Chen Lin was also afraid and quickly bowed to everyone and apologized.

Then he blushed and pulled the sleeves of Chen Ge.

"Chen Ge, let's go. Don't stay here!"

Yes, when Chen Lin came in, she already knew that Chen GE's role could not be played. However, at that time, she followed Chen Ge in and came in.

But I didn't expect to make a fool of myself. If I continue, I'm sure it will be a shame.

"What are you going for? Stay well, just break a cup, it's OK

Chen Ge is really the first time to see Chen Lin such a high-profile girl, there is also a time of inferiority.

I couldn't help laughing bitterly.

I am similar to her, and I couldn't let go when I first took part in a big event.

He advised Chen Lin.

"Who are these two? How did you come in? I don't know the rules. Can anyone really come in this party? "

A middle-aged rich businessman at the next table spoke coldly at the moment.

And all the people began to roar.

After all, it's impolite to make a noise when Miss Lin Yiyi is talking.At this time, who stood up to speak must give the Lin family a certain impression.

In the future, it is necessary to show the benefits.

So everyone was sarcastic.

At the same time, they all glanced at Lin Yiyi on the stage, trying to see how miss Yi reacted.

As a result, Lin Yiyi's eyes were red at the moment, and Mike in his hand did not know when he fell on the ground.

"You're really here!"

Lin Yiyi suddenly with a burst of crying cavity.

Chen Ge is squatting to wipe the bottom of his trousers. At the moment, he hears Lin Yiyi's words and raises his face to find that Lin Yiyi has already seen himself.

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"Well, happy birthday!"

Chen Ge embarrassed way.

Then I felt all over my body, except for the car key, there was no gift.

"I'm sorry, your birthday suddenly, I didn't prepare a gift, you can wish you a happy birthday!"

"I thought you had forgotten me for a long time."

I wiped the tears from the corner of my eyes.

Lin Yiyi, with her dress in her hands, trotted towards Chen Ge.

In the eyes of everyone's surprise, he gave Chen Ge a big hug.

"For such a long time, you don't contact me. If you have someone else, you forget me!"

Lin Yiyi cried while holding Chen Ge.

The grievance of being ignored was released.

"All right, good, don't cry or cry!"

Chen Ge patted Lin Yiyi on the shoulder.


"Lying trough?"

And the people under the stage are all surprised at the moment.

Who is Lin Yiyi? How many rich and little in the eyes of the goddess of dreams.

And it's out of reach.

Only the top rich and young can make friends with her.

But now, this person who doesn't seem to be so powerful has been embraced by Lin Yiyi.

What's more, these words are too ambiguous!

Who is this man?

All the rich and the young said jealously.

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And Ding Hao and Li Shihan are all confused at the moment.

Chen Ge is just a nouveau riche. How can he be so favored by the goddess.

For a moment, all the aura was shrouded in Chen Ge.

Let Ding Hao spit blood jealously.

Not to mention Zhang Lang and Jiang ran Lin Dong.

"In the evening, I'll give you another birthday in the evening!"

Chen Ge said with a bitter smile.

To be honest, Chen Ge really wants to hit Ding Hao in the face.

But I want to use Wang Biao and them.

It turned out to be such a scene.

Chen Ge was embarrassed.

"Well, that's what you said. You'll make it up to me!"

Lin Yiyi stopped crying.

After wiping away her tears, Chen Ge comforts Lin Yiyi to finish the activity, and then she leaves with Xu Xia.

Out of the hotel, Chen Ge and Chen Lin are walking in front of them, while Ding Hao, Li Shihan and Jiang Ranran are not far away from each other.

Just now, they were so embarrassed.

At the moment, I wonder what kind of identity is Chen Ge? How can miss Lin do that?

And walking, also came to the front of the car.

"Miss Xu Xia, I'll wait for you for a moment! You can't get through. "

At the moment, Wang Xiaozhang has been waiting for a long time with the contract , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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