The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 246: 246

"That's just right. The conditions were not mature. Now, you just have to sell your car and buy a house in Ping'an County. I'll find you a job as a clerk. With five insurances and one fund, your life will be stable."

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"One of my former subordinates, whose sister is three years older than you, has not been married. When you have finished all this, I can be a matchmaker for you, and you can also marry a wife in law!"

Jiang Weidong said.

Chen Ge is muddled, as long as he donates money to him, is the treatment so good?

At this time, Jiang ran was stunned and said, "Dad, what you don't say is the sister who works under you? She Isn't she mentally retarded? "

"What's wrong with mental retardation? Now the daughter-in-law is easy to find. You don't have to look at Chen GE's conditions. I can't guarantee whether people will like Chen Ge or not. "

Jiang Weidong said lightly.

"Well Uncle Jiang won't have to worry about this matter! "

Chen GE's face was blue and white.

But just think about what Dad said, and I'll put up with it.

But Jiang Weidong is not finished.

After dinner, Jiang Weidong contacted a second-hand car market for Chen Ge, and asked Chen Ge to dispose of the car in a hurry. Part of the money was raised and part of the house was bought. He also took this opportunity to arrange a contract work with Chen Ge.

At least half of the system!

Chen Ge certainly doesn't want to.

They even wanted to tell their identities directly and beat them in the face.

But when I think of my father's advice, after all, he had done things with aunt Tang to apologize to Uncle Jiang.

I don't know exactly what I did.

So it's hard for Chen Gezhen to say anything.

I just want to finish the matter that my father told me, and then I don't care about it.

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Anyway, the car didn't matter to me, so I agreed to get down.

"OK, let Lin Dong go with you. Lin Dong knows more, so as not to let people sink into fools."

After dinner, Jiang Weidong said lightly to Chen Ge.

If Lin Dong hadn't come up with an idea to ask Chen Ge to raise money, he would not have arranged for Chen GE's work, even if it was under the contract system.

Now, at most, after he has raised money, he can find a department to work as a clerk. He can afford him for his whole life!

Chen ge of course agreed to accompany Chen Ge.

"Hum, are you stupid? Don't make you a fool

Lin Dong's purpose is very obvious, that is, with the help of Jiang Weidong, Chen GE's money is all dug up, and his car is not. How can he pretend to be forced in the future?

Unexpectedly, Chen Ge really agreed to a broken job, ha ha!

How can Chen Ge not know what Lin Dong and uncle Jiang are thinking.

It's just to make a break with you in this way, so as not to beep and beep in the future.

If dad asked himself to help him, he had reason to refuse.

As a result, Lin Dong and Jiang Ran Ran, as well as a few of Jiang Ranran's close friends, all came to the second-hand car market.

"Boss, come out, we want to sell this car!"

Lin Dong exclaimed happily.

"Here it is! Oh, big G

Inside a young man came out, see big G can't help but stupefied.

Lin Dong, on the other hand, handed up a cigarette and wanted to talk to the boss.

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It means to lower the price of the car for Chen Ge.

But at this time, Chen Ge suddenly saw the second-hand car owner with a smile: "Li Xiao?"

The owner of the second-hand car suddenly looked up and was stunned to see Chen Ge.

Then he patted his thigh: "lying trough, Chen Ge!"

All of a sudden surprise came over.

Li Xiao, Chen GE's neighbor jiafaxiao, is Chen GE's best friend. He is half a year older than Chen Ge and plays together since childhood. And to Chen Ge.

When they were children, both of them were top students in the class.

But later, because of some things, he didn't finish junior high school, and he learned auto repair from others. He didn't expect that in the past few years, he became the boss of second-hand cars.

Because Chen Ge went to university in other places and didn't go home, he had less contact in the past two years.

But when I was young, we all know that even if we haven't seen each other for three or five years, as long as we meet, we still have a warm feeling like childhood.

"When did you come back? Why didn't you call me?"

Li Xiao beat Chen GE's chest hard.

"I also came back some time ago. I didn't go back to my hometown. I'm in the county now." Chen Ge also happy smile way.

"Li Xiao, you take care of customers when there are customers. What are you doing?"

At this time, a woman came out of the shop, dressed very fashionable, looks like Chen Ge about the same size.

And this girl Chen ge of course also know, was also a junior high school, at that time fell in love with Li Xiao.My family is a supermarket in town. I have money.

Unexpectedly, they are still talking.

"Hey, my brother Chen Ge, Su Ting, you know that!"

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Li said with a smile: "now Su Ting is my fiancee. She was engaged three months ago."

"O'ao, Chen Ge, I thought it was who. Please hurry to greet the guests!"

Unexpectedly, Su Ting saw Chen Ge, but she gave Chen Ge a cold look, then turned around and left.

Of course, there is nothing to look down on, but a flash of resentment in the eyes.

Chen Ge is just an embarrassed smile.

"Boss woku, we have been standing for a long time. Are you finished chatting?"

"We want to sell cars," Lin said

Lin Dong's heart way, this special come too unlucky, unexpectedly is Chen GE's brother, this oneself can how pit ah!

"Oh, who wants to sell cars? Do you want to sell big G

Li said with a smile.

"Ha ha, I just help him sell it. This is Chen GE's big g. it has been open for some time. I'll sell it to you for one million yuan!"

Lin Dong said.

Then he looked at Chen Ge: "Chen Ge, you see this is your brother. Do you mean it's too expensive? I wish I could make some profit! "

Not waiting for Chen Ge to talk.

Li Xiao is a Leng: "Chen Ge, this your car?"

"Mm-hmm, I'll explain it to you later. It's just the right car to sell to you!"

Chen Ge said with a smile.

Li nodded with a smile. He had already turned around the car and lifted the hood to have a look. "This car is more than two million yuan, and it hasn't been a month. Why do you want to sell it, Chen Ge? And for a million? Who are you, this boy? "

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Li Xiao looks at what Lin Dong says and sells one million yuan. He just looks at Lin Dong's eyes.

"He sold his car in order to buy a house in a hurry and marry his daughter-in-law to find a job. As long as you give me the money, uncle Jiang and I will arrange him immediately. Understand that he will never lose his iron rice bowl for a lifetime. Ha ha!"

Lin Dong said.

"Is that true? Can working wives have a job

Li Xiao is gratified to see Chen Ge, if it is really an iron rice bowl and wife, then this business is really worth.

Happy for brother Li.

Chen Ge just gave a bitter smile.

He can't tell his brother Li Xiao, this is to return the favor for his father!

"But I don't have so much money? By the way, brother, you smoke. You have to worry about my brother's affairs. "

Li Xiao said as he took out his cigarette to pass it to Lin Dong.

Lin Dong didn't pick it up. Instead, he picked up his own and started smoking.

"Ao, you don't have so much money. You don't have money to open a second-hand car shop. Forget it. Let's go to the opposite one! Chen Ge, see? It's not that you don't sell it to your brother. It's your brother who has no money

Lin Dong throws his face directly to Li Xiao and Chen Ge.

"I don't need a million dollars. I can't drive this car for you."

Chen GE has a faint smile.

"Lying trough, Chen Ge, are you sick?"

Jiang Ran Ran also looked at Chen Ge in dismay. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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