The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 247: 247

You know, this car is Chen GE's biggest asset.

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Now he's giving it to his friends.

Chen Ge, what do you pretend to be!

Jiang Ran Ran Ran had a change in favor of Chen Ge, but now he can't help being annoyed.

It's like this car is nothing else, it's her own.

In fact, in some emotional moments, Jiang ran ran really regarded Chen Ge as her boyfriend.

But now Oh, I don't want to say it!

"Chen Ge, how can this be done? This is your quasi new car. How can you give it to me? Well, I only have 700000 yuan in my hand now. You bought these two cars with two million yuan. I will buy them at the price of 1.8 million yuan, but I have to sell the money and I will give you the rest!"

"Seven hundred thousand, then."

Chen Ge gave a bitter smile. He knew that if he gave Li Xiao such a gift, he would not want it.

However, what happened at that time was not something that Chen Ge could make up for.

"Don't worry about Li Xiao. I'll explain some things to you later. We'll sign the contract for 700000 yuan."

Chen Ge patted Li Xiaoxiao on the shoulder.

And Li Xiao didn't say anything, because he thought, when he sold the money, he would give the money to Chen Ge.

It doesn't matter if the contract is not.

In this way, in Jiang Ranran's amazement, Lin Dong secretly pleased eyes, Chen Ge signed the contract.

He sold the car.

According to the agreement, Chen Ge helped raise 500000 yuan for Jiang Weidong.

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There's only 200000 left.

"Lin Dong Ran Ran Ran, my cousin is the one who sells the house. They just opened the market today, and she hasn't finished work yet! Chen Ge wants to buy a house. I'll call her and buy it from my cousin. But the 200000 yuan is just enough for a down payment! "

With Lin Dong and Jiang Ranran, there are also two female friends of Jiang Ranran, two girls.

One of them said with a smile.

"All right."

Jiang Ran Ran nodded lightly.

In this way, Chen GE has become a poor man. There is nothing more than a house and a mortgage.

It's like all the auras are gone. That's it.

Chen Ge, on the other hand, promised to let the car out and donate the money to Jiang Weidong. For nothing else, he just paid for his father.

If he was sick, he would take care of people like Jiang Weidong.

But at the moment, Jiang Ran Ran's little friend said that her cousin bought the community.

The location is pretty good.

Chen Ge also plans to buy some houses in Ping'an County and arrange accommodation for some senior executives.

The original plan was to buy a whole building as the staff dormitory, but now, I go to see the house and book a set, but there is no problem.

So, after leaving with Li Xiao, he followed them.

It's easy to buy a house.

Choose one, pay the down payment, sign the contract and wait for the bank to approve the loan.

"Oh, my cousin, and Lin Dong's handsome boy. Thank you very much. It's so late now. Don't leave. I'll treat you four to have a snack. Ha ha, my cousin invites you today!"

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Girl's cousin at the moment happy to Lin Dong, Jiang Ran Ran they four people said.

As for Chen Ge, he also stood beside him with the purchase contract. He was a customer and paid by himself.

Even if it's a treat, you have to call yourself?

As a result, the salesman ignored himself directly?

Hehe, of course, I ignored it. If you look at Chen Ge, he is the kind of person who doesn't know. The salesman doesn't need to flatter him. After selling the house to him, who knows you?

"That's not good. I can't let you treat you today. We all think, what does it mean today? Chen Ge bought a house. Of course, we have to invite Chen Ge to have a snack."

Lin Dong laughs happily.

"Yes, Chen Ge, we follow you from more than seven o'clock to now it's nearly eleven o'clock. We've bought you a house and told you that if it wasn't for your acquaintances, you couldn't get the price. Let's dream and laugh!"

The girl said scornfully.

"By the way, I'll pay for what I eat tonight, and I'll spend 10000 yuan."

Lin Dong said with a smile.

"Ah? Why do you pay for Chen GE's treat

"You may not know that I owe Chen Ge ten thousand yuan, so that I can ask for him, and the IOU will be cancelled!"

Lin Dong thought, you can't take 10000 yuan back from Laozi!

I'd rather treat you than give it back.

"Well, let's go. I'll be off work soon."

The salesman was happy, too.

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At this time, Jiang Ran Ran's mobile phone rang.

It's Jiang Weidong calling.

"What's the matter? Don't you ask him to raise at least 800000, and I'll put him in a job? Why is it 500000? ""Dad, his car sold only 700000 yuan, to a friend of his!"

"This fool, this 500000, will give him a prize. As for the work, I can only think of a way later, hum!"

Jiang Weidong spoke coldly and hung up directly.

"Chen Ge, my father said..."

At this time, Jiang Ran Ran looked at Chen Ge with some embarrassment and told him that he had to wait for work.

Chen Ge faint smile: "I know, work need not help me to find, as for the night snack, you go to eat, I will not go, goodbye!"

Finish saying, throw Lin Dong's IOU from his pocket, Chen Ge leaves directly.

Chen Ge came out.

I don't know why, after being ridiculed by them, Chen Ge is not as angry as before.

After all, they are not the same people as themselves.

As for the Jiang family, they first contributed money to help the Jiang family recover from the dead, and then raised donations. It can be said that no matter how much gratitude my father owes, it should be paid back.

Pay off the debt of the father and the son, so it's all settled.

As for the future of the Jiang family, I don't have to worry about it.

What kind of meal are you going to eat with Jiang Ranran!

That night, Chen Ge went back to the hotel to sleep.

The next morning it was just over seven.

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My cell phone rings.

It was Li Xiao who called.

"Chen Ge, are you up? If it's OK, come to my store. I'll let your sister-in-law make breakfast. I have something to tell you. When the car is sold, come here first! "

Li Xiao said from the phone.

Last night, Li Xiao learned that Chen Ge may be in urgent need of money, so he entrusted all the relationships of his peers and social circles. At least, he found a buyer for Chen Ge as soon as possible.

Chen Ge, of course, Miss Li Xiao. In fact, Li Xiao doesn't call himself today. Chen GE has to go to Li Xiao.

Even before returning to Ping'an County, Chen Ge thought of him.

Now after washing and dressing, I went straight to Li Xiao's used car shop.

"Chen Ge, I'm really lucky. Last night a friend contacted the buyer for us. Ha ha, I sold you 1.85 million yuan. In this way, according to our agreement, I will supply you with 1.1 million yuan, and I will make 50000 yuan out of thin air! It's all to you

After arriving at the garage, Li Xiao pulled Chen Ge to his room and locked the door. He said mysteriously to Chen Ge.

Then he took the check and gave it to Chen Ge.

Chen Ge certainly won't want it.

Besides, Li Xiaolian doesn't make any money, which is unknown.

Just as they were pushing and shoving.

"Li Xiao, you open the door for me. Damn it, you tell me where is my 100000 yuan bankbook?"

Su Ting, who runs out of the kitchen, smashes the door and laughs at Li. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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